This project work titled IMPACT OF MOTIVATION AND JOB SATISFACTION ON EMPLOYEE’S PERFORMANCES has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Business Administration Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 75
Without any doubt education is the motor of development of each country and economy. The efficiency of any country’s workforce drives the economic development of that country while workforce productivity depends on its educational system. Subsequently, all countries offer colossal importance to educate their citizens guaranteeing as many citizens as possible to have access to secondary education as a route to the higher education. The effect of education on society turns out to be better as the number of people increases having access to secondary education (Craig C. Pinder, 2008) It is because secondary education is a phase where students are prepared to contribute their shares to social and economic development of their society. The motivation of employees among few elements affecting secondary education stands tall.
It is inappropriate and not enough if we merely rely on the number of people engaged in providing service. Their ability and experience are also countable. The best positive result can be extracted out of an employee if she/he is properly motivated. The force which energises sustains and directs person’s effort in achieving a goal is motivation. (Bateman & Snell, 1996). A highly motivated person having an adequate understanding of the job will work hard towards achieving the organisational goal.
Motivation is considered as one of the most imperative matters in all the organisations, no matters whether it is private or public sector (Baldoni, 2005b). “Motive” means wants, desire, and needs of an individual. Therefore, the employee motivation refers to a procedure where organisations inspire their employees with the shape of bonus, rewards, increment, etc. to achieve organisational goals. This research study (Creswell, J. 2012) concerning the impact of motivation on the performance of employees helps to understand motivation that affects employee performance in the organisation and motivational tools used by the organisation so as to motivate employees for the best performance (Aung, 2008).
Further, this research will make clear in what manner motivation creates an impact on the performance of employees. The study of similar literature shall assist towards understanding different variables applied in the research work (Creswell, J.W. 2015).
Various experimental studies have found that exposures and trainings to research work are considered as crucial factors to enhance the performance of the employees in a secondary school. In this manner, motivation is the real driver of the employee performance in any organisation (Amabile, T.M. 1997). The employee performance is positively correlated to motivation. This implies if employees are motivated; it certainly helps to raise their performance. The positive correlation between motivation and performance is moderated via level of education; training and prior research experience (Baldoni, 2005b). This factor will probably make an impact on performance and its association with motivation in this respect.
Ramchandrapur High School (R.R.K.H.S, 2016) in Comilla, Bangladesh has been chosen as an organisation for this case study within the research work. It’s a secondary school with different categories of employees. Academic staff, employees-in-training, faculty members, student assistants, school staff are the employee categories under this research study. The research will highlight the motivation along with its impact on the performance of the employees in case of Ramchandrapur High School (R.R.K.H.S, 2016). The level of motivation has direct as well as the positive relationship with the performance of employees along with the organisational commitments (Vansteenkiste et al., 2006). The absence of motivation (Bateman, T.S. & Snell, S. 1996) within the organisation tends to disrupt productivity of an organisation, and at the end, the results cannot be generated up to the mark. Thus, the different aspects of impact on motivational cases along with employee performance situation (Becker, S., Bryman, A. & Ferguson, H. 2012) within Ramchandrapur High School (R.R.K.H.S, 2016) will be given emphasis throughout the research study.
Providing the employees with the right blend of direction, guidance, techniques, assets and compensation based on the goal of motivating them and making them quick to work through the way the manager wants them to do is the major aim of the motivation. Above all, the employees are the most important resource for any organisation. The growth of any employment depends on how motivated the employees are and how long they stay with the organisation (Vroom, 1985). Furthermore, the cost of recruitment and maintenance of employees are significantly reduced, and it can also help in the expansion of vocation if the system can hold the motivated employees for long in the organisation (Nyameh et al., 2013).
The motivation of employees is the most challenging and standout characteristics a manager (Bryman, A. 2015a) should possess. There is a growing number of cases that any organisation may face a tough time retaining employees because of the aggressive labour market of today and the restricted opportunities available. And there is no sign of improving either. The loss of employees is marked as a great loss of information, experience and aptitudes which lead to a significant financial effect and cost to an organisation including the impact on the need of the customers (Hackman & Oldham, 1976). Managers having strong motivational technique assist the organisation by enhancing employee retention.
This study will investigate the relationship between the promotions and rewards on the motivation of employees with the effects from the performance of employees, more specifically in the educational sector. It also will describe in what manner motivation impacts on the performance of employees along with the good strategies of motivation for achieving organisational success (Becker, L. 2014).
