Samuel Maduka Onyishi African Entrepreneurship Foundation, SAMOEF scholarship application form for UNN students is out. Educational Poverty Reduction for the Nigerian Poor.

Samuel Maduka Onyishi African Entrepreneurship Foundation (SAMOEF) Institute Of African Studies, University Of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) call for scholarship application.
On behalf of the Vice Chancellor, University of Nigeria and the Donor, Dr Samuel Maduka Onyishi , the Board and Management of SAMOAEF want to use this opportunity to make public the 2014 call for scholarship application for the award of the Dr Samuel Maduka Onyishi African Entrepreneurship Foundation(SAMOAEF),University of Nigeria. The application forms will be available at the Institute of African Studies or at its online portal within the University official website. The present call is only for undergraduates of Universities in Nigeria as those who are not bona fide students of our Universities need not apply since their applications would not be processed by the SAMOAEF Management. The same non-viability status applies to those who are already Graduates of Universities. The forms will be available at the Institute of African studies or online through the Institute of African Studies page of the University of Nigeria.
Conditions for shortlisting and successful Application;
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Only applicants who satisfy the following requirements would be considered for the next step of short listing by the Selection Committee. Those who fail to satisfy these requirements for successful application will not be considered valid for shortlisting:
- The applications forms must be collected only by bonafide authentic University Undergraduates in Nigeria;
- Original letters of authentication must be signed by the Heads of Departments of the candidates on original letterhead of the Department;
- A signed letter of integrity and good behavior from a clergy man/woman on the Church’s letterhead;
- Claims of Deceased Parentage/orphanage must be accompanied by Original Death certificates of recognized hospitals;
- Claims of disability or physical challenge must be backed by a strong evidence such as pictures or Doctors report. Physically challenged applicants must state so in their applications;
- Only those who send in their well completed applications forms with accompanying documentation within 25 days from the date of this advertisement on UNN Portal will be considered.
- Candidates must identify their state of origin, local Governments and their wards for proper documentation with their current phone numbers for access by the SAMOAEF Secretariat.
Click Here to download the application form.
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