This project work titled SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF UNIVERSAL BASIC EDUCATION (UBE) PROGRAMME has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 40
1.1       Background of the Study
Education is regarded as an instrument par-excellence and the means of achievinghuman capital and national development. This underscores the aim for the introduction of universal basic education by Obasanjo’s administration. The typeof education introduced to us by the colonial government was too loop sided that itdoes not suit the need and demand of the Nigerian citizens (FRN, 2004).According to Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), the introduction of the UniversalPrimary Education in September 1976 was the first major national initiative thatwas aimed at universal access to education.
Ebuoh (2004) noted that thehindrances to Universal Primary Education are mainly ineffective personnel andinadequate material resources.In addressing the same problem, Opara (2001) opined that UPE did not achieve itsobjectives and collapsed due to lack of trained manpower as well as high dropoutrates, ethnic and religious influence as well as gender difference. Although thescheme collapsed it helped to sensitize parents towards sending their children andwards to schools. Its collapse according to Ukeje (1992) also led to a number ofmajor re-organization in the educational system. Thus,the down fall of UniversalPrimary Education leads to the introduction of Universal Basic Education.The Federal Government launched the Universal Basic Education on September30th, 1999 for the purpose of achieving compulsory free and Basic Education.FRN (2004) opined that it was also Nigeria’s response to the achievement of Education for all (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). TheUniversal Basic Education programme, as a policy reform measure, is aimed atrectifying distortions in basic education delivery in the country as well as cateringfor basic education in the formal and non formal sectors.The Universal Basic Education according to Federal Ministry of Education (1999)encompasses primary, junior secondary and nomadic education as well as adultliteracy is aimed at enabling all children in the Nigeria society to participate in the9 years of schooling from primary one to Junior Secondary School three (JSS111). In other words, Universal basic education is of low level basic and upperlevel basic. Low level basic encompasses primary schools while upper basicencompasses junior secondary schools. One of the main reasons for introducingthe Universal Basic Education scheme is because Nigeria is a signatory to the1990 geometry declaration of education for all (EFA) by the year 2000 and alsomember of the group nations committed to the total eradication of illiteracy.The Universal Basic Education is thus intended to be universal and compulsory.Obanya (2000) opined that these terms imply that appropriate types ofopportunities will be provided for the basic education of every Nigeria child ofschool going age up to JSS 3.
This means that all Nigeria children shall be givenopportunity to acquire basic education; hence Nigeria is one of the countries thatsigned the 2000 Dakar framework of action to ensure education for all (EFA) bythe years 2015.Fabunmi (2004) intimated that basic education programmes wasconceived as a response to the level of awareness and general education of thepopulace. The UBE scheme was introduced in order to take care of the large population of the disadvantaged groups, the nomadic and improve access toeducation generally. Basic education according to Jaibeoba (2007) is thefoundation for sustainable lifelong learning. It provides reading, writing andnumeracy skills (FRN).Operationally, basic education the type of education, in quality and content, that isgiven in the first level of education. This construct changes from country tocountry. In Nigeria, basic education was equated with six years of primaryschooling in the past. Currently basic education is extended to include the threeyears of Junior Secondary School (FRN). Universal Basic Education (UBE) isconceived to embrace formal education up to age 15, as well as adult and non-formal education including education of the marginalized groups within theNigerian society, (FRN, 2004). It is a policy reform measure of the FederalGovernment of Nigeria that is inline with the state objectives of the 1999:10constitution which states in section 18 that……Government shall eradicate illiteracy, to thisend, governmentshall as and when practicable provide a free and compulsory universalprimary education, free secondary education up to junior secondary three (JSS3) and freeadult literacyprograms.The main thrust of the Universal Basic Education programme is to lay thefoundation for lifelong learning through the inculcation of appropriate learning,self awareness, and citizenship and life skills. Since the introduction of UniversalBasic Education scheme, its implementation has not been well managed, thusleading to some problems. The implementation of Universal Basic Education scheme has not achieved desired objectives due to problems that beset itsimplementation such as poor training for teachers, poor supervision andmonitoring of the