This project work titled THE IMPLICATION OF UNIVERSAL BASIC EDUCATION (UBE) ON BUSINESS EDUCATION CURRICULUM has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 76

1.1   Background Of The Study
In 1948 the Universal declaration of human rights asserted that everyone has the right to education. Over 40 years later, it is clear that many people are still being denied this basic human right. Indeed, the 1980s saw more backward than forward movement in most countries of the world. It was as that point that world conference on education for all was held in jomtien, Thailand for the purpose of forging a global consensus and commitment to provide basic education for all. Universal Basic Education UBE is the programme which grew out of the conference (Dike 2000: 9-13). The former president of Nigeria chief Olusegun Obasanjo formally launched the UBE in Nigeria on 30th September, 1999. the programme is intended to be universal, free and compulsory. Since the introduction of western education regions, states and federal government in Nigeria have shown a keen interest in Education. This can be seen in the introduction UPE in the western region in 17th January 1955, its introduction of the eastern region in February, 1957 and in Lagos (then federal capital territory) in January 1957. Other development include the publication of national policy on education in 1977, launching of unvieral free primary education on 6th September 1976 and the subsequent launching of UBE in 1999. The goal of all these programme is providing functional, universal and quality education for all Nigerian irrespective of sex, race, religion, occupation or location (Eya 2000:8). Moreover, in response to the agitation for a more functional and qualitative educational systems, a new educational system known as the 6-3-3-4 was introduced nation – wide in 1982 by the federal government of Nigeria. The educational system stressed the point that a child shall spend six years in primary school, three years in junior secondary school, another three years in senior secondary school and four years in tertiary institution. After a decade of the introduction of the 6-3-3-4 system of education, it was observed by educational analysts that there has been general, lack of consistency in Nigeria educational policies the system and national objectives. This presupposes that the educational objective of the 6-3-3-4 system of education have not been fully realized partly because of the inherent problem of the UPE which were not effectively tackled before the commencement of the new education system. UBE is brooder than UPE which focused only on providing educational opportunities to primary school age children. UBE stresses the inclusion of girls and woman and a number of underserved group the poor, street and working children, rural and remote population, nomads, migrant workers, indigenous peoples, minorities, refugees, and the disabled. The formal education system is only one of the six components included in basic education in the implementation guidelines of the federal government others relate to early childhood, literacy and life skills for adult, nomadic population, and non-formal education or apprenticeship training for youth outside the formal education system (Nigeria 2000). In 2000, Nigeria’s literacy rate was 52 percent (Babalola 2000: 28). In 1998 only 40% of all heads of households in Nigeria had any education at all, 21% had only primary education, 14% had up to secondary school education while only 5% had post secondary school education (UNDP 1998: 70), Data from the federal ministry of education, education statistics (1996) showed that only 14. 1 million out of the 21 million school age children are enrolled in primary school UBE was born from these sparking statistics to promote education among all citizens. This UBE has five sponsoring bodies: the world Bank, the Department for Informational Development (DFID), the federal government and local government (Iheagwara 2005: 16-18) UBE is expected to enable all Nigerians to acquire the basic skills of education and these skills will make them active participants in the decision making process in their community. The UBE programme is meant to bring illiteracy to a halt and thus launched Nigeria into a literacy society. Also it will enhance mobilization and participation of the grassroots it is well implemented. UBE programme comprises formal education from primary one to junior secondary three JSS III, non formal and formal sector. UBE will provide free and compulsory education to every Nigeria child of school age, no matter the economic or social background. According to the implementation guideline (2000), the universal aspect of UBE has the following implications: Inclusiveness implying that persons in all manner and condition of physical.
1.2   Statement Of The Problem
This study is to find out the problem encountered by Universal Basic Education in the course of studying Business studies. The statement of the problem are highlighted below:
(i)          Lack of proper planning of Business Studies in Universal Basic Education.
(ii)        Inadequate people to enroll for the business studies in Junior Secondary Schools.
(iii)      Lack of capital to fund business studies in Universal Basic Education.
(iv)       Lack of qualified teachers to teach Business studies in Junior Secondary Schools.
(v)         Inadequate instructional materials in the field that is Business studies.
1.3   Purpose Of The Study
This study will investigate the operation of Universal Basic Education and examine how far the objectives of the Universal Basic Education have been achieved. The purpose of this research work are as follows:
(i)          To examine the extent has UBE helped in developing Business Education.
(ii)        To identify the effect of Universal Basic Education on Business Education.
(iii)      To examine the correlations between UBE and Business Education.
1.4   Research Questions
The following questions are raised in order to give a focus to the study.
(i)          To what extent has UBE helped in developing Business education?
(ii)        Does UBE has any effect on Business Education?
(iii)      Is there any correlation between Universal Basic Education and Business Education?
1.5   Research Hypothesis
Based on the research questions, the followoing are the hypothesis raised;
(i)          There is no significance difference between Universal Basic Education and Business education.
(ii)        There is no significance difference in the development of Business Education using UBE.
(iii)      There is no significance effect of UBE on business education.
1.6   Significance Of The Study
This study will contribute to the development of Knowledge in Business Education under the auspices of Universal Basic Education. It is significant in the sense that it will reveal the implication of Business studies for UBE. This study will be of immense benefit to Inspectors, Administrators and Supervisor of education.
1.7   Scope Of Study
This field study is limited scope in certain respects. It concentrates on the implication of Business studies for UBE in Oshodi Isolo Local Government Educational District VI Oshodi.

==== The End ====

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