The Nigeria-Sao Tome and Principe Joint Development Authority (JDA) has since 2005 as part of its capacity-building scheme for Nigerian Youths in collaboration with operating partners have offered scholarships and undertaken social projects in Nigerian schools as its modest contribution towards the development of the education sector.
Further to the above, they have requested that the Kaduna State Government provide them with the details of 100 qualified indigent students from the state to benefit from the scholarship scheme.
In line with the transparency and equal opportunity policy of the Kaduna State scholarship and Loans Board, the Board is thereby opening up the opportunity for every indigenous citizen of Kaduna State to apply.
All applicants must be willing to undergo the necessary background checks to verity their economic status to determine their need.
Scholarship Requirement
1. Applicants must be undergraduate students in their first year of study.
2. Applicant must have a minimum of credit grade in any five subject including Mathematics and English in at least two sittings
Apply now through bttps://kdsg-scholarship.com/jobscholarshiptype/1/4
Application closes on 8th February, 2021