This project work titled THE ROLE OF THE PARENTS-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (PTA) IN DEVELOPMENT OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 75
Background of the Study
In Nigeria, education for a long time was almost a private enterprise. The missionaries individual and some voluntary organizations shoulder the respective responsibilities of providing education for teeming and over increasing population of the country. In 1973, the, Bendel State government education edict of the previous year (1972) resolved the ownership and control of educational institutions and of economy from these private organizations individual and religious groups. This was done largely with a view to ensuring that the interest served by education is entirely Nigerian. As would be expressed there was an increase in the number of schools under state control. This brought in the numerous administrative and financial problems. As this situation was not bad enough, the government of professor Ambrose Alli declared free education in 1979, at the same time, Allis government encouraged communities to establish more colleges on their own and also take active part in their day to day running. With the increase in the number of schools and students in 1972, it became clear that government efforts alone cannot sustain the schools system. A direct result of this was that schools financing and physical development also became a partnership between the state government and the people represented by a body known as parent teachers association.
The Bendel state education edict of 1972 earlier given legal backing and encouragement to the formulation of parents teachers association in schools. The parents teachers association with an executive body of twelve members known as the school committee among others empowered by law to perform the following functions.
1.                 Making representation to be board or local teaching service committee as the case may be on matters affecting the school.
2.                 Co-ordination of local voluntary efforts such as the provision of financial and assistance to the school
3.                 Subject to the provision of this law doing such things as may effectively enhance the tone and efficiency of the schools.
4.                 Provision of suitable liaison between teachers and parents on the hand between the parents teachers association and the commission, local teaching committee or the ministry of education, as the case may be on the other.
Inspite of the official recognition of the role of the parents teachers association in the school system, not many people are aware of its function well as its problem. It is for these reactions that the researcher has decided to investigate the evaluate the perceived actual roles and problems of parents teachers association in the primary school system in Esan South Local Government Area of Edo State.
          In this study the researcher intend to investigate and evaluate some of the roles of parents teachers association in primary school in Esan South  Local Government Area of Edo State.
The objectives of this study are:
1.                 To determine the role-played by the parent teacher association in the primary school system in Esan South Local Government Area in Edo State.
2.                 To find out what are major problems the parents teachers association have been facing
3.                 To assist the impact of the parents teaches association in the primary school system in Esan South Local Government Area in Edo State.
4.                 To find out if the parent teacher association is lacking in its stated role.
          The question the researcher intends to find solutions to ere listed below.
1.                 Does the parents teachers association assist in the physical development of primary schools in Esan South Local Government Area of Edo State?
2.                 How important do the teachers perceive the role of parents teachers association in their schools?
3.                 Has the parents teacher association of staff?
4.                 Has the parent teacher association bring any promotion to the educational standard of such school?
5.                 Does the parent teacher association enhance the relationship among parents, teachers and students?
6.                 Is the parents teachers association providing the necessary link between the school and the community?
7.                 Is the parent teacher association really helping the students to grow mentally and morally?
8.                 Has the parent teachers association participated in the provision and administration of boarding facilities in the school?
          Educational planners such as school administrators, scholars and ministry of education will find this study very useful as it concerns what the researcher regards as a key issue in the educational system of Edo State. The findings of this research will therefore enable them to know the appropriate steps to take when making decision. This study will also be of immense benefits to other researcher who might wish to investigate the role of the parents teachers association or the community in our school system. Finally it is hoped that the research will also be of immense value to parents, teachers and other inquisitive member of our community who might want to know about the role of parent’s teachers association in our school system.
          This study is restricted to Esan South Local Government Area of Edo State. The researcher is limited to parents and teachers in some randomly selected schools in the above mentioned local government.
Parents Teachers Association: This is an association of parents/guardian, of students attending a particular school and the teachers teaching in such school.
The school committee: This is the executive member; its tenure is usually four years after which it can be re-elected by the general assembly of the parents teachers association, if it is satisfied with its (school committee) performance. The committee made of seven parents, one representative of the ministry of education, the principals of the school and three senior of the school. The election of a new Parent Teacher’s Association executive is usually by chief inspectors of education in the area.
Community: The town, village or group of villages where parents and guardians who have children in a particular school live it refers to members of caternent area of the school.
Role: This is used synonymously with function.

==== The End ====

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