All 2013/2014 prospective candidates of the Enugu State University of science and Technology (ESUT) who have registered for the post UTME screening exercise are invited to ESUT screening exercise at the ESUT permanent campus, Agbani on the days and time indicated below beginning from 9.00am each day.
DAY ONE (24/7/2013):
Engineering (9.00am)
Applied Natural Sciences (12.00 noon)
DAY TWO (25/7/2013):
Management Sciences (9.00am)
Environmental Sciences (12.00 noon)
DAY THREE (26/7/2013):
Law & Agriculture (9.00am)
Medicine & Social Sciences (12.00 noon)
All direct entry candidates who made ESUT their first or second choice are also to sit for the screening test. They are required to access the screening forms and other information about the screening online as stated above and request their institutions to forward to ESUT Registrar, transcripts of their results.
The general public is advised to be mindful of fake website by Dupes and to note that www.esutportal.net is the only official website of ESUT for this admission exercise.
Please note that any candidate who fails to appear for the screening automatically forfeits his/her chance of being considered for admission.
Mobile Phones, Walkman, IPod, IPad and other similar gadgets are not allowed into the screening hall.