This project work titled MINIMIZING DEFECTIVE PRODUCT THROUGH EFFECTIVE PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL IN DEFENCE INDUSTRIES CORPORATION OF NIGERIA has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Production & Operations Mgt Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 59
This research work examine production planning and control as a tool for minimizing defective products through effective production planning and control in Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria (DICON), Kakuri Kaduna. Hence the scope of the research cover every activity which has to do with production planning and control. The work covers statement of the general problems, research objectives, scope of the study, significance of the study and limitation of the study. Also diverse view of authors on production planning and control and other related areas in review. The research work employs the descriptive method for the purpose of an in-depth investigation. A sample size of 70 respondents was selected from the total population of 180 staff, questionnaire were administered to them, oral and verbal interview as well as obtaining information. Hypothesis H0 and H1 formulated on using effective production planning and control to minimize defective product in production performance. Date collected were presented and daily analyzed in tabular format using percentages, other findings of the studying centered on the required raw materials used by the organization but sourced outside the country, government policies such as hinge tax payments, customers and excise charges contributes to high production cost with locally sourced raw materials not maintaining a stable price from time to time with future plans having limitation due to some government regulations, economic downs turn, environmental factors technological changes, competitors actions. The study also brought to the fore the importance of production planning and control in the role of forecasting in production and operation management. Finally based on the findings a number of quality recommendation were offered to the organization to embrace in raw materials sourcing using alternative means i.e. research and development department, the complete computerization of the control system and other key system should be pursued effectively.
This research work examine production planning and control as a tool for minimizing defective products through effective production planning and control in Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria (DICON), Kakuri Kaduna. Hence the scope of the research cover every activity which has to do with production planning and control. The work covers statement of the general problems, research objectives, scope of the study, significance of the study and limitation of the study. Also diverse view of authors on production planning and control and other related areas in review. The research work employs the descriptive method for the purpose of an in-depth investigation. A sample size of 70 respondents was selected from the total population of 180 staff, questionnaire were administered to them, oral and verbal interview as well as obtaining information. Hypothesis H0 and H1 formulated on using effective production planning and control to minimize defective product in production performance. Date collected were presented and daily analyzed in tabular format using percentages, other findings of the studying centered on the required raw materials used by the organization but sourced outside the country, government policies such as hinge tax payments, customers and excise charges contributes to high production cost with locally sourced raw materials not maintaining a stable price from time to time with future plans having limitation due to some government regulations, economic downs turn, environmental factors technological changes, competitors actions. The study also brought to the fore the importance of production planning and control in the role of forecasting in production and operation management. Finally based on the findings a number of quality recommendation were offered to the organization to embrace in raw materials sourcing using alternative means i.e. research and development department, the complete computerization of the control system and other key system should be pursued effectively.
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