This project work titled THE EFFECT OF INFORMATION VISUALIZATION ON TEACHING AND LEARNING BASIC TECHNOLOGY has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 78
1.1       Background of the Study
Information is the numeral system most commonly used for encoding and decoding textual computer information. It is the answer to a question of some kind, from which data and knowledge can be derived from (Ware, 2014). Information is conveyed either as the content of a message or through direct or indirect observation of certain things. Information is retrieved in its raw state as data and processed into decodable and meaningful information. According to Barnes (2003), information is collected and analyzed to create suitable information for decision-making. Spence (2011), is of the opinion that, since the eye is used as primary sense, a path-way into the mind that allows users to see and register what they have seen in their minds. The eye is an important organ of the body that humans cannot do without. Therefore, SanJos (2012) opined that, to communicate effectively, the use of visualization is key to reflection on what the mind conceptualizes in human beings.
Visualization is a process of taking raw data and converting them to a form that is viewable and understandable to humans. Jinsheng (2010), explains that visualization can refer to what visualization (the product, object or visual image) or the how of visualizing (the process, activity or skill). Merriam-Webster (2010), defines visualization as the “formation of mental images” or “the act or process of interpreting in visual terms or of putting into visible form.” Visual representations and interaction techniques take advantage of the human eyes, broad bandwidth pathway into the mind to allow users to see, explore, and understand large amounts of information at once.
Information visualization focuses on the creation of approaches for conveying abstract information in an intuitive way. Salaberry (2011), observed that, information visualization involves visual as well as interactive presentation and organization of complex data in a clear, compelling and convincing representations. Rober (2014), also opined that, information visualization can thus, be seen as an essential element in human daily lives, especially those in data-driven professions, such as online educators (teachers, students and stakeholders). Pylyshyn, (2013), states that, presentation in teaching and learning processes is very important for users of information to understand the messages of the communication taking place using information visualization tool. The amount of information required to process by a human brain can be overwhelming.
For a basic technology teacher to effectively handle the subject at the basic school level, preparation and effective use of information visualization tools are needed. This could be in terms of reading through what is to be taught, writing note of lessons, crossing appropriately all ‘Ts’ and all ‘I’s’, and above all, having the a clear knowledge of the effective and expertise use of information visualization components and other teaching and learning materials in the classroom in order to deliver the lesson effectively and for the students to maximize the objectives of what has been taught and learnt. According to Arinze (2004), effective teacher preparation in basic technology comes as a result of previous professional development the teacher had undergone. This culminates from the strict education the teacher has received which had helped him to master the nitty-gritty of the arts of teaching, learning and classroom management. Greenfield (2006), observes that both the preparation and professional development of a teacher, give the teacher in basic technology, the impetus and academic authority to effectively teach in the classroom, and by extension, the effective learning ability of the students. Greenfield is of the opinion that, effective teaching in basic technology as a result of effective preparation and professional development, result in effective students’ academic achievement in subject-matter, at any school level (primary, secondary and tertiary institutions).
The teacher occupies a very important position in any school system. According to Akande (2005), teacher’s work is very crucial because without the teacher, there will be no president, the governors, senators and illiteracy would have covered the whole earth. With the teacher, there is enlightenment, knowledge and civilization in the world. No nation can rise above its teachers. Therefore, the teaching profession is important because it is the job that produces educated and learned people for the development of the society (Wuji, 2005).

==== The End ====

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