This project work titled IMPACT OF ADVERSTISING AND PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES ON ORGANISATION PRODUCT AND SERVICES has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Business Administration Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 69
1.1 Background to the study
Advertising consist of all the activities in presenting to a group, a non-personal, oral or usual, openly sponsored message regarding the product, service or idea. This message is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by an identified sponsor. First there is significant different that exists between advertising and advertisement, advertisement is the message itself. Which advertising is process? Advertising is a powerful communication force and a vital marketing tool in helping to sell goods, services images and idea through channel of information and persuasion. The word ‘’helping’’ above despites that advertising by itself almost ‘’never sells product’’ this word is often credited with making registered ring and blamed for falling do so. They system of advertising is a non-personal affair because the distinction is sometimes important because the role face to face soles play in many businesses. A sales force is often considered a marketing strategy, not advertising strategy. Is an aspect of the market and communication process rather than a separate activity carried on by distinctive group of professionals independently of frothier marketing activities?
According to kotter (2011) “advertising is any paid from of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor”. Advertising is aimed at selling goods, services, create awareness, and create demand and supply to people, familiarize the public with the use of the product, prepare the way for the sales men and introduce new quality product and style to customer’s satisfaction Advertising is part of the marketing mix, but can be used by an individual such as an entertain or by non-commercial organization not engaged in marketing, such as hospital advertising for staff.
Advertising is one of the four major tools companies or films use to direct persuasive communication to target buyers and public. It consists of non-personal form of communication conducted through paid media under clear sponsorship. Although advertising is primarily a private enterprise marketing tools, it is used in the countries of the world including socialist countries it works not only on behalf of specific goods and services. But also assumes certain characteristic which are less directly connected to selling. However, the potency of advertising as an economic catalyst lies in its persuasive and informative attributes.
Awake (2010) state that advertising can even create market where no market exists”. Such is advertising power of persuasion and influence, it influences and encourages consumers to anything they do and motivate them buy something not in their own interest, but to patronize the sellers. Sales promotion is a term which is very loosely and wrongfully use, and so it is necessary to understand that it refers only and especially to those aids used between the advertising, to the customer by the manufacturer on supplier and the actual retail selling by the retailer to the consumer or final user closer to the advertising, because it takes place at the point of sales. Sales promotion consists of a wide variety of promotional tools design to stimulate earlier and stronger market response. The focus of this work is to assess the impact of advertised and sales promotion strategies on organizational productive of a case study of
1.1 Background to the study
Advertising consist of all the activities in presenting to a group, a non-personal, oral or usual, openly sponsored message regarding the product, service or idea. This message is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by an identified sponsor. First there is significant different that exists between advertising and advertisement, advertisement is the message itself. Which advertising is process? Advertising is a powerful communication force and a vital marketing tool in helping to sell goods, services images and idea through channel of information and persuasion. The word ‘’helping’’ above despites that advertising by itself almost ‘’never sells product’’ this word is often credited with making registered ring and blamed for falling do so. They system of advertising is a non-personal affair because the distinction is sometimes important because the role face to face soles play in many businesses. A sales force is often considered a marketing strategy, not advertising strategy. Is an aspect of the market and communication process rather than a separate activity carried on by distinctive group of professionals independently of frothier marketing activities?
According to kotter (2011) “advertising is any paid from of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor”. Advertising is aimed at selling goods, services, create awareness, and create demand and supply to people, familiarize the public with the use of the product, prepare the way for the sales men and introduce new quality product and style to customer’s satisfaction Advertising is part of the marketing mix, but can be used by an individual such as an entertain or by non-commercial organization not engaged in marketing, such as hospital advertising for staff.
Advertising is one of the four major tools companies or films use to direct persuasive communication to target buyers and public. It consists of non-personal form of communication conducted through paid media under clear sponsorship. Although advertising is primarily a private enterprise marketing tools, it is used in the countries of the world including socialist countries it works not only on behalf of specific goods and services. But also assumes certain characteristic which are less directly connected to selling. However, the potency of advertising as an economic catalyst lies in its persuasive and informative attributes.
Awake (2010) state that advertising can even create market where no market exists”. Such is advertising power of persuasion and influence, it influences and encourages consumers to anything they do and motivate them buy something not in their own interest, but to patronize the sellers. Sales promotion is a term which is very loosely and wrongfully use, and so it is necessary to understand that it refers only and especially to those aids used between the advertising, to the customer by the manufacturer on supplier and the actual retail selling by the retailer to the consumer or final user closer to the advertising, because it takes place at the point of sales. Sales promotion consists of a wide variety of promotional tools design to stimulate earlier and stronger market response. The focus of this work is to assess the impact of advertised and sales promotion strategies on organizational productive of a case study of
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