scheme, funds, corruption, inadequate facilities and inaccuratestatistical data. Thus, it isobserved that the successful implementation of theUniversal Basic Education will require mobilization of the teacher.Great number of problems is perceived in the implementation of Universal BasicEducation scheme in Enugu State. Ebuoh (2004) stated that the teachers and thegovernment are the two main participants in implementation of the UniversalBasic Education. Teachers problems according to Ebuoh includes lack ofsufficient classroom for the Universal Basic Education children, inadequatefacilities, inadequate qualified teachers, poor performance of students in publicexaminations, inadequate supply of teaching materials and problem of planningand execution and problems of funding of Universal Basic Education.The problems of unqualified teacher shows that many teachers do not possess thenecessary competence or skills in developing valid assessment instrument forevaluating behaviour outcomes in the three domains of the children that iscognitive, affective and psycho-motor domain.A lot of efforts according to Ebuohhave been made to achieve the goals as enunciated in the action plan.Thus, for a successful of UBE program implementation it is very important thatsome practical strategies be adopted.Many educational policies and strategies haveattempted to address issues of access, equity, pretension, quality enhancement,absenteeism, dropout rates, inadequate learning, irregular attendance, underachievement, with little success, (FRN, 2004). The situation demands that better. Thus, this study seeksto identity the strategies for the effective implementation of the Universal BasicEducation Programme in junior secondary three level of education in Enugu state.
         It also stipulates penalties for any parent who fails to comply with the provisions.
         But with all these stipulations and act embarking this programme much had not be achieved in providing this basic education for all citizenly (UBEC Journal, 2004).
         Therefore as a result of that I was prompted to pick this as a research topic so that I will contribute in solving the problems facing universal basic Education in Nigeria by bring a lasting solution to it.
         “Sustaniable strategies for effective implementation of Universal Basic Education Programme in Nigeria.
         To achieve these, Universal Basic Education Programme and its objectives must be critical at the foundation so that good foundation will be laid for life-long learning process.
         The Universal Basic Education programme and its lofty objectives would of course be sabotaged if left in the hands of under-qualified, badly trained, ill equipped and unmotivated teachers.
         As a result, this research work will concentrates of finding out the major problem which endangers proper implementation of Universal Basic Education which includes how inadequate infrastructure and facilities/finding, curriculum content and development and inadequate manpower effect its full implementation and finding a lasting solutions to it.
1.1 (i)        Inadequacy of infrastructure and poor funding; this has been one among many factor which hinders proper implementation of this programme since we know that teaching and learning process cannot take place where there is no infrastructural material like structures (building) where the actual learning process takes places, and instructional materials.  Therefore in this case teacher cannot use them head or sit under mango trees to teach therefore effort will be made through this work to enlighten public and all stakeholders to support in providing these material which are lacking in our schools.
1.1 (ii)       Curriculum content of the basic education
         Curriculum should be made in  a way that it will reflect the purposed/aim and target of the programme so that adequate skills will taught to student during this nine (9) years uninterrupted basic education which will give them adequate skill needed.
1.1 (iii)      Inadequate in area of manpower, in this area, teachers factors contributes a lot in full implementation of the programme.
         This is because we cannot give what we don’t have, therefore it is of great benefits if we ensure that the teachers who are involve in this programme will be highly educated and acquits themselves in all methods of teaching, they should have in their hand all about lesson plan which includes introduction, general sequence/orderliness of presentation, questioning, pupils’ participation, use of chalkboard, time, allocation, evaluation of learning outcomes, including lesson summary and home work/assignment.  Another factor in manpower is issue of teachers remuneration because even when the teacher knows all it takes to teach but he or she receives almost nothing at the end of the month, he or she cannot give all his best which will create inadequacy in manpower therefore the issue reward should be encouraged for devoted work.
         When all these factors are achieved after nine years of continuous education, every child that passes through the programme should acquire appropriate levels of literacy, innumeracy, common manipulative and life skill and employable, useful to himself and the society.     
