Sleeping in office: Ede poly staff, alumni, writes Buhari over Rector

Sleeping in office: Ede poly staff, alumni, writes Buhari over Rector

Staff members and alumni of Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State, have reportedly written to President Muhammadu Buhari, for disciplinary measures to be meted out to the institution's rector, John Adekolawole. This comes after the school's academic board, had in December 2020, passed a vote-of-no-confidence on the rector, accusing him of gross misconduct and maladministration.

Recall that the rector had come under public backlash and jest in December 2020, after being accused of installing a king-sized bed in his office to enable him to sleep at work Read here.

New reports have it that Adekolawole was reportedly indicted and suspended in 1995 for allegedly sexually harassing a woman in his office while serving as the director of the school of applied science and head of the department of science laboratory technology, an allegation he did not deny.

In the 10-paged letter addressed to President Muhammadu Buhari, stakeholders of the polytechnic called on him to step in and save the institution from completely going down the drain. They accused the Adekolawole administration of financial recklessness, absence from office without due diligence, desecration of office among others.

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