List Of Public Health Nursing Programmes In Nigeria And Their Requirements

List Of Public Health Nursing Programmes In Nigeria And Their Requirements

Talking about Public Health Nursing programmes in Nigeria, Nurses are very integral in the provision of healthcare services. Who can forget the midwife, the caregiver, during those days your mum or wife couldn’t get to the hospital on time and needed to bring a child into the world?

The roles of our caregivers go beyond just child delivery. Being the oldest role in the field of Health, nurses are the set of professionals that give more hands-on care to medical-attention-seekers in different conditions.

For this reason, it is essential that our aspiring nurses get all the needed training and knowledge they require to become professional caregivers.


List of Schools Offering Public Health Nursing In Nigeria And Their Requirements

Part of the things you should know alongside public health nursing programs and requirements is the schools that have gained approval to provide nurse courses in Nigeria.

  1. Gwagwalada Abuja, F.C.T School Of Nursing

This nursing institution comes out as one of the foremost in educational and living standard. You can find the school at the capital city of Abuja, Gwagwalada, Abuja, as we know, is the capital state of the nation. For the same reason, it is no surprise to see this educational ground at the front of its peers.

The FCT School of Nursing has a broad curriculum that it offers to its aspiring nurses. Educatees who go there get introduced to the lots of amenities the educational ground has purchased to ensure that all the informational needs of their students are supplied. Hence, you can be sure of getting an outstanding approach to lectures.

The administration has also put in place several nursing programs to ensure their students can follow whichever fits their educational level.

On a final note, the tuition fees in this school are about N 200,000, which is low among its peers.

  1. Benin Teaching Hospital, School of Nursing (UBTH)

The Benin Teaching Hospital school of nursing is part of the renown University of Benin and as such, high-standard education is what people look forward to from the educational establishment.

This school is a pacesetter for others to follow. The Benin School of Nursing has a winning streak of providing expert nurses for several decades. Till date, the university is yet to drop in quality.

Based on what it is known for, the university always has many entrants fighting their way to gain admission into the institution.

As an educatee of this prestigious school, you get introduced to lots of innovative medical equipment, state-of-the-art laboratory, experienced teachers, and high staffs.

  1. Ibadan Hospital University School of Nursing College

This nursing school is different from the rest. When founded in 1952, part of the institution’s objectives was to create exceptional nursing professionals who are vast in knowledge, discipline,and character. For this reason, this educational ground has remained one of the unique and esteemed nursing schools to gain admission into.

As an aspiring nurse, if you get admitted into this school, you are ushered into an environment that goals to bring out caregivers who can change the way the nursing profession works for good,

Based on these objectives, the School of Nursing in Ibadan Hospital educates its pupils to the point of an international standard. You get the chance to practicalize what you are taught in its well-equipped laboratories.

For those who need to gain extra-knowledge about the field during their spare time, the institution owns a modern library filled with lots of books to satisfy the mental appetite of their students.

  1. The Teaching Hospital of Ahmado Belo University, School of Nursing:

Ahmado Belo teaching hospital is among the top proficien thealth care centers we have in the country, Nigeria. A muckle of people in the country who have at one point ventured to the institution will confirm its unique services and standard.

As an educational institution, its arm of School of Nursing is not short in quality.From the environment, people to culture, those who go through this school do not come back the same. This institution is the kind that makes an impression on the lives of its student.

As an aspirant, getting admission into this school is difficult. Many do try and fail. However, if you are opportune to enter, expect to be molded into a professional nurse.

  1. School of Nursing at The University of Nigeria

This institution is another best choice to have your nursing training. The school has a reputation it upholds till date: providing various means of passing down knowledge. Those who have the chance to sit in one of their classes, find it hard to forget what he or she were taught.

As the university claims, it aims to become a pacesetter for other Nursing schools in the country to follow. Due to this objective, the University of Nigeria keeps bringing out fresh graduates who have passed through stringent training and lessons to become experts in their field.

Being a graduate of this school means you can fit into vital positions in international organizations like W.H.O. 


Just like other fields in the medical sector of life, there are several levels of education a nurse can undergo. These stages of training are tagged programs.For those who will be entering the university soon to become professional nurses, it is essential to know the programs offered and the benefits that come with each stage. It will help you make an informed decision regarding your educational goals.

  1. The High National Diploma (HND)

While some people argue among the field that this program is no longer functioning as most institutions offering the School of Nursing are updating to the BNSc program, some institutions still provide it.

If you choose to start your Nursing journey through this program, you get trained for 18 months in the educational ground offering it.

