This project work titled THE ROLE OF HOTEL STAFF IN RETURNING CUSTOMERS IN THE FIVE AND FOUR STAR HOTELS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Tourism & Hospitality Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 69
Today, businesses are seeking to prove their existence by providing the best services they can, so that these services outweigh the customers' expectations and requirements. Providing the best is the key to these organizations to achieve progress and excellence over their competitors. An environment that is rapidly changing and the usual way or way of doing business is not suitable for this environment. Hence, business organizations are obliged to search for all that can achieve their strategies in different ways and methods, which helps them achieve the highest levels of performance and excellence to reach the highest salaries of customer satisfaction. The customer has become a focus of attention and focus of many organizations that try to attract him possible ways and mean (Jorge et al,2012).
This study aims to achieve the following objectives: Know the role of employees in the return of the customer to buy the tourism product through the skills and the overall appearance and provide the best service to satisfy the wishes of customers. And to know the role of tourism institutions to pay attention to staff in increasing quality and production.
The theme of TQM is one of the topics that is of great interest in the world of business organizations of all types and sizes, specifically in the tourism and hotel sector because TQM philosophy focuses on the customer and how to meet his growing needs and desires. And the sharing of all levels of management, in order to master the work from start to finish with minimal errors and possible costs. TQM also focuses on continuous improvement in all aspects of the organization, Organization as a basis for excellence.
The hotel sector is one of the most dynamic and vibrant service sectors, and is considered one of the most important destinations for the people of the region. The sector has recently grown rapidly due to the conditions in the region and the sector always strives to preserve the reputation that has permeated the mind. To provide services to the hotel's customers from within Jordan and abroad, by maintaining the quality of the services provided by the hotel.
Implementing TQM principles can enhance the quality of hotel tourism services that must meet the needs and expectations of customers, whether at the local or regional level. This study comes to examine the reality and level of awareness of employees in hotels 4 and 5 stars for the importance of applying the principles of TQM.Workenvironment has a positive influence on customer retention in guesthouses.(Kalulu et al, 2015).
The tourism establishments rely on reputation to provide products and services to reach the satisfaction of tourists. It is the source of real profitability and guaranteeing the continuation of their operations, and the lack of interest in the customer leads to the exit of the tourist market from the marketing point of view, not only in its productive buildings. The most valuable assets of the organization are in their markets, they are the customers you deal with. The deterioration of fixed assets from an accounting point of view is a problem that can be solved by bringing in other assets. However, it is difficult for an enterprise to manage its operations when the customer abandons them. Customer satisfaction is therefore the focus of the entity's operations. Retention is based on conciliation (or harmonization) between the type of value the customer is looking for and the mix offered by the organization (Chatura,2003). The value mix is determined by what customers want. It is a final outcome component for the following variables: (price, quality, and the amount of innovation in the product that it draws closer to satisfy customers from their available alternatives in the market; these variables are not financial but rather how they are, which is among the most important measures of organizational strategies. The client may be loyal to the organization because of the deregulation or the loss of the real alternative. He may also be loyal because he is satisfied with the products and services of the organization and wants to continue the relationship with them. Enterprises tend to take into account customer satisfaction as a vital strategy.
The main attraction at the Dead Sea is the warm, palliative, super salty water itself – some ten times saltier than seawater, and fertile in chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, bromine and various, others. The unusually warm, incredibly buoyant and mineral-rich waters have attracted visitors since ancient times.
The Dead Sea is known in Hebrew (the Sea of Salt) is the lowest point on earth, enclosed by the stunning landscape of the Negev Desert. The shores of the Dead Sea are the lowest point on the surface of the earth, and the saline water of the lake gives the lead to the name ‘Dead Sea’ because no fish can survive in the salty waters. The other result of the salty water of the Dead Sea is their renowned health and healing properties and the unique feature that one can float naturally in them.
The Dead Sea area is considered one of the most important tourist areas for environmental healing in the world. It is characterized by a combination of natural factors, which makes it a competitive position in the region in the field of medical tourism and healing due to its unique climatic characteristics, whether it is free from moisture, qualified to treat many diseases especially the skin (Mohammad et al, 2011).
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