Most students think that it is only when they bring in microchips into the exam hall that one can say they have cheated.
Here are some other ways cheating can take place in the examination hall.
1. Mobile Phones
Even mobile phones are not allowed into the examination hall. Some students still smuggle theirs into the hall while somebody outside who has the answer to question sends it to them.
2. Math set and four figure table
Since bringing math set and four figure table to the examination hall is legal students normally scribble answers onto these equipments.
3. Exchange of question paper
This is something which has been going on since way back when. A student who has the answer writes them in his question paper and exchanges it with another student who doesn't know.
4. Smart devices
With the introduction of smart watches, programmable calculators etc students now use smart watches to store copies of their notes probably as images or as texts.
This kind of "expo" goes undetected because most invigilators are not tech-savvy.
5. Bribing the exam invigilator
This is something which happens all over the world and not only in Nigeria. Students who are financially capable pay some greedy invigilators money to allow them cheat in their exams.
6. Writing on body parts
This is normally practiced among the ladies who write "dubs" on their thighs.
7. Writing on clothing
Students write on their clothing: handkerchief, socks etc and sneak it into the exam hall.
8. Writing on footwear
Exams where slippers are allowed students write on the inside of their slippers and sneak it into the examination hall.
9. Use of finger codes
Sometime before the exams begin students would already have agreed on what answer each finger means. This is normally only used during an objective exam.
10. Bubble Gum
This technique requires the student buy a pack of bubble "chewing" gum unwrap the original contents, then write answers on the paper used to wrap the gum. They then wrap everything back so the invigilator would think that its just bubble gum and take it into the examination hall.