This project work titled DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPUTERIZED PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Computer Science Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 73
      The public and private organizations generate staff records. Staff records play an imperative role in providing the information needed by organizations to manage and pay their staff members, plan their workforce requirements and monitor staff performance. Ultimately, any organization’s development and sustainability will depend on sound and effective human resource management, and the approaches it chooses to follow will be derived in part from an analysis of the information contained in staff records. The goal of staff records management is to ensure that a complete and comprehensive employment history of each employee is readily available for as long as it is needed, and that the information contained in staff records supports the management, deployment, payment and development of staff. Other key objectives of staff records management are to support transparency and organizational accountability and to enable accurate audits by creating and protecting human resource records as reliable evidence (Griffin and Hoyle, 2009).
According to Cain et al (2007) organizations need to keep staff information for long periods. For example, retention periods of 70 years or longer for staff files are common in many countries. Thus, staff databases need to store data about individuals for decades – far longer periods that is typical for most database applications. The development of personnel management dates back to the period of World War I around the year 1915 and more recently to the human relations movement of 1935 – 1950.
In one of the studies of Elton mayor, he discovered that psychological factors as well as social factors influence individuals at work rather than physical factors. Specific reasons for the development of personnel management include: -.
Traditionally, it was practiced in homes where the father is the head of the family. It was he who planned what the family should do, the type of farming, size and where to sell the harvested products. His wives and children helped in the process, no external recruitment was involved, so the more wives and children a man had, the more likely it was that the family be well-of. The recent practices of personnel management in Nigeria is tied up with history and development of the public services, private companies and civil services.
The management of human resources has remained the most complex aspect of many organizations. In fact, this had been the reason why most management scientists in the research identified personnel management as the backbone of any organization.
Following the problem in Fidei Polytechnic Business Centre, there were cases were files get missing, cabinet gets jammed delaying the presentation of certain information about the staff, destruction of files and records in the case of fire outbreaks, time required to record as well as presenting an Information and also the cost of purchasing files, paper and furniture and fixtures.
 Lack of effectiveness in their methods of record keeping, further compounds the problem.
The objectives of this project work include;
·                    Timely and quality output to managers for decision making
·                    Providing specific type of output according to specified input
·                    It also aims at providing a well secure database management system
  Most importantly, this project work aims at eliminating the problems   
  encountered in the manual system of personnel management    
           operations by the use of this computerized Personnel Management     
           System software.
This work could be useful for personnel managers or officers in an organization as well as those involved in research work on personnel management. However, this research work would let us know that the success of an organization largely depends on the assessment and appraisal of individuals and company employee’s potential, performance and how well the organization can strive to equip all its workers.
Hence, this research work will be of immense assistance to the organizational environment because personnel will be able to find the best solution to the various personnel problems as the computerized personnel management information system software will play a very big role in removing the stress in record keeping.
There are many other advantages, and some of them are listed below.
·       It saves a lot of time in processing personnel information.
·       Database access is fast, reliable and secure in term of   
  authorized access using data encryption and decryption.
·       Transactions are secured (login page).
·       It helps in reducing the costs of labour, fixtures and stationary   
  (Paper, files, pens, marker and so on.
This research work will concentrate on staff employment form which includes the name, sex, location in fact information about the staff, performance assessment, retirement and handling of some queries like; updating staff record, deleting staff record and searching for staff information via Rank, Department or ID as the case may be. It is a case study of Nigeria Petroleum Corporation Lagos.
Due to time constraint, finance and confidentiality of information, program developed covers all aspect of employment, assessment and retirement. Whatever is left out is as a result of the stated limitations.
During the process of data collection, information relating to personal management was obtained from Fidei Polytechnic Business Centre Gboko. The information was collected from the admin staff during the course of my industrial attachment. Hence, it is assumed that all the data collected are correct and contains no false information.
Personnel: It is a department in an organization that deals with
employees records, hiring or retirement.
Management: It is the co-ordination of all the resources of an
organization through the process of planning,   
        organization, directing and controlling.
Public sector: The industries and services that are owned and
run by the government.
Private sector: The industries and services that are owned and
run by private companies.
SystemA method or set of procedures even personnel working
together as a whole to achieve a goal.
Data: Numbers, Text or image which is in the form suitable for
storage in or processing by a computer, or an incomplete
Information: A meaning full material derived from computer
data by organizing it and Interpreting it in a
      specified way.
Input: Data entered into a computer for storage or processing.
Output: Information produced from a computer after processing.
Information System: A set of interrelated components that
collect (or retrieve), process, store and
                                 distribute information to support decision
                                     making and control in an organization

==== The End ====

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