This project work titled IMPACT OF INTERNET ON CHILDREN (12-18 YEARS) has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Mass Communication Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 70
In order to be able to appreciate the internet and children, it is important to know the power of that “information source called internet (Web). This is because browsing cannot be performed without the use of computer network. Computer is the most spontaneous, electronic message carries of our time. This bring the scene of what is happening in the world as it is happening.
Internet has significantly altered our life style in several ways. It is providing opportunities to wander about the world and to escape out of the real world while sitting in the chair. By the constant repetition of certain themes and through powerful visuals of high technical quality it is even conditioning most of the children into thinking and behaving in particular way. In the filed or education-Concepts are changing from computer based training to web based training. Like e-gurukool, e-learning, on-line examinations etc. then there is virtual classroom concept where the lecture is webcasted. Any doubt that arise can be clarified through the virtual classroom concept. Channels are available on internet of everything and anything. Internet has channels on persona, libraries, travel, art, computing, lifestyle, shopping, music, people, money, games, sport, etc. it is amazing to know the amount of information that is available on the interntet, through which one can access the information in the best and most inexpensive ways.
 Anything in this world can be accessed through the internet these days. Similarly, E-mail has revolutionized the communication. Voice mail is where they record voice and the same is sent to the destination. Net-to- phone is where one can talk to anyone in the world at the cost of a local call. 
There is no problem about the positive role of the internet on children. Similarly, there is also exists not merely a consensus but a growing concern about its harmful effects however, positive effects do not stick so easily and negative effects do not leave us so readily. Therefore, it is  useful and appropriate to focus on the harmful role of the internet in distorting the life of children and in influencing particularly the school and college going children at their highly impressionable age.
Internet role in promoting vulgarity and in undermining children’s life style is particularly distressing. The above of this very powerful media leads us to question the absoluteness of certain liberal concepts like freedom and choice when it comes to viewing what one wants.
The chief purpose of this study is to come up with an in-depth examination of children’s attitude towards introduction of the internet which may be harmful in nature.
Furthermore, it will seek to highlight some attitudes by children arising from internet browsing. On completion, it is hope to establish how various internet browsing influences children’s behavioural patten and life style.
Above all, it is hope to examine how best the internet browsing that causes harmful behaviours on children could be shaped or modeled to meet the accepted social norms and how.
Finally, it will measure in molding the lives of youths in the society.     
This study “The internet and Enugu Urban Children” is designed to explore the dangers of internet browsing such as yahoo, dating on net etc. by children and evolving solutions to check the annoying behaviour of children engendered internet exposure. It will be beneficial not only to the government who have express concern over wild character traits from children in recent times. It may be meaningful to all of them in that information contained in the study will enhance their rate.     
Research question that will be posed to children (respondents) between the ages of 12-18 years includes some of the following.
1.           Do parents regulate children’s rate of browsing?
2.           Does exposure to net  bring about changes in children behaviour?
3.           Does such exposure cause positive or negative change?

==== The End ====

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