This project work titled IMPACT OF TV ADVERTISEMENT ON CHILDREN BUYING BEHAVIOUR has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 69
Impact of TV Advertisement on Children Buying Behaviour
Everyone grows into a universe inundated with mass media. For instance, TV adverts, films, videos, billboards, magazines, movies, music, newspapers, etc (Latif&Abideen, 2011). Among the tools of marketing, adverts are popularly used for its permanent impression on the audience mind; also it comes with a broader exposure (Katke, 2007). Advertisement is of great importance and critical in today’s stiff competitive market in which manufacturers and sellers are constantly competing with each other for the buyer’s attention. It may contribute to an embodiment of accomplishment or to the falling covers of any product or brand. When advertisement is doneproperly, the attraction of large volume of target audience is guaranteed, thus products or brands become popular through advertisement (Malik et al., 2014).  The term ‘advertisement’ has been defined variously. Ryan’s (1996) advertising is a type of communiqué which is used to coax a particular group of people in order to embark on some new actions. Advertising can be taken as a key, vital and significant component for economic and financial development of the marketers and different businesses in competition.  Datta (2008) on the other hand referred to it as a non-personal communication of information which is partly paid for as well as persuasive in nature about services, products or ideas handled by identified sponsors through the various media. Further, (Leiss et al 1986) contends that, an advert is a paid form of public promotion, handled by promoters and through several traditional media e.g. TV, money-making radio advert, open-air advertising, newspapers, marketing magazine, e-mails or contemporary media like online blogs, websites and text messages. Also, they improve the quality of propa baby diapers without much price increase. The company should factor personal factors of consumers in their marketing strategy if they want to be a market leader in the Dunkwa-on-offin
observed that, developmental and technological changes have elevated advertising to a more pervasive, educative and powerful weapon in its impact and affect. For them, most objective of the advertisers are to spread ideas about the products and its offerings among prospective buyers. For Ramaswami & Namakumari, (2004), the popularization and easy identification of products are the basic aim of advertising. Mass media therefore serves as a critical marketing communications tool for majority of marketers. In view of this, Etzel et al (2008) pointed out that, the choosing a particular media depends on the nature of the message and your intention towards target audience. 
According to Saxena (2005), television advertising has been recognized as the bestselling and economical media ever invented. He pointed out that, its impact is highly potential and cannot be matched by any other media. Television advertising is generally considered as the most powerful medium of advertisement because it has the potential of reaching a very broad spectrum of consumers instantly. Ciochetto (2004) therefore opined that, advertisers find it operative and economical using TV instead of print media to extend to target customers, partially as a result of low literacy rate. For Kotwal et al (2008), Television advertising does not only transform one’s emotions but also give important message. These messages exert extensive effect on the everyday lives of individuals and organizations. In addition, Cruz (2004) observed that, using television advertisement can reach a whole spectrum of consumers and organizations. As time changes, television has turn out to be one enduring feature to all upper and middle class homes. Even more infrequent in the poorer neighborhoods of cities and rural homes (Shah & D’Souza, 2008). Literature on the subject shows that, consumers react stronger to TV advertisements than to print advertisements. According to Khandai and Agrawal (2012), television as communication medium, can be extremely an effective medium. This is because it is used in demonstrating product attributes, usage importance, ingredients etc and convincingly elucidation their consistent customer’s profits. They added that, it can vividly depict user and usage imagery, brand disposition and other intangible attributes. Television advertising does not only alter sentiments but provides substantial communication applying huge impact on the daily lives of people (Kotwal et al, 2008).

==== The End ====

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