In this post we shall be discussing in details about the required scheme of work for mathematics JSS 3 first term, second term and third term. This will give teachers the general knowledge of what is expected by WAEC as a body in preparing pupils for their Junior West African Junior Secondary Certificate Examination (WAJSCE).
As usual, this is the continuation of the scheme of work for JSS2 mathematics first to third term. When going through the scheme of work for JSS 3 mathematics as seen in this post, you would observe that some topics in the scheme of work for JSS 3 mathematics third term can be seen in the scheme of work for mathematics JSS 3 1st term. This flow helps the pupils to understand the subject better as it is a continuation from the previous term.
In accordance with the ministry of education, it is adamant that all Junior secondary schools in Nigeria operate with the same scheme of work be it a private secondary school or public (government owned) secondary school. The ministry of education in order to align with the demands of WAEC as a body, makes compulsory the submission of the government approved scheme of work for all subjects offered in Junior and senior secondary school as parts of the requirements during the process of approval.
What is a scheme of work in the first place? a scheme of work is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of academic subjects. The scheme of work for secondary schools in Nigeria, whether Junior or Senior secondary school, maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, quizzes, homework and even up to midterm breaks for the academic session ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.
To further emphasize the importance of this document, the scheme of work is the complete guide on all academic activities enforced by the Federal government of Nigeria through the ministry of education on all Junior secondary schools in Nigeria as it relates not just to the subjects but the academic session as a whole. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.
Scheme of work for Mathematics in JSS 3 (Junior Secondary School 3) are the same for both private and public secondary schools in Nigeria, that is, the scheme of work for a private school is the same with that of public or government owned secondary schools, principals and teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria are to adhere to the approved scheme of work as mandated by the ministry of education.
Mathematics as a course is one of the most dreaded subjects amongst students in junior secondary schools. The scheme of work provided here would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics and subtopics but also, devise more practical ways of imparting this knowledge on the pupils.
We have realized that the search for the government approved scheme of work for mathematics has been on the rise, reason being that mathematics is one of the most important subjects offered in Junior and senior secondary schools. It is also an important admission requirements for admission into any higher institution. The fact that the scheme of work for mathematics in Junior secondary is the same irrespective of whether the school if public or private, it makes it much easier and brings about uniformity in the educational sector.
This post is quite a lengthy one as it provide in full details, the government approved scheme of work for all topics and sub-topics for Mathematics for JSS 3 first term, second term and 3rd term.
For those interested in starting up a secondary school either in Kaduna, Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Akwa Ibom, Kano or any state in Nigeria, it would be wise to go through the government approved guidelines for establishing a secondary school in Nigeria as this would guide you through the process and give you first hand information on all requirements that must be put in place before your school can be approved or termed Government Approved.
The scheme of work for JSS 3 Mathematics first term covers subjects like Number Bases, Computer Application, Word Problems, Interpretation of word problems involving product and division into numerical, Proportion and Variation, Approximations and Factorization.
While 2nd term covers Simple equation involving fractions. Word problems involving, Simultaneous Equation (Elimination Method and Substitution Method) Similar Shapes, Trigonometry, Construction, Revision of Mean, Medium and Mode and Revision of pie charts.
Please note that the scheme of work for JSS 3 Mathematics provided here is for 1st term, 2nd term and 3rd term as approved by Lagos state government, Federal government and other states in Nigeria in alliance with WAEC.
What You Stand To Gain From This Post
- Government approved Scheme of work for Mathematics for JSS 3 (first term)
- Government approved Scheme of work for Mathematics for JSS 3 (Second term)
- Government approved Scheme of work for Mathematics for JSS 3 (Third term)
Government Approved Scheme of Work For Mathematics JSS 3 (1st 2nd and 3rd Term)
This is to notify all tutors as regards the update on the unified scheme of work for mathematics for the []/[] academic session. Please note that in addition to the scheme below, a PDF file has been made available for you to download for free of charge at the end of this post.
Number Bases
- Converting decimal to other bases
- Converting other bases to base ten
Number Bases
- Multiplication and division in non-decimal bases.
Computer Application
- Use of punch cards to store information. b.Translating information on punch cards to coded form. Writing familiar words in coded form.
Word Problems
- Translating word problems into numerical expression.
- Interpretation of word problems involving sum and difference into numerical
Interpretation of word problems involving product and division into numerical
- Combining division, product with sum and difference in word
Proportion and Variation
- Direct and inverse proportion. b.Direct and inverse variation. c.Joint and partial variation
- Approximating to decimal places and significant figures.
- Calculating and approximating to whole numbers.
- Calculating and approximating to given significant figures.
- Removing brackets
- Factorization of taking common factors.
- Simplifying calculation by factorization.
- Factorization of quadratic expression
- Factorization of perfect squares.
- Factorization of difference of two squares.
1 Simple equation involving fractions.
Word problems involving
Simultaneous Equation
- Elimination Method
- Substitution Method
Simultaneous Equation
- Graphical Method
- Word problems leading to simultaneous equation
Similar Shapes
- Calculation of similar
- Change of Subject Formula
- Tangent of angles
- Sine and cosine of angles
- Bisection of line and angle
- Construction of 90o, 450, 600 and 300
- Statistics
Revision of Mean, Medium and Mode
- Revision of pie charts
Download the Unified Scheme of work for Mathematics JSS 1-3 1st, 2nd & 3rd term 2024/2025 Session – PDF
This is the government approved scheme of work for JSS 3 (Junior secondary school 3) mathematics from first to third term currently in Nigeria, However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes.
If you have any questions as regards Scheme of Work For Mathematics JSS 3 (First Term, 2nd Term and 3rd Term) please feel free to do that via the comment box below and we shall respond accordingly.