This project work titled THE ROLE OF MASS MEDIA TOWARDS THE ERADICATION OF CHILD TRAFFICKING IN NIGERIA. has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Mass Communication Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 73
Media has turned the world into a global village. It is prominent tool and a best means of one way communication. So, it’s being widely used for everything and for any purpose.
It has been playing a significant role in most of all social, political and development sectors due to its power to influence on attitude and behaviour of general public and its outstanding role to design planned and policy on national and international level.
Offer the re-advent of democracy in Nepal, the uses of media are intense in every aspect of social, political and economic development.
Similarly, media is also playing a major role in promotion of children development.
The term mass media defined it as a means of communication that operate on a large scale reaching and involving virtually everyone in a society to a great or lesser degree.
Mass coverage on a child labour and abuse cannot be over looked. The term “Child Labour|” simply refers to hazardous work that is being given to children who falls between the ages of 15 to 17 years old as a result of poor family background. While, child abuse on the other hand can be seen as a neglecting, denying or not providing for a child needs.
It is very cumbersome to trace precisely where child labour started. But, it is assumed that it has come into being when Igba Mesin was sold slavery as a bonded for $ 16.00 at the age of four (4) years and shacked to a carpet loan to make carpet he escaped when he was ten (10) years and was murdered at the age of twelve (12) years.
i. To create a greater awareness of child labour and the exploitation of children through educational campaigns
ii. Raising funds for abused and exploited children
iii. Collaborating with youth around the world to help bring changes
iv. Convincing world leaders that education and projection of children are priority concerns.
The organization free the children has sign grown into an influential international children’s movement in which young people all over the world speak at school and conference to educators, union groups and government bodies on behalf of youth. Craig in himself has traveled all over the world, most recently to Brazil. There he organized mass media coverage of the plight of exploited children.
A lot of children across the world are being faced with this silly and maltreatment. A question on how to wipe away this undesirable act, now become a topic of discussion in our society and as well as government offices. But, how harmful is this child labour to the society. Is it part of home training?
Well, it is believed that children who are involved in this act have negative impact to the society more than the merits. It makes the affected children to automatically frustrated, discouraged and eventually be neglected in the society. It brings about the retrogressive of a nation’s economy instead of moving forward a better future.
This segment of a research project is interesting as it offers the researcher the opportunity to ask and or present question that are relevant and related to the subject matter. One cannot imagine why child labour and abuse has then become a matter of concern that should be severely dealt with.
At this point, let us make a look at the following questions in other to enable us capture the researcher’s intention towards this act.
i. What are the steps taken by the government to eradicate child labour and abuse?
ii. Does the society or the government support Child Trafficking Act?
iii. Does trafficking of people have negative impact on the victims?
iv. What are the causes of child labour and abuse?
v. Who are the people to be held responsible for the act of child trafficking?
vi. How can we prevent or control child labour and abuse?
vii. Are the victims to be blame?
viii. Is it possible to eradicate child labour and abuse in general?
The above mentioned questions represent the researcher’s feelings towards this topic. If these questions are properly answered with adequate steps being in order to solve the above mentioned problems which are the subject matter child labour and exploitation of workers will be stop in the third world.
There is no research work that will be completed without achieving the researcher’s aims and objectives base on the subject matters. Therefore, this segment has played an important role in this chapter one as it aids the reader to the researcher’s target goals at the end of this work.
It has become obvious that child labour has dwindled our society as it has contributed to the increase rate of criminals, smokers, drug addict and so on among teenagers in our societies.
This research project is aimed at eliminating this act within our societies. Furthermore, the dangers being exposed in the cause of the research based on the subject matters will automatically discourage further occurrence.
More also, this research objective is to encourage our leaders to take absolute care of the less privilege in the society.
It is also aimed at providing the children with their desires and also to give them access to their right no matter the family background.
The extent of the coverage of the subject matter being investigative here cannot be over looked. The research has devoted his time and energy in consulting relevant material that could lead to or bring out a tangible result at the end of this work. She engage herself in a sleepless night and day reading all sort of books, visiting internet for research, condition upon and close interview with different set of people and even tae much of her time to mingle with the victims for a better result.
More so, the researcher has laid hands on important reference material that will enable her to provide or give details to the background of child labour.
All acquisition skill and self experience are also employed in the course of study.
The only limitation that the researcher encountered is the inability to gain access to a particular reference materials that will give accurate account on what year the country and the exactly per that started or bring about the child labour abuse on this earth.
This study of child labour and abuse is very important as it exposes us to the danger and the negative implications which it has in our society. Maltreatment or neglect of children often leads to a great destruction of societal norms and values as the victims happens to grow up without any form of home training and parental care. They find it very difficult to do anything that will have positive impact to the society in which they belong.
This research project is very significance as it will aid in building a strong and solid foundation for children with maximum security and sense of belonging irrespective of their family background.
More so, it will help immensely in putting an end to this nasty and unwanted act as it discloses the danger, causes, control and or a way forward in fighting against child labour, abuse and even child trafficking.
i. Mass Media: According to the Cambridge Encyclopedia (1999) the term, mass media is the means of providing and disseminating News, information and entertainment to a universal audience typically through the press (News Papers, Magazines, Cinemas, Radio, Television, and even paper black publishing).
ii. Child Labour: This refers to all kind of harmful works that put children’s life at risk or keep them away from school.
iii. Child Abuse: Child abuse simply means the physical, sexual, emotional maltreatment or neglect of children by parents, guardians or relative.
iv. Labour: labour can be seen as both physical and mental skills that are used in production process usually for reward.
v. Abuse: According to Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary 6th Editions; defined the term abuse as an act of using something in a way that wrong or harmful.
