This project work titled THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION IN IMPROVING ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Business Administration Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 64
This study was aimed at giving an insight on how the role of motivation in improving organizational effectiveness can enhance workers performance in Nigeria. It is a researcher survey based on the motivated workers and it seeks to know the extent of awareness of the managers towards the problems of workers not being motivated. The research instrument was questionnaire administration to the staff of the Afri-bank Plc Aba branch. The findings also revealed that the staff in Afri-bank Plc Aba branch have been successfully, motivated to a large and commendable extent. Also, some major problems include, poor performance and poor attitudes to work has given a significant proportion in the organization perhaps, workers are motivated things may assume a different posture.
The relationship between man and his works has attracted the attention of human behavior, the question of the role work and motivation play in human life is a concern not only of management but is psychological and physiological rooted. Traditionally, work is merely perceived as basic to economic and physical survival. Nevertheless, the meaning of work and the motives which induces people to perform has undergone considerable change over the years. Apart from economically less developed societies which still remain complex.
Motivation is the process of inducing people to give up their best (Okwa 1999) motivation is an energizing factor that causes office workers to believe in certain (expected) way. In recent time, man sought way to encourage their subordinate to perform well. Before, it was reward punishment system. Originally the accent was on punished, but in more recent time, the reward system has been adopted. This may come in form of bonus scheme and merit rating.
During the past two decade, the quest for better ways of motivating people has cause  some researchers to concentrate on the psychological factor, that stimulate workers rather than developing the incentive. In simplest form, the process of motivation is to purse those cause of action which promise the greatest degree of need satisfaction mismanagement in these cause has been affected to the factors relation to poor or inadequate motivation, it also becomes obvious to note tat the more adequately worker in an organization are motivated the more efficiency they will perform many form failed because motivation of workers were ignored.
Afri-bank Aba on which this research is being carried out is facing with the problem of motivation so their employees have to be motivated in order to improve performance and productivity. Closing like with the issue is the area of job satisfaction. This relationship is obvious since an employee with high level of satisfaction will be given motivated, more to perform well is clear that motivates workers.
The position of this research is aimed at identifying the role of motivation of Afri-bank plc (Aba branch) how best the company can motivate its employees as well as maintaining efficient performance and job satisfaction.

==== The End ====

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