RSUST schedule for 32nd convocation ceremony and 40th anniversary celebration

RSUST schedule for 32nd convocation ceremony and 40th anniversary celebration

This is to inform the University Community that the 32 Convocation Ceremony and 40 Anniversary of the University is scheduled to hold on Tuesday, 15 December, 2020 by 9:30am at the Convocation Arena.

The details of the programme of events are as follows:

1. Thursday, 10th December, 2020

Time: 9.00am -4:00pm

Events: Collection of Gowns, Brochures and scrolls

Venue: Faculties/Departments  

2. Friday 11th December, 2020

Time: 9.00am -4:00pm

Events: Collection of Gowns, Brochures and scrolls

Venue: Faculties/Departments 

3. Sunday 13th Deceber, 2020

Time: 10.00am -5:00pm

Events: Interdenominational Church Thanksgiving service & Alumni/Graduate Night

Venue:Protestant Chaplatncy, Chapel of Redemption RSU, Port-Harcourt

4. Mon2day 14th Dec, 2020

Time: 9.00am, 12:00noon, 3:00pm & 6:00pm

Events: Pres conference, Exhibition, 32nd Convocation/40th Anniversary Lecture titled; 'The Rule of Law: Total Adherence as the Panacea for the Restoration of Securtity, Law and Order in Nigeria' & endowment/Fund raising

Venue: Vice chancellor's conference room, Amphitheatre, Faculty of Law Auditorium & Vice chancellor's Lodge

5. Tuesday 15th Dec, 2020

Time: 9:30am

Events: Installation of chancellor/convocation ceremony

Venue: convocation area

All staff are expected to participate to make the 32 Convocation Ceremony and 40 Anniversary celebrations a success

All COVID-19 protocols should be observed, especially the wearing of facemask during the events.

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