Hello dear students, my name is Wilfred and I would like us to discuss about a controversial topic that may, in one way or the other, contribute to your success or failure in this forthcoming Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
Cheating in various exams has always been a topic of controversy in Nigeria in the recent one decade with increasing use of Mobile Phones, Tablets and all kinds of portable Internet enabled devices allowing students far more opportunities to cheat.
Of course cheating is dishonest. It''s not fair if the students who cheat have an advantage over those that don''t. No wonder the ancient Greek philosopher Sophocles wrote, "I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating."
The truth is this, diligent users of this website (SchoolGist''ers) do not cheat, but they pass. We do our best to provide our students with all they need, with convenience of not having to go through stress. This year, we gave you a Free JAMB class, Free JAMB Test and an optional Computer Based Practice Material. So why would you not pass if you used them?
For some people, the idea of preparing students well ahead of an exam is completely an alien concept. Cheating is a way for them to win and get what they want. Honor and dishonor are meaningless if they win. They easily see the advantages in cheating (if any), but often don''t look at, or ignore, the potential dangers in playing by their own rules instead of following the norms or true scholarship.
A Habit Becomes A Rut
Cheating successfully once often leads to cheating again. And again. It can quickly become a habit that turns into a chronic lifestyle. Without cheating, you become afraid of failure or being exposed as someone in over his head. Even simple tasks that you could easily do yourself become another opportunity to game the system. It becomes a filter through which you begin to see others, influencing your view of them. If they win big at something, it''s easy for you to believe that they must have cheated, because you know you would have. If you lose at something, it also must be because someone cheated on you. This is a rut in our system that you must resist if you wish to be useful to yourself!
Cheating Destroys a Life
The punishment for cheating at examinations (especially in JAMB) in this country is harsh- but not any harsher than companies treat employees who cheat. A cashier in a supermarket who is suspected of cheating will never again be trusted by co-workers even if nothing is proven. A business owner who cheats his customers will soon be out of business when word spreads. Cheating as an adult can land a prison time, financial and family ruin, and shunning by others. While many cheaters never get formally exposed, word eventually gets around as to who should be avoided within a company or social setting.
Now Let Me Warn You!
There are many illiterates out there, in your residents, over the internet and around your exam centers who claim to know everything. They can easily plan to trick you to believing they can help you pass by either sending you answers through test messages or otherwise. Shame on you if you get deceived!
Do your final revision, and go to the exam hall. No doubt you will pass. Shun cheating and avoid repeating JAMB again.
I accept questions below, and I am ready to answer all your questions and to guide you free of charge. If you have anything worrying you, or you think someone is about to trick you, simply request for help. I am happy when my students succeed, not when they fail. Ask questions below and I will help you.