This project work titled EDUCATING THE PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED PERSONS: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 71
Background of the Study
An emotive definition of disabled persons is the phrase physically challenged persons. It has entered popular parlance today to refer to the disabled as physically challenged in order to eliminate discrimination, and stigmatization by language. However, for the purpose of the study the terms will be used interchangeably to refer to the same situation.
          Disability is a broad range of physical deformity caused by accidents, sickness or birth condition whereby there is a partial or total compromise of an organ of the body. According to the oxford dictionary (2006) disability is a physical or mental condition that means the sufferer cannot use a part of his/her body completely or the person cannot learn easily in case of mental impairment. Referring to these people as disabled is grammatically correct however, it may be sympathetic that they be referred to as physically challenged persons. A range of conditions implicated in this state are:
i.             Blindness: partial or total absence of sight function
ii.            Deafness and partial or total hearing impairment
iii.           Dumbness partial total impairment
iv.          Alitism partial mental impairment
v.            Crippled legs and a number of such related states
Every physically challenged person share basic rights with other members of the society. They are protected legislations and treaties from discrimination in all form. It follows then that they can aspire to any sphere of human achievement in principles. It is estimated that there are approximately 25 million Nigerians with disabilities out of a total estimated population of 140 million. The literacy rates of people with disabilities in Nigeria, according to Research significantly lower than among, general population for both men and isomen. As signatory to various declarations and treaties by the United Nations and the limited nations educational scientific organization (UNESCO) where the rights of disabled is enshrined especially as regards educations.
     It is pertinent to note that physically challenged cut across various demographic variables there are children and adults who are disabled as well as male and female disabled. As a child the disabled is protected by various charters by the United Nations. One of such declaration is the declaration on the right of the child. As a child, the disabled … is entitled to receive education, which shall be free and compulsory at least in the elementary stages… he shall be given an education which will promote his general culture and enable him, on a basis of equal opportunity to develop his abilities, his individual judgment and his sense of moral and social responsibility and to become a useful member of the society (UN, 1959).
The UNESCO declaration on the rights of disabled persons (1960) declares “it states parties to the convention agree that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights, it shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, further the activities of the united nations for the maintenance of peace”. In view of these it is worth investigating the assess to education by the physically challenged in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State where sightings of destitute physically challenged persons are common.
          Despite robust legislation and treaties at the international level for the disabled, as well as the protection of the rights of disabled by the Nigerian constitution. The rate of destitute of disabled persons is cause for alarm. In a society, where the able bodied are in fierce competition for scarce resources in a country described by all development indices as poor, it is of little surprise that physically challenged people are left to beg for a engaged people are left to beg for a living after unsuccessful attempts to be integrated in to society. In Benin metropolis, it has been observed that there are a number of disabled at a time when they should be at school. It has also been observed that three are not special provisions by the government for special education which takes in to cognizance the needs of the disabled.
          It is also evident that where the disabled even attend schools facilities are dilapidated and in so many cases they mix up with other abled bodied students were they are not given special attention by school administrators. Much of the help coming the way of the physically challenged have been from the non-governmental organizations who are practically carrying out acts of charity which is hard to sustain.
The research questions generated by this investigation are:
1.            What is the state of access to education by the disabled in Oredo LGA of Edo State?
2.            What factors affect the disabled in Oredo LGA in their access to education?
3.            What factors need to be put in place to encourage greater accessibility of education by the disabled?
The study intends to investigate access to education by the physically challenged in Oredo LGA of Edo State.
i.             To determine the level of access to education by the physically challenged in the study area identified.
ii.            To the factors which affect the physically challenged with regard to their access to education.
iii.           To make recommendations necessary for improved in the study area.
          Findings from this study will help to provide answers to the research questions generated as well as fill the gap in policy enactment by the government. Findings will be necessary to all stake holders in the society especially for the study area while it can be generalized to all parts of Nigeria. Lastly, it will enrich research in the area of interest filling the needed gap for further research.

==== The End ====

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