ProVeg Grant Program (Up to $30,000 per year) 2023

ProVeg Grant Program (Up to $30,000 per year) 2023

ProVeg Grants offers funding to diet-change organizations and projects, aligning with ProVeg‘s mission to reduce the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040.

Since 2019, ProVeg International has offered over 300 grants to organizations and individuals in 70 countries. We are honored to be supporting the movement with financial and capacity building support, and we look forward to learning more about your approaches, successes and challenges so that we can make the global movement even more impactful.

We invite you to submit your interest for applying which will be reviewed by the ProVeg Grants team. If the details you provide match our criteria for applying, you will receive a link to a full application form.

About ProVeg

ProVeg International is a food awareness organisation working to transform the global food system by replacing 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040. ProVeg engages with all relevant stakeholders to create a food system where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet. ProVeg has received the United Nations’ Momentum for Change Award and works closely with key UN food and environment agencies. We have observer status with the UNFCCC and the IPCC, special consultative status with ECOSO... read more

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ProVeg Grant Program

Application Deadline01 Sep 2023
TypeCollege School
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of ProVeg Grant Program

  • ProVeg Grants offers financial support between $5,000 – $30,000 per year, as well as tailored support from ProVeg International’s Intervention Experts.
  • We aim to fund many high-quality proposals, grants are limited and, unfortunately, not all applications will be awarded. In all cases, grant selection is at the sole discretion of ProVeg International.

Requirements for ProVeg Grant Program Qualification

We are currently prioritizing proposals for the following interventions:

  • School or university catering programs
  • Other institutional catering programs
  • Corporate rankings
  • V-Label 
  • Transforming national dietary guidelines
  • Lobbying for more plant-forward policies
  • Events (B2B conferences, vegfests or medical summits)
  • Challenge based campaigns
  • Unrestricted general operating support (for organizations who have already received a ProVeg Grant, with a track record of success in vegan advocacy)

If your proposed intervention does not appear in this list, we’re still interested to hear about your ideas and invite you to register your interest through the link above.

Interview date, Process and Venue for ProVeg Grant Program


  • ProVeg International supports organizations and individuals that:
    • Work towards ProVeg International’s mission to reduce the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040
    • Prioritizes all animal species equally (for instance, does not benefit cows at the cost of increasing consumption of chickens)
    • Aim to reduce or eliminate demand or consumption of animal products
    • Only conduct work around diet change, food systems change, or alt-proteins, and do not conduct animal welfare activities, community projects, or other non-diet or non-plant-based, cultured, or fermented food work.
    • Consistently demonstrates a positive reputation with their stakeholders and community, and can contribute to ProVeg International’s positive reputation
    • Align with ProVeg Grants Program’s safe space and respectful workplace values
    • Are outside the United States and/or are not an international chapter of US-based organizations

Application Deadline

September 1, 2023

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to ProVeg on to apply

For more details,visit ProVeg website

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