Read me! Uniuyo Aspirants

Read me! Uniuyo Aspirants

I wish to let all that aspire to be students of uniuyo and are writing or going to write the Post-UTME of the institution;

1. Dont attempt to engage in exam malpractice because if you are caught, you will be handed over to the police.
2. It is erroneously believed that there's enough time during the test especially the time on the timetable. But you would be shocked that you have a minimum of 45 mins and a maximum of 1hr.
3. Please come with the following unfailingly;
- 2 red background passport
- Your jamb slip
- Your Post-UTME Registration slip
4. The test is 100 obj questions, 25 per subject. You will be using an OMR sheet which is writing - sensitive. Don't place or write on it except where you are asked to shade. And if you fail to shade well, you won't have result
5. Read instructions
6. Finally, ask questions. The university will not be held responsible for anything you might have been faced with. Many feel too big and carry that seniority mentality of Secondary School. That does not hold in the University
7. Just got wind of this, expect a shocker in your subject combination. You can check the school website for this or call me (Dankol) on 07038126711. You can add me on 2go wit tod11.
Though i may post it later but i'm not sure

Well, there are lots to say but can't say all. A word is enough for the wise. Wish you all d best

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