This project work titled FACTOR THAT INFLUENCE THE GROWTH OF CULTISM IN SCHOOL has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 68
The purpose of this study is to find out the factor that influences the growth of cultism in school. In carrying out this study, a questionnaire was designed and administered to the student in College of Education, Ekiadolor – Benin. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted. It was observed that power, security, wealth, parents, peer groups and amongst others are he major factors that influence the growth of cultism in schools. In the light of the findings, recommendations were proffered in the hope that if carefully considered and implemented by individuals, organization and bodies they would help in reducing cultism in schools. 
All over the world, universities have often been regarded and referred to as citadels of learning. The also applied to the Nigeria universities until recently when as a result of incessant secret cult activities the centres of learning have become centers of violence. Indeed, Gimba (2000) in referring to the cult activities in the universities as offering B.SC in violence and “MA” in cultism. As has been observed by Eneji (1996) almost everyday, there are new stories of devilish acts perpetrated by secret cults on campuses. In describing the situation of cultism. Eneji (1996) asserts from the universities to the polytechnics, college of education and other tertiary institutions and some secondary schools, come stories of violence.
According to the Oxford Concise dictionary of sociology (1996) gives the anthropological definitions of a cult as a set of practices and beliefs of a group in relation to a local god. It also gives a sociological definition of it as a small group of religious activities whose beliefs and typical secret, esoteric and individualistic. Ogumbameru (1997) defines a secret cult as an organization whose activities as kept away from the knowledge of others. These activities are essentially covers, designed and are usually carried out behind closed doors. From this definition cults now popularly know as confraternities, have assumed a monstrous features in our institution of higher learning. To this end therefore our various campuses, which were hitherto a mode of intellectual quest and social uplift most have become citadel of violence and terrorism.
The pertinent question that one may ask is the phenomenon of cult just entering our institution of higher learning? The answer is simply no. this is because international figure have been know t be members of the pirates confraternity in their college days or universities.
Furthermore, when there was a violent clash between the Eiye confraternity and the Buccaneers at the universities of Ibadan in 1989 some notable professors and doctors at the institution were fond to the patrons and bankers of these cults. The implication is that these professors and doctors were members of these cults in their own college days. We find and disturbing trend of the proliferation of campuses cult in or institutions of higher learning, such cults are Viking the black axe, the morphine, the buccaneers, the pirates, the black arrow to mention but a few have become a familiar features in our institutions.
However, what arrested the attention of the government and the society at large is the introductions of violent, savagery and terrorism into the present day cult a diametrical contrast to what obtained in yester – years. It is now common in or campuses that factors of naval cults violently clash even in broad day light and manta themselves down with dangerous weapons such as guns and daggers, nocturnal initiation ceremonies in which initiates are animalized and some of then die in the process making blood covenants and performing other occultic rituals, organized opposition against any kind of oppression real or imagined liberal consumption of alcohol, use of drugs, intimidation and use of violent, extortion, stealing, armed robbers, arson, sexual abuse and rape, examination malpractice, maiming, manslaughter and murder. The recent occurrence are the university of Ile-Ife, Benin Ekpoma, Ibadan and of the course college of education, Ekiadolor to mention but a few artist to these facts. This is what as led to the pubic to speak against the societal evil calling to its total eradication.
The fundamental problems of cultism are the uncertain and unsafe atmosphere in or campuses even to the activities of members of secret cult. Their manner of operation is both sinister and bizarre living behind them, a frail of wants destruction. Most distressing of the problems is the spate of killing in our campuses in recent times, many lives have been terminated permanently. 
In spite of measure put in place by the various arm of government and school administrators, aimed at combating the ugly trend of cultism, the phenomenon’s to be gaining more popularly ad prominence on our campuses.
Thus, the researcher intend to make an in-depth study into the factors which create the tearful climate that encourage the growth and spread of cultism in our institutions of higher learning with a view to proffer solutions to the problems.
Does power, security and wealth are some of he factors that influence the growth of cultism in schools? Does parents and peer groups also influence the growth of cultism? It is alleged that students of the affluent are most involved in cultism? Students whose parents are members of secret cult are likely to belong to secret cult? Does power, ego affection, menace of cultism sanction can also contribute to the growth of cultism in schools.
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that encourage the growth of cultism in our institution of higher ;learning with view to educate the public about the extent of the social problems.
This study will provide expository factors which encourage the growth and spread of cultism in our institution of higher learning. This will therefore provide planer and implementers of policies with the factors that influence cultism in schools. These when know will enable them to fight cultism squarely and help eradicate the problems that has become a canker worm in our institution of higher learning.
This study will involved the total population of the college f education, Ekiadolor that is both staff and students.
Cult: A system of religions worship especially one that is expressed in rituals
Cultism: Is the state or phenomenon where person are sound together with a common beliefs
Hitherto: This means until now or until a particular time
Quest: The act of seeking or a long search or to find.
Sinister: Evil
Bizarre: Strange
Noron: New initiated cult members

==== The End ====

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