This project work titled THE IMPLICATION OF COMMUNICATION ON LABOUR CONFLICT has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Mass Communication Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 79
This research-the implication of communication on labour conflict is in partial fulfillment of the condition for the award of Higher national Diploma in Accountancy. Despite, the importance of communication in an organization many still do not know how to go about it to enhance sanity where there is conflict and prevent conflict where there is calm.The work delve into conflict management in an organization through communication by management it contains ways of carrying out effective communication in organization to avoid labour conflict.
The general state of hypothesis was based on the consumption that communication has implication on labour conflict prevention and resolution. With review of relevant literature and administration of questionnaire sufficient information in relation to the system under study were sourced.In line with the results of the investigation conclusions and recommendations were made and if adhere to would achieve effective communication ability of  manager to curb labour conflict.
Communication happens to be a pivot upon which all management functions and activities revolves. It will be difficult if not impossible for an organization to function effectively and efficiently without effective communication. Also there is no way man power can be effective and co-ordinate if he cannot communicate his actions and discussion to his subordinates.There is no substitute for hard work to communicate one must practice and learn by one’s mistakes.
One cannot come to graph with report writing until. One has sat down and wrested with actual problems of making certain representation to one higher management, one cannot hope to speak convincingly to a meeting of staff without having ever talked on ones feet under pressure. The foundation of successful communication is practice and unsleeping criticism.
According to C.S. Deverell in 1978 by Gee &co ltd, he said communication may be said to have two aspects:
a.       As an exchange of opinions and ideas it is concerned with human relations. If management is the art  of getting things done through people nature of relationship created becomes all important in the planning of duties works co-ordination, control of activities and motivation. If these do not established and maintain satisfactory human relationship, it is likely that the ob devote, set will be attained. A sizable proportion of all industrial disputes can be traced in part to defects in this aspect of communication.
b.       it is also a matter of skills in convening information from one person to others. These skills must be mastered by persisted practice and review.It is necessary to understand the sense in which communication has been said to be an exercise in human relations to learn how to real to listen and to interpret feelings and needs as  well as ideas and information. One has to understand communication is effected inside an organization through formal and informal channels and networks.
 For instance, a bank and a wholesale selling organization have inherited every different arrangement for exchange information, why one form of communication is effective at one level of employee and completely in appropriate at another.According to Peter Little in his book “Communication in Business” communication is a chameleon of word changing the colour of its meaning with a change of speaker (or listener) more than most.
The military historian thinks of an army’s lines of communication; the sociologist of Newspaper and broadcasting. The civil engineer thinks of roads and railways, the electronic engineer thinks of telephones and telephones. For some elderly businessmen, it probably still call to mind old words contexts that are Edwardian commercial jargon for a letter.It is possible to detect a common element in these varied meaning the idea of connection between people for the purpose of passing a message.
Subsequently, the words meaning widened to refer to the act of message-passing to the channel along which the message passed, or to the message itself.It is worthy of note that to pass on message to others we have to use symbols of some kind words, gestures, drawing) that standard for the ideas we are trying to convey these symbols that are private to ourselves and therefore incomprehensive to others.The ability to communication with others is an essential attribute of human life and we are all grappling with communication tasks most of time we are awake.

==== The End ====

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