This project work titled IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP STYLE ON WORKERS PERFORMANCE IN AN ORGANISATION has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Public Administration Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 79
The research topic examines the impact of leadership style on workers performance in an organization, it is an obvious fact that leadership in any organization is very important and essential. An organsiation cannot survive without a good lead to cannot function without credible and competent leadership who would establish an organization and set a pace for the workers to follow. Leadership has the responsibility of creating the right atmosphere for the organization as a whole and to pay special attention to problem areas. The right atmosphere could be realized depending on the circumstance at any given period. The research topic shall be examined the impact of leadership style on workers performance. The population for this study is Lagos State Television Corporation, LTV 8 comprise selected employees cutting across the various department or units of the corporation. Questionnaire shall be the major instrument for gathering information from the selected employees. The questionnaire shall be randomly distributed among the selected employees. The data so collected shall be analyzed using simple percentage. Result and discussion of the research shall be done bared on the data analyzed.
Leadership as a natural human indemnity has come of age whenever there are a group of people, a leader must emerge to direct the affairs of the group toward the achievement of identified objectives, Leadership can be conceptualized as the interpersonal influence exercises in a situation by means of communication process towards the achievement of particular goals. Leadership is part of management and there are many ways of looking at leadership. It may be exercised as an attribute of position or because of personal knowledge or wisdom. This therefore implies that leadership may be a function of personality of the individual (leader) or the position he is occupying in an organization, hence we can conclusively say that all managers are leaders.
Leadership is a dynamic process; it can be conceived as a behavioral category. The emphasis of leadership as an interpersonal behavior in a broader context often associated with the willing enthusiastic behaviour of the followers. Leadership does not necessary take place within the hierarchy structure of an organization, many people operate as leaders without their role organization according to GRAHAM. (1974) A leader often has great influence attitude and to make change more acceptable functional behaviour and achievement of the group that there is an effective leadership. The extent to which managers understand that motivate their subordinate and how motivation operates depends on the effectiveness of the leadership style of the leader.
Leaders as the member of the organization are needed to instill some inspiration, drive enthusiasm and above all the appropriate motivation in other member of the organization. Leaders are persons responsible for directing the effect of others. A leader can also be seen as an individual who influences the behavior of others toward pre-determined goals.
According to Johnnie (2006), leadership is the process of directing and influencing tasks related activities of group’s member. This implies that leadership must involve people that are followers or subordinates. Leadership is the pivot on which the success of any business stands.
However, leadership is the ability to inspire other people to work toward the achievement of goals through a coordinated decision making. It is necessary in every organization because management needs it to secure co-operations among the diverse components-cadres that constitute the organization. With the existence of co-operation within the organization,  the management is able to make proper decision and see its successful implementation to yield desired result.
Most organization style of leadership opposes the growth and development of the employee. Some leader does not focus on organizing, supporting and developing the people in the leader’s team.  A person with a poor attitude requires a different approach than one with a high degree of motivation. The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of human nature: needs, emotions, and motivation. Some organization does not understand the application trait approach for test and interviews in the selecting managers.
Leadership style as it is used earlier refers to all strategies adopted by those who influence decision to guarantee a continuous maximum productivity in terms of decision making within an organization context. 
However, some styles are repressive, and the workers are more likely to react against the repressive ones. Hence the more progressive styles for a wider period of time and yield a desiring result in organization decision making.   
The purposes of this study are as follows:
               i.         To identify the impact of leadership style on workers performance.
              ii.         To evaluate the effect of leadership style on workers attitude towards achieving organizational goal.
            iii.         To examine the influence of leadership style on team work in an organization.
            iv.         To examine the relationship between leadership style and workers performance.
The following research questions are meant to provide solutions to the problems of the study.
      i.         Does the impact of leadership style improve workers performance?
     ii.         Does the leadership style have effect on workers attitude towards achieving organizational goal?
   iii.         Does the leadership style influence organization team work?
   iv.         Is there any relationship between leadership style and workers performance?
The following hypotheses are formulated for testing.
Hypothesis 1
Ho:      There is no significant relationship between leadership             style     and workers performance in an organization.
H1:      There is a significant relationship between leadership             style and workers performance in an organization.
Hypothesis 2
Ho:      Leadership style does not improve workers commitment towards organizational goal.
H1:      Leadership style improves workers commitment towards organizational goal.
Hypothesis 3
Ho:      There is no significant difference between leadership style and team work in an organization.
H1:      There is a relationship between leadership style and team work in an organization.
The study will help to highlight the concept of leadership style and staff behaviour to organization productivity. Through such understanding, the administrative scope of the chief executives officers could be broadened and this would put him in a better position to review and overhaul their orientation to administration in terms of better leadership styles and thus producing better results by fully utilizing the human resources potentials available. The study will also help the organization to achieve organization objective in a particular environment and play a significant role on organization decision making.
The study of this nature is encompassing as the issue of decision making cut across all organization in the country.  It x-rays the issues involved in organizational leadership with a view to providing a framework for future solutions. Being an academic research work the study is limited with the following; there is limit to this study. The given time to this study is short, there is financial constraint as one of the limitation to this study and accessibility of information by the researcher is another limitation to this study as the data gathered are not adequate. 
i. This study would help in highlighting how a manager can adopt a style or combine the different styles of leadership in any given situation in order to be an effective and successful leader.
ii. The analysis of findings and recommendation would provide a basis for the management of the organization under study.
i. AUTHORITY: it is the legitimate right to use resources to accomplish stated objectives.
ii. LEADERSHIP: this term has been defined in various ways by different authors and scholars.
iii. LEADERSHIP STYLES: This refers to a pattern of management behaviour to integrate personal and organizational interest and efforts in pursuit of the organization objectives.
iv. MANAGER: is a person who attempts to achieve the stated goal of the organization by directing human activities (materials, machines, money and information) in the production of goods and services.
v. MOTIVATION: Omoniyi F.A.O defined motivation as a process of including motive that create enhancement of positive response which unliminates in productivity in the work place.
vi. QUESTIONNAIRE: this is .a list designed and served on respondents to be filled or completed them in order o enable the researcher conduct on investigation into a given subject of inquiry.

==== The End ====

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