We know many of you seeking admissions into any of these schools might need to know how much they pay in tuition. Below is a run down of the school fees of some Polytechnics in the country.
Note that this school fee is for new student entering for National Dimploma first year (ND1 1), and it exclude accomodation fees.
1 Moshood abiola poly #75000
2 Laspotech #38000
3 Federal poly oko #28000
4 Federal poly ilaro #30000
5 Federal poly bida #23000 (it varies with
6 Auchi polytechnic #27000
7 Osun poly #28000
8 Ibadan poly # 45000
9 Fed poly ado #29000
10 Owo poly #32000
11 Kaduna poly #24000
12 Abia poly #28000
13 Enugu state poly #26500
14 Kwara poly #21000
15 Nekede #32000.
If your school fees is not included above, and you are sure you know it, please add it in a comment below for other readers to view and be informed.
Prince Eluojo reporting for Mychoolcomm.com
We understand that today is this reporter's birthday. Happy Birthday to Judexelujo.