2024 Science Without Borders Challenge | International Student Art Contest

2024 Science Without Borders Challenge | International Student Art Contest

Hey there! Are you fascinated by the mysteries of the ocean and love to express your creativity through art? If so, the Science Without Borders Challenge 2024 is calling your name. This international art contest is a unique way for students like you to engage in ocean conservation while showcasing your artistic talents.

What’s the Challenge About?

Theme: “Hidden Wonders of the Deep”

This year’s theme is “Hidden Wonders of the Deep”. Your task? Create artwork that captures the mysterious and unique creatures or ecosystems of the deep sea. It’s a chance to highlight the unseen beauty and diversity of our oceans.

Rewards for Your Creativity

Prizes to Win

The contest offers exciting prizes for the top entries:

  • 1st Place: £500
  • 2nd Place: £350
  • 3rd Place: £200

Additionally, there’s a “People’s Choice” award in each age category, with winners receiving a £50 scholarship.

Who Can Participate?

Eligibility Criteria

  • Age Group: Open to all students aged 11-19 years.
  • Education Level: You must be enrolled in primary or secondary school, or the home school equivalent. Sorry, college and university folks, this one’s not for you!
  • Age Categories: Artworks are judged in two age groups:
    • Students 11-14 years old
    • Students 15-19 years old

How to Apply

Application Deadline

Make sure to submit your entries by Monday, March 4, 2024. Late entries won’t be eligible, so don’t leave it till the last minute!

Application Process

Ready to dive in? Click here to apply for the Science Without Borders Challenge. Just fill out the form and upload your artwork.

Why Participate?

Besides the chance to win cool prizes, participating in the Science Without Borders Challenge is a fantastic way to:

  • Develop your artistic skills
  • Learn more about marine biology and conservation
  • Raise awareness about the importance of preserving our oceans


The Science Without Borders Challenge is more than just a contest; it’s a platform for young voices like yours to be heard in the global conversation about ocean conservation. So, grab your brushes, pencils, or digital tools, and let your imagination dive deep into the ocean’s hidden wonders.

Remember, the deadline is March 4, 2024. We can’t wait to see what you create!

RECOMMENDED: Check Here for More Scholarships and Opportunities.

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