Riot in ANSU Over Tuition Fees as Students Chase Lecturers Out of Exam Halls

Riot in ANSU Over Tuition Fees as Students Chase Lecturers Out of Exam Halls

The Anambra
State University(ANSU) Uli, is
currently in chaos as students
battle Anti-cults squad over
over tuition fees issues.
There’s great tension right now
in Anambra State University
(ANSU), Uli, Campus following
the continual sending out of
students from the Examination
hall for not paying their tuition

Trouble as reported began
when some students of the
engineering department of
ANSU were beaten by d
University’s anti-cult unit(a.k.a
MPIAWAZU) after being caught
sneaking into the examination
hall without paying their tuition
fees.The incident happen to have
angered their fellow colleagues
who were still outside the hall
and they showed their
annoyance by casting stones
and other nearby objects at the
anti cult squad.

Other students of ANSU who
also witnessed the Incident
joined in the Fun in casting
objects and the anti cult unit
where successfully chased out
of the University premises only
to return back with a team of
Mobile policemen from Ihiala.
Even as this report is being
composed, the trouble still
looms as the students have
completely destroyed the anti
cult office as well as the
Anambra State University(ANSU)
Vice Chancellor’s office
The raging students happen to
have stopped all ongoing
examinations after chasing all
lecturers and Invigilators from
the examination halls and

The situation at hand could
terminate all further
examinations until the issue is
attended to.

This report was shared by a 300L
student of the Computer
Science department of the
Anambra state University

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