Sell your old, lower level books for cash

Sell your old, lower level books for cash

Tens of Thousands of students visit our website daily but only a handful are able to effectively use the free features on this website to their advantage.

Instead of letting your old, lower level books and lecture materials get eaten by rats or get taken over by mucus, why not just sell it off to younger students in your school and use the cash for something more useful?

It's very easy to sell your book using the SchoolGist website because we will market it for you for free.

Just follow these steps;

1. Take a photo of the cover page, back page or the sides. You will need at most 3 pictures.
2. Visit the "Free Classified Adverts" page by clicking here. In case of next time, the link is always available on our frontpage.
3. Scroll to "Books & magazines" and click on it.
4. Fill the form and submit.
5. Relax, SchoolGist will help you market it and you'll start receiving calls from potential buyers.

You can meet with the buyer in a public place, fast food or popular lecture hall in school to exchange the book for cash.

That's it! Hope you find this information useful.

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