This project work titled THE EFFECT OF POOR LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ON THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS IN UDI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 60
All over Africa, particularly in Nigeria, the child is regarded as very important and highly valued. For this reason, the parents do not disregard their future and fate. It is a general belief in Nigeria especially in Igboland that the children will grow up and take care of their old parents. Emphasis is therefore laid on the education of the child, right from primary school level, which is seen as the basic foundation the child needs in order to equip him for future education and adulthood.
Education in any society at all levels is expected to help the members of the society to acquire necessary knowledge, attitudes or values and competent skills for effective knowledge and functioning in the society. Education is seen as an important instrument for social change, national development and national integration (Mmaduewesi, 2005). The school is a formal institution established and set aside by the society for learning, transformation and preservation of the cultural heritage of the people. Nevertheless teaching and learning can take place in other places like the family, church, mass media and other formal or informal organizations.
The primary goal of any educational institution is to achieve optimal service delivery in teaching and learning process. In recognition of the importance of education, the international community and government all over the world made commitments for every member of the society to have access to primary education (NPE, 2004).
Primary education is very essential in the development of any nation. It is the type of education given to the children between the age of six and eleven plus, FRN (2005). Primary education determines the key, success or failure of any educational system of the nation since it is the foundation of all intellectual development not only for the individual but for the society in general. The rest of the education system is built upon the primary education as stated by the government of Nigeria FRN (2005).
According to World Bank (2006), the primary education/school is a place expected to prepare the child for a committed tomorrow and proper ways of living in the society. The major goals of primary education according to FRN (2004) include: to inculcate permanent literacy; to lay sound basis for scientific and reflective thinking; to give citizenship education as basis for effective participation and contribution to the life of the society; to mould the character and develop sound attitude and morals in the child; to develop in the child the ability to adapt to his changing environment; to give the child opportunity for developing manipulative skills that will enable him to function effectively.
All over Africa, particularly in Nigeria, the child is regarded as very important and highly valued. For this reason, the parents do not disregard their future and fate. It is a general belief in Nigeria especially in Igboland that the children will grow up and take care of their old parents. Emphasis is therefore laid on the education of the child, right from primary school level, which is seen as the basic foundation the child needs in order to equip him for future education and adulthood.
Education in any society at all levels is expected to help the members of the society to acquire necessary knowledge, attitudes or values and competent skills for effective knowledge and functioning in the society. Education is seen as an important instrument for social change, national development and national integration (Mmaduewesi, 2005). The school is a formal institution established and set aside by the society for learning, transformation and preservation of the cultural heritage of the people. Nevertheless teaching and learning can take place in other places like the family, church, mass media and other formal or informal organizations.
The primary goal of any educational institution is to achieve optimal service delivery in teaching and learning process. In recognition of the importance of education, the international community and government all over the world made commitments for every member of the society to have access to primary education (NPE, 2004).
Primary education is very essential in the development of any nation. It is the type of education given to the children between the age of six and eleven plus, FRN (2005). Primary education determines the key, success or failure of any educational system of the nation since it is the foundation of all intellectual development not only for the individual but for the society in general. The rest of the education system is built upon the primary education as stated by the government of Nigeria FRN (2005).
According to World Bank (2006), the primary education/school is a place expected to prepare the child for a committed tomorrow and proper ways of living in the society. The major goals of primary education according to FRN (2004) include: to inculcate permanent literacy; to lay sound basis for scientific and reflective thinking; to give citizenship education as basis for effective participation and contribution to the life of the society; to mould the character and develop sound attitude and morals in the child; to develop in the child the ability to adapt to his changing environment; to give the child opportunity for developing manipulative skills that will enable him to function effectively.
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