This project work titled THE EFFECT OF EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE ON STUDENTS ATTITUDE TO LEARN has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 67
The educational system has for long had serious hit from examination malpractice and this has brought into focus the need to tackle this issues in order of findings ways to eradicate such problems in the light of the above the study looked at examination malpractices in college of Education Ekiadolor with the view to achieve the following objectives; to find out the causes of examination malpractice in the college; to find out the various means by which students use to cheat during examination; to investigate the effect of examination malpractice to both the students and educational system in general and to profound possible solutions, which could be use to eradicate the problem of examination malpractice. To achieve these objectives the problem of examination malpractice. To achieve these objectives the survey method was used for data collection, we used questionnaire to elicit information from chose school students, the result of the data analysis showed that the main causes of examination malpractice is the strong desire to acquire a certificate well labeled and most parents encourage them on it and the method commonly used is spying and copying of answers to examination questions from fellow students and examination malpractices has brought disastrous effect on students and the educational system in Nigeria and finally, some measure to adopt in eradicating this problems is: punishing students or whoever is involved in the act, spacing of students in the hall and higher payment and regular payment of salaries to supervisors and lecturers.
Malpractices according to the advance oxford learners dictionary is wrong doing, neglect to duty. According to Nwana (1999) examination malpractices could be defined as behaviour contrary to a set of expected code of conduct or contrary to a set of ethic and norms exhibited in the course of examination by persons or group of persons. The definition makes it clear that examination malpractice is not only illegal but its effect degrading and devastating. Mavan (1991) stated that in recent years the rampant occurrence of examination malpractices in several institution of learning in Nigeria have become a matter of concern to all. This statement denote that the rate at which candidates indulge in examination malpractice, examination leakage, impersonation, copying and certificate forging is alarming and it put the examination and the country as a sole in an embarrassing position, because it under estimate the quality of our educational system. The origin of examination malpractice can be traced back to (1914) when senior Cambridge local examination leaked.
This was thirty-eight years before West Africa Examination Council was established in the primary school cheating and alternation of marks are quite for common malpractice is even more evident in the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC), JAMB and other examination conducted by the federal ministry of education. Mark (1991) reported that the above fact was responsible for the 1987 decision by the federal ministry of education professor Jubril Aminu Mayah (1991) states that the registrar indicated the examination malpractices constitution is one of the biggest problems facing the boards.  He expressed disappointment at the way candidates despite efforts that have been made by school admission examination bodies and the government in terms of disciplinary measure in order to curb examination malpractice.
Examination malpractice has long been ion existence in our society and have been taken by different investigation on the subject and in-spite of these. Examination malpractice still thrives in our educational system. Despite the disastrous effect it has students, parents, educational system but the society at large, like
a. Cancellation of results
b.  Lowering of standard when under serving students are allowed in posses requiring high standard of performance.
c.  Lack of motivation or incentive to read hard in order to be successful in examination.
d.  Promote laziness and laxity in schools where by students do not read their books with what have been taught.
It is the purpose of this research to inquire deeply into the causes of examination malpractice and find possible solution in order to eradicate this act from the educational system and the nation in general.
In the course of the study the project researcher will attempt to achieve the following objectives.
1.  To find out the factor responsible for examination malpractices in College of Education, Ekiadolor
2.  To examine the people involved in examination malpractice.
3.  To suggest possible solution to the problem of examination malpractices in college of education and the various schools that make up the college.
The study intends to find out the factors that are responsible for examination malpractice and also some possible measure to eradicate it. It will help us to shift emphasis from paper qualification on job to experience by policy making those who plan the curriculum in Nigeria will be aware of the loophole and try to fill them up. It will also furnish the school of science school of vocational and other school in college of education and the state ministry of education with information and new ideas concerning examination malpractices. It will also help such organization as the Nigeria national council in the areas of examination malpractices.     
The study intends to find out the causes and some possible solution to examination malpractice in College of Education Ekiadolor. The study is restricted to the college of education using the students, academic and non-academic staffs. The study will involve 10 academic staffs, 10 non academic staffs and one hundred students drawn from each of the department in the school.
The study is guided by the following questions:
1.  Do parents encourage examination malpractices?
2.  What effect could examination malpractice have on educational system in Nigeria?
3.  Are lecturers involved in examination malpractices?
4.  Do parents place value on grades, rather than the knowledge?
Examination: examination could be define as a process of testing of knowledge or ability of an individual in mathematics questions, papers or oral inquiry into an inspection of some thing, or on a botanical specimen, and of business account and of one eyes questioning by a lawyer in a law court and of a witness.
Examination malpractice: could be defined as a process, whereby students by cheating in examination hall, in order for them to be able to gain what they want. They cheat by writing in piece of paper, writing in their palm and other part of their body.

==== The End ====

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