Motivation and performance are two significant factors regarding organisational success and achievement (Bryman, A. 2015b). In a dynamic environment, it is important for an organisation to embrace that change since it might propel to pick up an upper hand. For this, the primary concern they require is the competent and skilled representatives.
Motivation plays an imperative part in any organisation since it augments the productivity of employees and the objectives can be accomplished in a proficient way. The behaviour of employees can be altered through motivation in any organisation. From circumstances to circum-stances the level of motivation contrasts within an individual (Robbins; Judge & Sanghi, 2009). Motivation takes part in an imperative role for teachers because it accomplishes the objectives in a productive and efficient way. The motivation of employees is imperative since it enhances the abilities and learning of teachers and it specifically impacts the students’ accomplishment (Wahyuni et al., 2014). If the teachers in schools don't have sufficient motivation, they are less able to meet the objectives which straightforwardly impact the students and the educational sys-tem. 
Not many investigations had been directed in Bangladesh on employees in a secondary school. This research fundamentally emphasized on the performance of employees (Becker, L.M. 2014) of Ramchandrapur High School (R.R.K.H.S 2016) in the context of Bangladesh. The rationale of this research is that it might help to characterize and individualize the significance of motivation that has a solid effect on the profitability and performance of employees of Ramchandrapur High School (R.R.K.H.S 2016). This study may help to enhance the performance of the employees by motivational elements to improve the overall educational standard of the schools in secondary levels.
This research work was essentially carried out to analyses the impact of motivation on the performance of the employees in Ramchandrapur High School, Comilla, Bangladesh (R.R.K.H.S, 2016). To build up the research study (Creswell, J.W. 2014a) following objectives were recognised to support:
1. To critically review the theory of employee motivation as well as identify the significant issues which impact employee motivation in the educational sector focusing on Ramchandrapur High School.
2. To analyse the current employee performance of Ramchandrapur High School.
3. To examine the effect of motivation on employee performance based on Ramchandrapur High School.
4: To provide recommendations to Ramchandrapur High School based on the findings of the research. 
1. How does a secondary school like Ramchandrapur High School motivate their employees?
2. How does motivation affect the performance of employees of Ramchandrapur High School?
3. What are the relationships among motivation and performance of employees within a secondary school like Ramchandrapur High School?
Every organisation wants to overshadow its rivals providing quality service to its customers to sustain in the today’s competitive market by its business sector or educational sector. To compete with the rest of the world, every educational institution needs to make out the best of their employees. For this, motivation is the key factor to inspire the employees to meet the objectives. It is not possible for any institution to achieve these objectives without motivating their employees. Motivation comes from the tasks they finish, the level of satisfaction, opportunities for the future progression, organisational environment and the colleagues (Kachalla, 2009). The aim is every segment in the educational system of Bangladesh would have a tremendous advantage from this study. The study concentrates more specifically on the performance of employees of Ramchandrapur High School through motivation.
The scope of the study covers the Impact Of Motivation And Job Satisfaction On Employee’s Performances.
The demanding schedule of respondents at work made it very difficult getting the respondents to participate in the survey. As a result, retrieving copies of questionnaire in timely fashion was very challenging. Also, the researcher is a student and therefore has limited time as well as resources in covering extensive literature available in conducting this research. Information provided by the researcher may not hold true for all businesses or organizations but is restricted to the selected organization used as a study in this research especially in the locality where this study is being conducted. Finally, the researcher is restricted only to the evidence provided by the participants in the research and therefore cannot determine the reliability and accuracy of the information provided.
Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
1.  Motivation: This is a process of stimulating people to action in order to achieve desired goals or accomplish a desired task: Hezbong, Fedenick (1964). The motivation Hygiene concept and problems of manpower personnel Administration January – February.
2.  Personnel Administration is that organization or enterprises function which is especially concerned with the management of the human component in organization. Abah, Norbert C. (1997) Public Personnel Administration Enugu: Jeen Publishers Ltd.
3.  NA – Nigerian Airways. Sun Newspaper April 20, 2003
4.  B.P.E.- Bureau of Public Enterprises Sun Newspaper April 20, 2003
5.  MBO: Management by objective Ordiorne, CT Politics of Implementing MBO” Business Horizon June 1974

==== The End ====

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