This project work titled THE IMPACT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Public Administration Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 82
The development of any country depends solely on the effort of such country. Nigeria as a country is bless with many resources and Nigeria as a Nation is expected to be one of the developed countries of the world. However, to our greatest surprises, the country is grouped under one of the developing countries. The question to ask is what is/are the courses of this misfortune? There are many arguments of suggestions one of which give rise to this topic. The impact of Local Government on Rural Development. Many people see rural development as the back bone on which a country can move forward. The term rural development carries a variety of meaning depending on the content in which it is been used, and it is more than just economic development, although economic development is the process of effort of building communities on Local level with emphasis on building the economy, foregoing and strengthening socialites and developing the non profit sectors. Moreso, activities that increase the positive outcome possible within a community by linking individuals and organization working towards commonness. At the rural level the people needs rural development project. Thus, rural development project can be seen as the project of chapter through which an individual member is given the opportunity of applying learned leadership and management skill in fulfilling chosen social responsibility.
Local government being the third tier of government in Nigeria is established to ensure development in the rural area. The central purpose of local government is to make findings on governmental presence at the grass roots. There has been series of conferences by leading scholars of local government to find out the extent to which local government has been able to provide basic amenities to the rural populace. The development of rural areas strategies is important in the achievement of any appreciable growth, of the non-industrialized societies, like Nigeria. In view of the above, varying policies, theories, and techniques to tackle rural poverty were adopted in Nigeria by various governments.
However, it has been assumed that a three-tier arrangement, federal, state and local will help remove such factors hampering developmental activities at the grass root level, and help transform that marginal segment of rural areas into our national life by providing them with social and economic amenities equally enjoyed by urban dwellers. Furthermore, it will help bring the government closer to the grass roots (Santa, 1986).
Rural development has been hindered or affected due to the inability of local government officials to generate revenue that can serve as an enabling tool for this exercise. Again, one technique which have been adopted by these local government has tend to affect rural development. Adamolekun (1990.40) has however identified some hindrances or obstacles which have hindered the effective generation of revenue and its attendant impacts on rural development.
These are the followings:-
(1)  Lack of cooperation and acceptance on the side of the citizens
(2)  Poor or ineffective techniques of revenue generation.
(3) Problem of corruption, misappropriation, mis-management and manipulation.
(4)  Lack of transparency and accountability of local government officials.
The objective of this research is to examine the impact of Local Government in rural development. The specific objective of the study include:
a)  To examine the impact of the Local Government in rural development. The specific objective of the study and specific causes of under development as it relates to rural development and the attendant effect of the community.
b) To determine the basic principle and techniques necessary for implementing rural development projects.
c) To highlight some of the problems associated with the impact of rural development project like corruption, mis-management and mis­appropriation.
Attempt will be made to provide answers to the following questions.
i. What is the impact of rural development of Local Government development in Nigeria?
ii.  To what extent will rural development affect grass root development?
iii. Is rural development the best tools for carrying out community development project at the grass root level?
This study will be geared towards testing the following hypothesis:
1. H0:   Participation in Local Government Decrease participation in decision implementation.
H1:   Participation in Local Government increase participation in decision implementation.
2. Ho:   Motivation of employee does not improved employee productivity.
H1:    Motivation of employee improved employee productivity
3. H0: Training as a motivational tools does enhances employees Performance
H1: Training as a motivational enhances employees performance
4. H0:   The more internally generated Revenue, the lesser the development of the local government
H1: The more internally generated Revenue, the greater the development of the local government
This research work is to contribute to discovering and finding out the good intentions of local government to transform rural areas and bring the government nearest to their door steps. It is hope that the findings of this study will enable the government to plan and implement structural changes capable of expanding and modernizing rural infrastructure as well as involving the community in government activities.
It is imperative in view of the above therefore to have an in-depth study of local government in Sokoto state in general and Sokoto South in particular in order to identify areas of government activities. The significance of this study also lies in the fact that it will serve the purpose of contributing to knowledge as well as provide a launch pad for further studies.
This work deals with the assessment of Sokoto south local government in the area of rural development between 2011 and 2015. The work is likely to face some limitations. The bulk of such problems may actually lie with data collection; the researcher might face the problem of co-operation of some of the local government staff and rural communities. Time and financial factors which also constituted the greatest to the researcher crippled his effort in going into some areas within local government necessary for this study. In view of the above, the study is confined to the following towns in Sokoto south local government area. These towns include Sarkin Zamfara A and B Sarkin Adar A and B, Gagi A and B town.
i.  Development is a term that means different thing to different people, it is loaded with an ideological assumption, which can be expressed as faith, science or both (Apter 1987). According to Fred W. Biggs development refers to organized efforts to carry out programmes or project throughout by those involved to serve development objectives, Edward (1993:80). Development is about a process of enrichment. Local Government has been conceived and constituted in different ways. According to the United Nations Division of Public Administration.
ii. Local Government is a political division of a nation or (in a federal system, a state) which is constituted by law and has substance control of Local affairs including the power to impose taxes or exact labour for prescribed.
The study will be organized through the chapter. Chapter one is the introduction, Backgrounds of the study, Statement of the Problem, Objectives or purpose of the study, Basic Assumption, Hypothesis, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitation of the Study.  Chapter two is the Literature review, and theoretical framework. Chapter three is the Methodology, Research instrument, the study population, sampling techniques, methods of data collection, method of data analysis and interpretation. Chapter four is the data presentation, analysis and interpretation and Chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendation.
Adamolekun L. (1970) Political and Administration in Nigeria, Ibadan, Institute of Administration University of Ife.
Anifowose R. and Enemou F. (199) Element of Polities, Lagos Mathouse Press Ltd.
Gboyega Alex (1988) Political Values and local government in Nigeria. Ibadan, Mathouse Press Ltd.

==== The End ====

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