SANSA International Space Weather Camp for Students 2022

SANSA International Space Weather Camp for Students 2022

The Space Weather Camp is coming to South Africa for the fourth time since its inception in 2011. Initially the ISWC (formerly JSWSC, Joint Space Weather Summer Camp) was a partnership between DLR, University of Rostock and University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAHuntsville). The collaboration was extended in 2015 with SANSA joining DLR and UAHuntsville in participating and hosting in a trilateral arrangement.

The Camp consists of a series of lectures, hands-on projects and other interesting activities. The lecture subject matter covers various aspects related to Space Weather, comprising cosmic ray particle transport theory, plasma physics, solar physics, heliospheric physics, computer simulations for modelling and understanding local Space Weather, and the impact on Earth’s atmosphere, satellites, and space.

About South African National Space Agency (SANSA)

The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) came into being in December 2010, but South Africa’s involvement with space research and activities started many decades earlier with helping early international space efforts in the second half of the 20th century, and observing the Earth’s magnetic field at stations around Southern Africa. SANSA was created to promote the use of space and strengthen cooperation in space-related activities while fostering research in space science, advancing scientific engineering through developing human capital, and supporting industrial developme.... read more

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International Space Weather Camp

Application Deadline28 Feb 2022
Country to studySouth Africa
SponsorSouth African National Space Agency (SANSA)
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of International Space Weather Camp

Successful applicants will be fully funded to participate in the ISWC 2021. Funding will include airtime for the virtual part and transport, accommodation and meals for the second part of the Camp on condition that the applicant attended all the virtual sessions.

Requirements for International Space Weather Camp Qualification

Applicants must be final year BSc Hon/BEng or Masters students in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Electronics and must be South African citizens or permanent residents.

Interview date, Process and Venue for International Space Weather Camp

The ISWC will take place in two parts, with the first part taking place virtually from 01 – 15 June 2022 due to COVID-19 health risks and travel restrictions. The second part will be held in August 2021 at the South African National Space Agency (SANSA) Hermanus facility for the South African students who successfully completed the first part of the camp.

Application Deadline

February 28, 2022

How to Apply

Applications are now open and close on 28 February 2022

For more details, visit SANSA website.

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