This project work titled THE IMPACT OF STAFF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP ON ORGANIZATIONAL IMAGE has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Public Administration Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 60
Since the abstract is a précised summary of what is actually done in a project, it means that the following information should be contained therein. The topic under study and the location, the statement of problem, the research hypothesis was also carried out , relevant  literature review was carried out  in this study. A questionnaire was designed with concrete validity and reliability. Relevant data were collected from the respondents and analyzed accordingly the following key findings were made and relevant recommendations put forward. Based on the impact of staff customer relationship on an organization image. A case study of UBA plc Enugu metropolis The key findings were. That there is  poor counter service, which causes delay.  Management is the cause of bank low performance Based on the finding, the researcher recommend that UBA plc should employ an experienced and educated public relations officer who will control the affairs of the staff and the public also they should computerize all their departments and train their staff etc.
The impact of customer relationship is a contractual relationship staff are the most important channels of communication on the other hand, in any business where product or services are said or rendered the customer is thee key success. Many years ago one of Americans greatest merchant Marshall field expressed the whole principles of relation in a few words. The customer is always right, customer can make or break any commercial enterprise, if they are pleased with what they buy and happy about their treatment, they will continue to buy and also inform their friends, buy if the product or service or treatment as unsatisfactory, the consumer will not only stop buying but also will tell their friends and show evidence about the unhappy experience.
Staff relations with customers are often as much as a management problem as public officers because every organization wants to create an image for itself. Good customer relationship goes hand in hand with organizational image it is difficult indeed to draw a line between them because customers have repeated contact with the staff. The contract provides the best means for the way communications. They permit an exchange of questions an answers providing an opportunity to explain and persuade. They also make it possible to offend or err.
The general public had anticipated that by now the picture of the staff customer relationship especially in the banking sector should have been pretty and nice to behold at least in terms of service attitude to work and more importantly in the upholding and enlistment of the basis principles norms and ethnic in the daily practices of the constructional relationship. Oral and written evidence seem to attest to the relationship and its effect on the organization’s image. It is to appraise the extent to which the system has lived to expectation in their system and other related areas that prompted me into this research work.
The united bank of Africa ltd (UBA) on which this research work is based originated from Britain and France. The British and French bank limited itself metamorphosed from BNCL Paris (Banque National Ouria Commerce industry) established in 1932. The bank officially opened to business in December 1949 with staff strength to twelve in 1960. The bank went public in accordance with the policy and intension of the French owner of bank to sell off some of their share to Nigerian on February 1961 the united bank for Africa limited was incorporated to the British and French bank was officially opened for business under the name of October 3 1961.
In carrying out this research effort theories were received that aided to enhance and understand the staff customer relation between customers and staff of UBA plc Enugu. Among the numerous theories the one that became paramount theory This theory ties to explain that it is a managerial function, which is gradually gaining ground in every field of endeavor it creates a favorable environment for business and creates a sound and understandable relationship between staffs and customers of any organization.
According to world assembly of public relation in Mexico (1987),defines Public Relation  as the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences , consulting organization leaders and implementing planning programmes of action to serve both the organization and public interest. These theory have been defined by various authorities based on the perspective in which they try to achieve their public relation objective, but for the purpose of this work, we shall relate this theory to the relationship between the staff and customers. This theory enable the staff to study and understand his customer so as to be able to satisfy his needs and maintain him so as to achieve organization needs and objectives. So based on the importance of the customer to an organization., Marshal field expressed the whole concept of relation in a single and single sentence “the customer is always right.
In the right of the above, the researcher is constrained to identify why bank staff posses nonchalant and care free attitude towards their customers service of the banks are not only delayed and frustrating but also lack courtesy and good human relations.
- To find out the reason for discrimination, favoritism, dishonesty collateral emphasis
- To know why the banks are characterized by inadequate infrastructure adjustment facilities
- To find out why average Nigerian bank’s customer is not only careless but always in a hurry and fraudulent minded.
- To know why forgery and fraud has become the article in trade for commercial banks (UBA)
The following will serve as my research questions?
1. Is there any problem experience during staff customers in the bank?
2. To what extent had these problems inhibited the improvement of organizational image and growth?
3. To what extent also had the bank (UBA) succeeded in the upliftment of staff customer relationship?
4. Is there any avenue of improving the identified problem?
It has been said that the ultimate aim of any organization is to obtain success by way of achieving its objectives. In view of the above statement, there is need for organizational growth and order in our commercial banks especially (UBA ltd) which has been described as the product of the relationship between the staff and customer. This contractual relationship that exist between staff and consumer has some problems that a times hinder the performance of the banks and this research will significantly solve these problems in a properly identified and understood way towards reducing areas of conflict and tension between the staff and customers. Also it will be of benefit to make banks and will provide basis for further research.

==== The End ====

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