1.2    Statement of Study
         In the past decades, Nigeria has been trying to formulate one programme or the other through National Policy on Education in order to achieve equal education for all citizen at least 9 (nine years of Basic Education which will be equal opportunity for all citizen will to achieve national goal (N.P.E. 2004) which is to live in unity and harmony as indivisible, indissoluble and democratic society backed up by self reliance.
         Universal Basic Education was introduced by Federal Government in order to remove distortion and inconsistencies in basic education delivery and reinforce the implementation of National policy on Education as well as provide access to and ensure quality of basic education throughout Nigeria in consistent with National Policy on Education.
         It is important to observer that without sustainable strategies for the implementation of the Universal Basic Education programme which National Policy on Education plans to achieved which targeted at National unity and integration with entire citizenly being self reliance.  The researcher is worried about strategies for implementations of Universal Basic Education Programme.  Hence, the sustainable strategies for effective implementation of Universal Basic Education programme in primary junior secondary school. Therefore there is need for sustainable strategy for implementation of Basic Education using Enugu Educational Zone as a case study.
1.3    Purpose of the Study
         The purpose of this study is to find out the major sustainable strategies for effective implementation of universal basic education.
         It is also important to carryout this study to draw the attention of the public to full participation in implementation of better strategies so as to enhance the Universal Basic education programme in order to:-
(a)     Ensuring an uninterrupted access to nine (9) years of formal education by providing free and compulsory Universal Basic Education for every child of school age.
(b)     Reducing school drop-out and improving relevance, quality and efficiency and
(c)     Acquisition of literacy, innumeracy life skills and values for life long education and useful living.
1.4       Significance of the Study
Although, there had been a lot of publications on researches carried out for proper implementation of universal basic education in Nigeria.
But it is hoped that this work will provide an insight into problems facing proper implementation of universal basic education programme and serves as a guide post to this programme in Nigeria.
Moreover, the study or research will provide empirical evidence useful for full achievement of policies on to policy makers in educational sector in Nigeria especially in universal basic education, programme. This will go along way to help achieve the target “education for all Nigeria in nearest future.
Therefore, this study will be of great interest and relevance to all governmental agencies who are the stakeholders in educational sector or the agencies involves in making and formulating policy to enhance educational background of entire citizens.
To the schools, this study will help provide needed infrastructure that will show that it is real school setting or an environment that donates a learning atmosphere and environments. In area of manpower, that is giver of knowledge themselves “Teacher” the research will provide an atmosphere where the teacher will enhance and update his knowledge in continuous teacher education without continuous teacher education, teacher cannot give education per excellence, which is quality education to our children.
Above all, when all this had been put on ground for learning purposes, students will benefits more because adequate environment had been provided in area of infrastructure, teacher education then students themselves will now put their heads on ground and learn. While doing this there will conducive atmosphere for learning and cordial relationship between the student and the teacher and the teacher which is the major factor that enhance teaching and learning in schools.
Finally, to the society in general, the significance of the this study will give room for a society where everyone in the society can be self dependent since the programme is aimed at producing citizens that acquire functional literacy, innumeracy and life skills for the children starting from their school age which will help them in later days of life.
It will equally create more awareness and interest in the problem of children of school age dropping out from school and sustainable ways of handling the problem so the entire nation will be devoid of youth restiveness which is caused by lack of job and skills in our youth.
In carrying out in depth investigations in educational sector and entire society, it will guide economic planner and educational planner how plan our children’s education so as to suit our present economy will save our educational value and socio-economic value and sustain-one’s self reliance.
1.5    Scope of Study
1.      Universal Basic Education Programmes initiates programmes and initiative for the acquisition of functional literacy, innumeracy and life skills for the school age children.  
2.      Programme and initiatives for early childhood education and development. 
3.      The formal school system from the beginning of primary education to the end of the junior secondary school.
4.      Formulating a special education for nomadic population through National commission for normadic Education (NCNE).

==== The End ====

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