This project work titled THE IMPACT OF JOB SATISFACTION ON PRODUCTIVITY A CASE STUDY OF STANDARD TRUST BANK PLC ENUGU BRANCH has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Accounting Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 70
The need for increase productivity in our industries totally cannot be  over emphasized. This is evidenced by the development of new technologies to the highest level. It is worthy to note that to achieve the level man is needed in concert with other resources. A survey was carried out to establish the impact of job satisfaction on productivity in standard trust bank plc Enugu branch as a case study. The objective of the study is to examine the role of job satisfaction on productivity with a view to determining the extent to which the said relationship exist. The main research instrument adopted include the use of designed questionnaire and oral interview which form the primary sources of data for the research work. The secondary sources of data include the use of textbooks, magazines, journals, internet materials etc. the data collected was than analyzed using simple percentage analysis. Also hypothesis were formulated and tested using chi-square method. Therefore, it is recommended that there would be adequate training of state to enhance good job productivity.
Over the years job satisfaction on production have became an everyday work in Nigeria, industrialist economist and politics feel concerned with it. Because feel it’s trend is integral economic to the nation general economic health.Job satisfaction relates to better pay, improved communication rotation and enrichment improved inter-personal relations, better working environment and improved technology.Productivity on the other hand refer to the relationship between a company input and output. It could be in term of profit, quality of work and quality or volume of work. 
 In the 1930’s the industrial would turn it’s attention from human engineering to human relation and Harvard psychologist. mayo revealed the impact of social and psychological factors on workers satisfaction and productivity organization whether large or small have certain objective, which they want to achieve.The attainment of this objective is a measure of the effectiveness, productivity and job satisfaction of members of the organization. It should be noted that organization with building and sophisticated equipment will not be productive without ensuring that their workers are satisfied with their job.Lawrence m. Mattos [1979] mentioned nine[9] strategies among which are positive employee relation criminate implementing productivity incentives, quality of relation climate, implementing productivity incentive, quality of work life and improve individual performance through [M.B.O] management by objective. 
 According to Shuresize and Bengh scientist and engineers may not be effectively utilized in the economy because their working condition   are unmotivating.  In Abel Ubek’ opinion [1978 vol.14,No.704-35]once people in clouding the ordinary citizens, detect that.
This study en titled “The impacts of job satisfaction on productivity” attempt to investigate the nature of job satisfaction on productivity system in bank in Enugu state with particular reference to standard trust bank plc Enugu branch.      
i.        To examine the role of the job satisfaction on productivity.    
ii.        Asses whether job satisfaction can effectively reach participant at the private sector in past structural adjustment programmer [S.A.P]era.  
 iii.        To evaluate to what extent the job satisfaction has encourage private sector as a medium of increasing productivity.  
iv.        Appraises to what extent the job satisfaction have responded to the productivity.
The foregoing discussion has centered on the employees job satisfaction and productivity ,very few empirical studies if any had been conducted by Nigeria scholars and satisfaction and their productivity.This study will therefore seek to:
1.  To undertake both descriptive and empirical analysis employee job satisfaction in standard trust band the money they had helped in accumulating is being wasted in frivolous and vessels project as ventured, rather than in the interest and continued growth and development of the organization to which they belong they loose interest.This according to him is a common phenomenon in indigenous business. The owners of the business uses the capital project made to either acquire more view as thraw frequent parties or build houses. Its staff do not feel they have a share interest. Moreover, it is well known fact that all business organization strives and aim at increasing or improving productivity in order to achieve   the organization goals and objective.   The researcher feels that it will serve a useful purpose to ascertain whether an organization productivity can be improved by improving the job satisfaction of employee of selection of the topic.
2.  The impact of job satisfaction on productivity. A case study of standard trust bank plc Enugu branch plc with a view of determining whether there is any relationship between the variables under consideration
.3.  To identify the problem[s] [if any] militating against the effort of standard trust bank plc towards job satisfaction on their productivity.
4.  To examine how standard trust bank plc encourage job satisfaction and productivity self help project in the bank industry.
in pursuance of this research work. The researches deemed it necessary to address this research problem empirically, it also necessary to build a conceptual and pre-positioned foundation that will understand the important and relationship and their productivity. For the purpose of this study the following research question are asked:
1)To what extent would job satisfaction lead to increase productivity?
2)Can improved wages incentives workers lead to load to job satisfaction?
3)Does improved communication and supervision load to job satisfaction?
4)What are the future that lead to job satisfaction?5)Do job rotation, enlargement and environment lead to job satisfaction
It is important to point out that an companion of this work by the researcher, it will and other readers who have no experience or who did not have the opportunity to work on the subject to know tears the impact as job satisfaction on productivity in barks.To the future researchers, it is pertinent to note that they will make reference which  will be of guide to them in carrying out their own work. The researcher hope that viewed in a manner suiting the purpose of other workers economic and related studies and especially that they contribute actively to the systematic organization of knowledge about the impact of job satisfaction on productivity.

For the purpose of time and financial involvement in this project work, the researcher has decided to limit the study to the job satisfaction an productivity of standard trust bank plc Enugu branch.

A.Job satisfaction: means increase in productivity.
B.Productivity: means efficiency in industry production.
C.Work: A task which employee is assigned to perform.
D.Incentive: It is those stimulus that make one to act in a particular way.
E.  Goals: It is the end to which organization strives towards achieving.
F.  Organization: This is an act of organization a body of people company school etc. it can also refer to the structure of relation that exist between positives in a group.
G.Management: It is the act of getting thing done through other.
H.Employee: These employed to walk in an organization.
I.   Motivation: It is an inner-force to satisfy is in order to act in a particular way or manners.

==== The End ====

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