Media has turned the world into a global village. It is prominent tool and a best means of one way communication. So, it’s being widely used for everything and for any purpose.
It has been playing a significant role in most of all social, political and development sectors due to its power to influence on attitude and behaviour of general public and its outstanding role to design planned and policy on national and international level.
Offer the re-advent of democracy in Nepal, the uses of media are intense in every aspect of social, political and economic development.
Similarly, media is also playing a major role in promotion of children development.
The term mass media defined it as a means of communication that operate on a large scale reaching and involving virtually everyone in a society to a great or lesser degree.
Mass coverage on a child labour and abuse cannot be over looked. The term “Child Labour|” simply refers to hazardous work that is being given to children who falls between the ages of 15 to 17 years old as a result of poor family background. While, child abuse on the other hand can be seen as a neglecting, denying or not providing for a child needs.
It is very cumbersome to trace precisely where child labour started. But, it is assumed that it has come into being when Igba Mesin was sold slavery as a bonded for $ 16.00 at the age of four (4) years and shacked to a carpet loan to make carpet he escaped when he was ten (10) years and was murdered at the age of twelve (12) years.
i. To create a greater awareness of child labour and the exploitation of children through educational campaigns
ii. Raising funds for abused and exploited children
iii. Collaborating with youth around the world to help bring changes
iv. Convincing world leaders that education and projection of children are priority concerns.
The organization free the children has sign grown into an influential international children’s movement in which young people all over the world speak at school and conference to educators, union groups and government bodies on behalf of youth. Craig in himself has traveled all over the world, most recently to Brazil. There he organized mass media coverage of the plight of exploited children.
A lot of children across the world are being faced with this silly and maltreatment. A question on how to wipe away this undesirable act, now become a topic of discussion in our society and as well as government offices. But, how harmful is this child labour to the society. Is it part of home training?
Well, it is believed that children who are involved in this act have negative impact to the society more than the merits. It makes the affected children to automatically frustrated, discouraged and eventually be neglected in the society. It brings about the retrogressive of a nation’s economy instead of moving forward a better future.
This segment of a research project is interesting as it offers the researcher the opportunity to ask and or present question that are relevant and related to the subject matter. One cannot imagine why child labour and abuse has then become a matter of concern that should be severely dealt with.
At this point, let us make a look at the following questions in other to enable us capture the researcher’s intention towards this act.
i. What are the steps taken by the government to eradicate child labour and abuse?
ii. Does the society or the government support Child Trafficking Act?
iii. Does trafficking of people have negative impact on the victims?
iv. What are the causes of child labour and abuse?
v. Who are the people to be held responsible for the act of child trafficking?
vi. How can we prevent or control child labour and abuse?
vii. Are the victims to be blame?
viii. Is it possible to eradicate child labour and abuse in general?
The above mentioned questions represent the researcher’s feelings towards this topic. If these questions are properly answered with adequate steps being in order to solve the above mentioned problems which are the subject matter child labour and exploitation of workers will be stop in the third world.
There is no research work that will be completed without achieving the researcher’s aims and objectives base on the subject matters. Therefore, this segment has played an important role in this chapter one as it aids the reader to the researcher’s target goals at the end of this work.
It has become obvious that child labour has dwindled our society as it has contributed to the increase rate of criminals, smokers, drug addict and so on among teenagers in our societies.
This research project is aimed at eliminating this act within our societies. Furthermore, the dangers being exposed in the cause of the research based on the subject matters will automatically discourage further occurrence.
More also, this research objective is to encourage our leaders to take absolute care of the less privilege in the society.
It is also aimed at providing the children with their desires and also to give them access to their right no matter the family background.
The extent of the coverage of the subject matter being investigative here cannot be over looked. The research has devoted his time and energy in consulting relevant material that could lead to or bring out a tangible result at the end of this work. She engage herself in a sleepless night and day reading all sort of books, visiting internet for research, condition upon and close interview with different set of people and even tae much of her time to mingle with the victims for a better result.
More so, the researcher has laid hands on important reference material that will enable her to provide or give details to the background of child labour.
All acquisition skill and self experience are also employed in the course of study.
The only limitation that the researcher encountered is the inability to gain access to a particular reference materials that will give accurate account on what year the country and the exactly per that started or bring about the child labour abuse on this earth.
This study of child labour and abuse is very important as it exposes us to the danger and the negative implications which it has in our society. Maltreatment or neglect of children often leads to a great destruction of societal norms and values as the victims happens to grow up without any form of home training and parental care. They find it very difficult to do anything that will have positive impact to the society in which they belong.
This research project is very significance as it will aid in building a strong and solid foundation for children with maximum security and sense of belonging irrespective of their family background.
More so, it will help immensely in putting an end to this nasty and unwanted act as it discloses the danger, causes, control and or a way forward in fighting against child labour, abuse and even child trafficking.
i. Mass Media: According to the Cambridge Encyclopedia (1999) the term, mass media is the means of providing and disseminating News, information and entertainment to a universal audience typically through the press (News Papers, Magazines, Cinemas, Radio, Television, and even paper black publishing).
ii. Child Labour: This refers to all kind of harmful works that put children’s life at risk or keep them away from school.
iii. Child Abuse: Child abuse simply means the physical, sexual, emotional maltreatment or neglect of children by parents, guardians or relative.
iv. Labour: labour can be seen as both physical and mental skills that are used in production process usually for reward.
v. Abuse: According to Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary 6th Editions; defined the term abuse as an act of using something in a way that wrong or harmful.
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