This project work titled ISOLATION IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FUNGI ASSOCIATED WITH THE SPOILAGE OF CORN has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Micro Biology Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 68
What food is more synonymous with summon that freshly picked corn on the cob? Corn grow in “ears”, each of which is covered in rows of kenels that are then protected by the silk like thread called “corn silk” and encased in a husk. Corn is known scientifically as Zea Mays. This moniker reflects its traditional name, Maize, by which it was known to the native Americans as well as many other cultures throughout the word. Although we often associate corn with the colour yellow, it actually comes in host of different varieties featuring an array of different colors, including red, pink, black, purple and blue. Although corn is now available in markets years round, it is the locally grown varieties that you can purchase during the summer months that ot only tastes the best are usually the least expensive (Pitt and Hocking, et al., 2009). From the time when primitive man began to cultivate crops and store food, spoilage fungi have demanded their tithe. Fuzzes powders and slimes of white and black, green, orange, red, and brown are signs of silently invading, acidifying fermenting, discoloring and disintegrating microbes rending commodities unpalatable or unsafe (Pitt and Hocking 2002). Pitt and Hocking 2009, also stated that in a prophetic article warned of the danger from common spoilage fungi. Since 1960, a seemingly endless dream of pathogenic fungi discovered. On these ground alone, the statement “ it is only a mould” is no longer acceptable to microbiologist, health inspectors or consumers. The demand for accurate identification and characterization of food spoilage fungi has become urgent. This research work is focused on corn and its spoilage organisms. It set out to document current knowledge on the interaction of corn and fungi in the context of spoilage. Area covered and how the fungi is isolated using the suitable best media and identification of corn spoilage fungi. Mycologist develops preference and peculiarities of the type of fungi that are routinely grown. Media will affect colony morphology and color whether particular structures are formed or not, and may affect whether the fungus will be even in culture (Hunt et al, 2004).
What food is more synonymous with summon that freshly picked corn on the cob? Corn grow in “ears”, each of which is covered in rows of kenels that are then protected by the silk like thread called “corn silk” and encased in a husk. Corn is known scientifically as Zea Mays. This moniker reflects its traditional name, Maize, by which it was known to the native Americans as well as many other cultures throughout the word. Although we often associate corn with the colour yellow, it actually comes in host of different varieties featuring an array of different colors, including red, pink, black, purple and blue. Although corn is now available in markets years round, it is the locally grown varieties that you can purchase during the summer months that ot only tastes the best are usually the least expensive (Pitt and Hocking, et al., 2009). From the time when primitive man began to cultivate crops and store food, spoilage fungi have demanded their tithe. Fuzzes powders and slimes of white and black, green, orange, red, and brown are signs of silently invading, acidifying fermenting, discoloring and disintegrating microbes rending commodities unpalatable or unsafe (Pitt and Hocking 2002). Pitt and Hocking 2009, also stated that in a prophetic article warned of the danger from common spoilage fungi. Since 1960, a seemingly endless dream of pathogenic fungi discovered. On these ground alone, the statement “ it is only a mould” is no longer acceptable to microbiologist, health inspectors or consumers. The demand for accurate identification and characterization of food spoilage fungi has become urgent. This research work is focused on corn and its spoilage organisms. It set out to document current knowledge on the interaction of corn and fungi in the context of spoilage. Area covered and how the fungi is isolated using the suitable best media and identification of corn spoilage fungi. Mycologist develops preference and peculiarities of the type of fungi that are routinely grown. Media will affect colony morphology and color whether particular structures are formed or not, and may affect whether the fungus will be even in culture (Hunt et al, 2004).
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