The school does not conduct the last evaluation or exam. The Health Examination Board of West Africa (WAHEB) are the ones who preside over this test. When the examinationis over,and the results come out, those educatees who pass get admitted into the list of Registered Nurses (RN) by the Council of Nigeria Nursing and Midwifery.

If you choose to follow this root, to further your education into the Master and Ph.D. programs, you have to upgrade your certificate by going to the University to run a brief  Public Health course.

  1. The Undergraduate Program (BNSc)

For those aspiring to go straight to the University to study Public health nursing, this is mostly a five years training period. For you to get admitted into the university to study nursing under this program, you have first to pass the UTME examination: Unified Tertiary Matriculation Exam.

Those who decide to go through the first program before coming to the university for a BNSc certificate get to continue their education in the second year as DE: Direct Entrants. Due to this condition, their years in the university is shortened to four years. The shorter duration of the training period is so because they have already gained some knowledge in Higher institution regarding the subject.

To be certified as professional BNSc nurses, educatees have to complete the university’s admission requirements and that of the NMNC (Nigeria Council of Nursing and Midwifery).

  1. The Post Graduate Program

The Postgraduate program is of three parts: Master of Science program, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy program, and Doctor of Philosophy.

From Nursing Education to Community Health Nursing, you can be trained in any of this programs.

  1. The Master Degree Program

Only those who have gone through the BNSc program are eligible to aspire for this training. In this education level, entrants get led through series of coursework and research. The students of this level of nursing education can only present the results of their projects as a dissertation. This paper which is holding their findings is then defended in an oral exam. The examiner is usually external.

The class works you will deal with throughout your program will be written on paper and examined thus; no oral needed,

To be awarded the Master’s degree you have to make sure you exceed the cutoff marks in Semadinars you will be asked to hold, in courses exams and class works, and other school requirements.

You should note that you can be retrenched, removed if you do not keep up above the 2.50 GP per semester. Meaning that all the financial investment you have so far made in getting the degree may go to waste if you do not tighten your seat-belt and exceed your academic expectation.

  1. The Masters and D. Program

If you aspire to get the two degrees at once, you can have that done,but it comes with a price. To step out of the university with your M.Sc and Ph.D. awards concurrently, first, you might have to take all the master courses available in your selected school. The factor that determines whether you should go for all the classes as an aspirant for double awards lies on your chosen line of Nursing Discipline, and the recommendation of your Departmental Committee.

With that first requirement covered, to start up your Ph.D. courses while on the Masters,  you have to have at least 4.00 GPA in your classwork. The board will conduct an assessment test to see if you attained that height before approving you to study for both degrees.

If you fail to meet the requirement, it is likely that you request will be declined. However, if you pass the cut off mark, you are given a chance to choose your Ph.D. courses and complete your dream.

  1. PhD. Program

Once you are done with your masters, you can take the education level higher by applying for the award of Ph.D. which is given after exceeding the program’s requirements.

Educatees who are studying in this stage of Nursing education are required to register for all the available courses. They can also choose some Masters courses if they like and it gets approved. You can either choose these master courses to learn or audit them

When you gain admission into the Ph.D. degree program, you commence the continuous process of coursework examination. During your research moments, you are instructed to conduct extensive research in your area of specialty. Just like for the master’s folks, you get to defend your studies through oral examination by an external evaluator.

You should note that your thesis which is the compilation of the studies you carried out do not get a grade mark like in the Master’s program. You either fail or pass the examination. Based on your thesis result, seminar conclusion, and other requirements, you gain the award of Ph.D.

Requirements For Public Health Nursing Programmes In Nigeria

1. The program of General Nursing (RN):

  • You must present your SSCE: Secondary School Certificate: where you passed all the required subjects.
  • If you fail to have an SSCE, depending on the school, you will be asked to present your equivalent, where you passed all the subjects needed.
  • The usual subjects needed are Biology, Chemistry, Health Science (health science and biology can be substituted), English language, Math, and depending on if you decide to go for one out of the two substitute above, one more course of your choosing making it Five courses you must pass.

2. The Post-Basic Midwifery Program

This is an optional course for RN certificate holders. When passed you get the Registered Midwife (RM) award.

3. The BNSc program

  • You must credit five courses in your SSCE or WAEC examination.
  • You must score these subjects in two seating maximum.
  • The courses to credit are Biology, Math, Physics, English, and Physics.
  • Direct entrants need only their RN or RM certificates.
  • To graduate you must conclude a one-year internship in a recommended Health Facility.

4. Masters and Doctorate program:

  • Transcript might be needed.


Here goes the public Health Nursing Programs And their Requirements. You should note that when you get your RM or your RN, you are already a qualified nurse to a certain standard. Based on this fact, you can work in various Public Health facilities and even private. Despite this, you will need to upgrade your knowledge at some point.

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