This project work titled INSPECTION AS AN AID TO EFFECTIVE BANK MANAGEMENT. has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Public Administration Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 61
Banking decree 1969 defines banking as the business of receiving monies from out side sources as deposits, irrespective of the payment of interest and the granting of loans and acceptance of credits or the purchase of bills and cheques or the purchase and sales of securities for accounts of others or the incurring of the obligation of acquire claims in respect of lons prior to their maturity or the assumption of guarantees and other warranties for others or the effecting o transfers and clearings, and such other transactions as the minister may on the recommendation of the Central Bank, by order published in the Federal Gazette designated as banking business.
In Nigeria Banking system is made up of the Central commercial merchant and development bank. There are other banks with People’s Bank and Community bank respectively.  These are recently developed or established by decree of the Federal Military Government. Banking has been in existence for many years now but it is unfortunate that there has been no generally accepted statutory definition of a bank until 1969.
In (1982) Hart brought his own view of definition of ank as a person or company carrying on the business of receiving monies and collecting draft for customers subject to the obligation of honouring cheques drawn upon them from time to time by customers to the extend of the amounts available on their current account. The government through its agency the Central Bank of Nigeria regulates banks.  This is to ensure that they render services to their customers in a manner consistent with safe banking operations and government financial policy.
Due to the need to effectively and efficiently mange depositors funds the task of managing a bank is entrusted with honors, reputable, and hard-working personnel amongst various function of bank management from among alternatives of a course of action. It is at the core of planning, a plan cannot be said to exist unless a decision has been reached (Kasnts 1984).
The bank personnel management established internal control procedure for the effective discharge of the major functions in order to obtain their corporate objectives. In doings this, special attention must be given to communication problem.  The structure of the bank organization should have a one and the staff structure so that there will be flow of information form the top management and vice versa and also the low level will give advice to the top level who might accept it or not.  This will make people below the top management level to be among of the bank policy and their own responsibilities towards the bank.
With a free flow of information there will be a real basis for effective decision-making.  There is a need to establish a follow up mechanism so that the performance will be maintained to know whether action is going according to plan and policies. If it is not then correction can be made before it is too late. It is in the light of the above factors that the management function of controlling becomes very desirable.
In order words, to ensure that efficiency proper management are maintained the bank management has established the internal control unit or the inspection division.  The inspection itself is an important organ for internal control system.  But our teaching problem is hat despite the establishment of this division there seem to be lapses here and there..
Based on the factors, the research was motivated to examine the extent to which inspectorate unit of banks are contribution to the efficient management of the banks resources with particular reference to United Bank for Africa PLC, Agbani Road, Enugu.
Despite the creation of inspectorate unit in the bank for internal control, it is not clear on the adequacy of human and non-human resources for efficient operations of banking industry. This is because mangers still grant credits (loans) beyond their power limit without collateral security. Secondly, cases of bad debts result form loan given to customers that has not been recovered.  Hence the CBN (1990) Prudential guideline has not been obeyed and the effect is reported or minimal profit.
Thirdly, there has been cases of computer fraud deflation and outright removal of physical cash by employees ad out sectors.  This has created imbalance looks and records with obvious effect of huge loses. Another problem is he extent of frequent rationalization and entrenchment in the banking industry.  This creates job insecurity and workers may tend to indulge in any act for survival in case of eventualities.  All these motivated the research to study the effect of inspection as an aid to effective bank management.
The purpose of this study include the followings
a.  To examine the inspective techniques in UBA PLC, Agbani Road, Enugu.
b.  To ascertain the number of bad debts resulting form loans given to customers that has not been recovered and provision made for prevention.
c.  To find out the extent of computer fraud and associate of evils in UBA Agbani Road, Enugu, with a view to solving them.
d.  To find out the extent of job security provisions in the UBA PLC Agbani Road, Enugu as it related to proper accountability by the banking staff.

==== The End ====

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