We will like to bring some of the questions that were set by JAMB for the 13th May UTME Examination, so we can debate on the correct answers for the questions.
Since the exam has been concluded, it can now be termed as Past Questions. Please note also that JAMB has promised NEVER to repeat any question set in previous days. In fact, some reports claim the JAMB changes questions every 5 minutes.
READ ALSO: JAMB 2017 UTME Experience For 13th May – Share Here
Even though some centres delayed in starting the exam, most of the questions set on one day were largely the same nationwide, raising concerns of some of the actual questions being shared online by early writers, and getting to other candidates who perhaps are still outside, waiting to be checked into the hall.
Back to why this thread was created. We (SchoolGist) obviously will not be sharing any question directly, so we are leaving this to candidates who wrote on 13th May. If you can remember any questions you wish to share, maybe because you would like to find out the correct answer to the question and put your mind at rest, please share here.
If you are having doubts about a particular question and it's correct answer or if you just want to help better prepare others who are yet to write (Remember, the questions won't be repeated, according to JAMB), please feel free to share it here.
READ ALSO: Live Updates for JAMB 2017 UTME 13th May
This thread is specifically to share actual questions that came out on 13th May. Please don't go around posting list of several past questions you copied somewhere on the internet. We saw some users posting questions from the previous Novel (Last Days at Forcados). Please scrutinize and verify the questions before posting them here. We simply want to collectively learn.
If you can remember only 3 or 4 questions, that's enough too, we will appreciate.