This project work titled EFFECT OF QUARRY DUST ON THE ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF LATERITIC SOILS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Geology Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 75
This study was intended to examine effect of quarry dust on the engineering properties of lateritic soils. This study was guided by the following objectives; to investigate the natural engineering properties of lateritic soil samples, to study the effort of the lateritic soil on the quarry dust, to determine the feasibility of using quarry dust as latarite soil stabilize and to determine the optimum improvement quantity and proportion needed for improving lateritic soil with quarry dust. The laterite used for this research work will be collected at Osogbo. The sample will be subjected to laboratory tests at the Civil Engineering Department Laboratory Futa, Akura and Osun State Ministry of Works and Transport, Osogbo. The tests will be carried out on both the natural sample and the improved sample and will include: moisture content, specific gravity, grain size distribution, Atterberg’s limits, compaction and California Bearing Ration (CBR) tests both before adding quarry dust and after adding a varying percentage and proportion of quarrying dust. The study findings revealed that clay fraction in the mixture is decreased due to increase in quarry which earlier on was done by the clay fraction at lower percentage of quarry dust on the laterite quarry dust mixtures; based on the findings from the study, it should be noted that granite in the quarry dust adds strength and rigidity to the mixtures the quantity of the quarry dust increases.
During the last decade, the global demand for indigenous laterite soil has continued to increase. This growing demand has generated interest in the use of red tropical soils for road materials especially in the developing countries. There have been several cases of pavement failures due to poor laterite materials. Hence, it calls for improvement of the engineering properties of laterite soil to improve compressive strength and durability. The red soil which is in abundant supply in Nigeria, poes unique challenges. The use of this as a road material is encourage by several advantages such as:
(i) The vast abundance of this soil
(ii) The relative cheapness of this soil
(iii) Reduction in the foreign exchanges used in buying imported road materials.
(iv) It enhances high rate of road construction
Despite the advantages, the use of this soil as a road material has not been fully utilized. This is because there has not been much research into the ways by which the bearing capacity of the soil can be improved. The increasing growth in population and the corresponding increase in demand for road construction in Nigeria during the last two decades have generated increased interest in the ways by which the strength properties of laterite can be improved.
The aim of this project is to assess the effects of quarry dust on the engineering properties of lateritic soil. The underlying objectives are to:
1. Investigate the natural engineering properties of lateritic soil samples.
2. Study the effort of the lateritic soil on the quarry dust
3. Determine the feasibility of using quarry dust as lateristic soil stabilize.
4. Determine the optimum improvement quantity and proportion needed for improving lateritic soil with quarry dust.
The need for the study is to provide maximum improvement effects of quarry dust on latarite. It is necessary for civil engineering professionals to know the effect of quarry dust additive on latarite. Also, a lasting solution may be provide to the constant road failure due to poor grade, sub-base and base course materials.
Today, various pavement distresses have been observed on the road due to use of poor lateritic materials for road construction. Researches on the effect of quarry dust (additive) on laterite was only done to a certain extents. Time restraint is one of the problems impeding detailed research work on the use of quarry dust additive for improving soil. Research work was done to a certain stage due to lack of sufficient time.
The scope of the study essentially centered on the use of quarry dust for improving lateriitc soil. The study is limited only to analysis of lateritic soil collected from Osogbo town. It involves carrying out various laboratory tests such as Atterbergs limit, Compaction and C. B. R test on the soil before and after the addition of the quarry dust.
This study was intended to examine effect of quarry dust on the engineering properties of lateritic soils. This study was guided by the following objectives; to investigate the natural engineering properties of lateritic soil samples, to study the effort of the lateritic soil on the quarry dust, to determine the feasibility of using quarry dust as latarite soil stabilize and to determine the optimum improvement quantity and proportion needed for improving lateritic soil with quarry dust. The laterite used for this research work will be collected at Osogbo. The sample will be subjected to laboratory tests at the Civil Engineering Department Laboratory Futa, Akura and Osun State Ministry of Works and Transport, Osogbo. The tests will be carried out on both the natural sample and the improved sample and will include: moisture content, specific gravity, grain size distribution, Atterberg’s limits, compaction and California Bearing Ration (CBR) tests both before adding quarry dust and after adding a varying percentage and proportion of quarrying dust. The study findings revealed that clay fraction in the mixture is decreased due to increase in quarry which earlier on was done by the clay fraction at lower percentage of quarry dust on the laterite quarry dust mixtures; based on the findings from the study, it should be noted that granite in the quarry dust adds strength and rigidity to the mixtures the quantity of the quarry dust increases.
During the last decade, the global demand for indigenous laterite soil has continued to increase. This growing demand has generated interest in the use of red tropical soils for road materials especially in the developing countries. There have been several cases of pavement failures due to poor laterite materials. Hence, it calls for improvement of the engineering properties of laterite soil to improve compressive strength and durability. The red soil which is in abundant supply in Nigeria, poes unique challenges. The use of this as a road material is encourage by several advantages such as:
(i) The vast abundance of this soil
(ii) The relative cheapness of this soil
(iii) Reduction in the foreign exchanges used in buying imported road materials.
(iv) It enhances high rate of road construction
Despite the advantages, the use of this soil as a road material has not been fully utilized. This is because there has not been much research into the ways by which the bearing capacity of the soil can be improved. The increasing growth in population and the corresponding increase in demand for road construction in Nigeria during the last two decades have generated increased interest in the ways by which the strength properties of laterite can be improved.
The aim of this project is to assess the effects of quarry dust on the engineering properties of lateritic soil. The underlying objectives are to:
1. Investigate the natural engineering properties of lateritic soil samples.
2. Study the effort of the lateritic soil on the quarry dust
3. Determine the feasibility of using quarry dust as lateristic soil stabilize.
4. Determine the optimum improvement quantity and proportion needed for improving lateritic soil with quarry dust.
The need for the study is to provide maximum improvement effects of quarry dust on latarite. It is necessary for civil engineering professionals to know the effect of quarry dust additive on latarite. Also, a lasting solution may be provide to the constant road failure due to poor grade, sub-base and base course materials.
Today, various pavement distresses have been observed on the road due to use of poor lateritic materials for road construction. Researches on the effect of quarry dust (additive) on laterite was only done to a certain extents. Time restraint is one of the problems impeding detailed research work on the use of quarry dust additive for improving soil. Research work was done to a certain stage due to lack of sufficient time.
The scope of the study essentially centered on the use of quarry dust for improving lateriitc soil. The study is limited only to analysis of lateritic soil collected from Osogbo town. It involves carrying out various laboratory tests such as Atterbergs limit, Compaction and C. B. R test on the soil before and after the addition of the quarry dust.
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