This project work titled INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION ON TEACHERS JOB PERFORMANCE IN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 75
1.1 Background to the Study
Motivation and performance are very important factors in terms of organization success and achievements. (Latt, 2008). Motivation plays an important role in the organization because it increases the productivity of employees and the goals can be achieved in an efficient way. The behavior of employees can be change through motivation in any organization. From situation to situation, the level of motivation differs with in an individual (Robbins et al 2005).
Motivation also takes part in an important role for teachers because it helps to achieve the target in an efficient way. Teacher motivation is very important because it improves the skills and knowledge of teachers because it directly influences the student’s achievement (Mustafa, and Othman, 2010). If in schools, the teachers do not have sufficient motivation then they are less competent which directly influence the students and the education system. The teaching profession previously was accorded with respect, honor and dignity. This enviable profession was a sort of motivation to many teachers. Also not only afford life career and permanent membership but also renders services to the public. It has code of ethics; the code of ethics for teachers is contained in the handbooks of the Nigeria union of teachers. They were revealed and give pride of place in the study. But recently, the government and all its organs neglect teachers and the educational sector, while motivation can be brought about by adequate remuneration, fringe benefits and recognition. They can also be made to occupy high social status in the society.
Adelabu (2005) found in Nigeria that teacher’s motivation is very poor and teachers are also dissatisfied with their working environment and salary conditions. The reason behind the poor motivation of teachers is that they having low salaries as compared to other professionals, poor work environment, no decision making authority, and also not giving them opportunity of develop their career. Motivation guide people‘s actions and behaviours toward achievement of some goals (Analoui, 2000). In work and other contexts therefore, motivation is often described as being ―intrinsic‖ or ―extrinsic‖ in nature (Sansone & Harackiewicz, 2000).
Intrinsic motivation, deriving from within the person or from the activity itself, positively affects behavior, performance, and well being (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Extrinsic motivation on the other hand, results from the attainment of externally administered rewards, including pay, material possessions, prestige, and positive evaluations among others. Teachers’ job performance is a concern of everybody in the society. Oxford Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary defines performance as ―the act or process of carrying out something or execution of an action or a repetitive act or fulfillment or implementation (Hornby, 2000). In this respect, teacher performance connotes the teachers‘ role of teaching students in class and outside the class. The key aspects of teaching involve the use of instructional materials, teaching methods, regular assessment of students, making lesson plans, assessment of pupils, conduct of fieldwork, teachers’ participation in sports, attending school assembly and guidance and counseling. Therefore, teacher job performance is the teacher‘s ability to integrate the experience, teaching methods, instructional materials, knowledge and skills in delivering subject matter to students in and outside the classroom.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
It is pertinent to note that teachers activities must be compensated and rewarded as an encouragement in order for them to work harder, the absent of motivation has a negative effect in the standard of education in the country as the students are being deprived of the needed knowledge that should be imparted on by a well motivated teacher. However, in spite of the facts that this motivation was not really there, teachers still did their work conscientiously producing desired result. There is no doubt before now teachers started to recognize their own worth and demand for their right when these was not forth coming their attitude to their work began to change and this was the beginning of the down word side in education in the country. It was also the beginning of industrial actions by teacher’s nationwide. From 1980 till date, the country had witnessed countless number of strikes and counters strikes as the many other establishments, strikes is a common action embarked upon by workers over the years. There have been wide spread concern on what teachers can do effectively and how this condition of services could be achieved, the resultant effect was a further determination of students performance. This has been the major concern of the researcher who has decided to find out the influence of motivation on teachers job performance.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
This study examines the influence of motivation on teacher’s job performance; some other specific objectives are:
i. To find out whether motivation of teachers has any effect on their morale to perform.
ii. To find out the effect of intrinsic motivation on the performance of teachers.
iii. To find out the effect of extrinsic motivation on the performance of teachers
iv. To find out whether the proper use of motivation techniques have a positive or negative effects on the performance of teachers.
v. To find out whether teachers are presently satisfied with the condition of service.
1.4 Research Questions
The following questions will be answered in the course of this study:
i. Does  motivation of teachers has any effect on their morale to perform?
ii. What is the effect of intrinsic motivation on the performance of teachers?
iii. What is the effect of extrinsic motivation on the performance of teachers?
iv. Does the proper use of motivation techniques have positive or negative effects on the performance of teachers?
v. Are are presently satisfied with the condition of service?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.     H0: There is no significant relationship between teacher’s salary and the performance of teachers
H1: There is significant relationship between teacher’s salary and the performance of teachers
2.     H0: There is no significant relationship between teacher’s job environment and the performance of teachers
H1: There is significant relationship between teacher’s job environment and the performance of teachers
1.6 Scope of the study
The study will be carried out in two selected secondary schools in Abeokuta South Local Government. The schools will be selected for study based on their easy accesbility for concise information and teacher’s population.
1.7 Significance of the study
This study is of importance in the educational sector of today, especially now that Nigeria needs motivated staff if performance is to be enhanced at this level. The study, therefore, seeks to explore possible strategies for improving school management and administration.
The study is of importance to the policy makers and school administrators as it identifies major strategies to modify the behavior of teaching staff towards their job performance. It has in particular identified strategies that will help to improve teacher morale and working conditions, at the same time counteract the factors that lower the teachers‘ motivation.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Motivation: The process of including or causing someone to behave in the most desired way in the aid of certain incentives.
Performance: This is the way in which something react under certain condition of fulfils the purpose for which it was intended.
Remuneration: This is the monetary compensation an employee receives of work done, condition of service, this is both the monetary and non-monetary compensation given to an employee.
Satisfaction: This is a feeling of happiness or pleasure because you have achieved something or get what you want.
Productivity: Is the rate at which goods are produce and the amount produce compared with the work, time and money needed to produce them.

==== The End ====

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