Friends saw this in Nairaland guess it will be helpful to every fresher;
"This is based on my experience and other information I gathered from some students in my school and around me, and I’ll be sharing it to ya’ll.
Enjoy you read and please whatever needs fixing
should be fixed.
1: Failure to set their priorities right: Most students
find themselves in the university or college and tend
to think live is just a straight road without setting
goals or something to achieve, they just go to class
just because when you are in school you must go
to class, some don’t even go at all. Setting your
priorities right means planning ahead of time, know
what you are in for and how soon you can achieve
your goals.
2: The type of company they keep: higher institution
I a place where you will surely get to meet people of
different background, ethnic group and belief, and it
takes a bad type to know who is bad to keep up
with. Being a fresher is not a crime, but most
fresher won’t stop forming “NA WE DEY HERE”,
yeah cos they wanna be heard about, and they tend
to walk with people who can only get out of their
lives without adding a pinch.
3: Over engagement: Hmmm, at this junction I have
to clarify the difference between school and a
worship place or a business arena, yeah we
understand that fingers are not equal, reason why
some student fend form them while all you do is
just to put a call through to your dad or mum, but
I’ve come to realize that studying and business
might go together but not as expected, more so,
some students have turned their worship place into
a lecture room, they call it serving God brings
perfection and success, but I,ll remind you now in
case you forgot that your primary mission in school
is to read well and graduate with something worth it.
4: Failure to understand yourself: well, you might
ask what that mean, am gonna tell you,
understanding yourself means knowing what
exactly work for you, are you the type who takes a
coffee before you can read, perhaps you can hardly
read with candle, do you even read at night? , oh oh
oh so you’ve been working against yourself just
because bro Jack goes to night classes doesn’t
mean he knows more than you do, I tell you now
that I met lot of scholars in my first year who can’t
do without clubbing every weekend, yet they are
doing really well in their studies. So sit yourself
down and understand your philosophy.
5: Social life: well, I can’t blame it all on facebook,
IG, whatsapp even 2go, gosh this social media apps
are just not gonna stop to make and mar people’s
dreams, technology has so much grown in the last
few years, students now connect with anybody
anywhere in the world “the world is global” that you
just said abi? Yeah but I still don’t get why you stick
to your phone chatting and reading lots of gist while
you should be in class or even writing a test, a Prof,
sometime asked why students now fail woefully, a
student whispered to my ears and said “there was
no FB, IG and 2go in your time” I couldn’t help but
6: The extroverts: I don’t know how to categorize
this well, but am gonna try to make you understand,
gaining admission into higher institution is enough to
call an achievement, but I tell you that’s just the
beginning of your quest, in remember how many
people I called during my first year just to tell them I
gained admission, even people I don’t really talk to ,
I later thought over it and asked “why am I doing
this” try to ask yourself the same question. Perhaps
you are the type who can’t just keep your
happiness to yourself, I dare you to start doing that
now, who knows you might just get lucky to change
7: Lack of parental advice or care: This should be
for the parents, you have done well to pay for her
school fees but on the part of caring oooooops you
have done woefully bad, when last did you call her
to ask if everything was fine, when last did you
even visit her in school, I tell you students change
in a blink of an eye, don’t be afraid if she returns
home acting all weird, yeah you caused it. Do you
even call her to encourage her to press on and not
to get tired, oh “no one was there to tell me all
these” is what u keep saying, stand up and fix this
8: Misuse of freedom: Now you are in school and
no one to say “hey Dave, wash those plates”
hmmmmm, well you might be free indeed but how
do you manage your freedom, playing video games
when you ought to be in class, seeing a friend at
10pm or even smoking and drinking, it doesn’t help
you a bit, try to fix that
9: Lack of Self-confidence: This is the major reason
why student fail a lot, even after you’ve read every
material expected of you, you still feel empty in the
skull, it’s not because you are dull but because you
have not built your self-confidence, are you the
type that rehearse just a single sentence just to
approach your lecturer to clarify something to you?
You don’t need to, he’s not God and surely he
started from somewhere too.
10: Lack of plan/procrastination: most student fail
to plan, plan as I know it is a laid down schedule or
protocol to observe at a particular point in time, do
you even have time to construct a time-table of
your own, do u keep those assignments in your bag
when you should take them out and answer, saying
it’s not yet time for submission, I’ll do it later. But
we all know later might end up being submission
day or even beyond that."
SOURCE: http://speak4us.blogspot.com/2015/01/reasons-why-students-fail-in-their.html