This project work titled DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL DUTIES SCHEDULING SYSTEM has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Computer Science Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 47
There is always the need to introduce more changes or modification in Hospital curricula particularly in the area of their duties scheduling to be able to meet demand. Medical duties scheduling is a list of activities or things to be done showing the time or dates when they are intended to happen in a tabular form. The design of Hospital medical duties scheduling to a particular duties at a particular time to avoid unnecessary clashes. Medical duties scheduling system enable in to tract the where about of any medical personnel at a particular point in time and the problems- encountered in manual preparation are been detected solution to the problem of medical duties scheduling system are solved and recommendation made on how to maintain the system effectively. 
Hospital is an aspect that schedule plays a vital role for succeful achievement of its curriculums. Hospital work take a succeeding step. Each step has a specified duration of time and a mapped out work coed associated with it. The time stipulated to be utilized maximally to enable you cover the work load elaborately.  The issue of analysis the work load and time involved in an Hospital category and distributing the work load is time intervals. For maximum knowledge in pact it a great concern to the professorate in the field. This is where comprehensive medical duties  schedule is always designed to suit the curriculum. Medical duties schedule does not only involved the all capture of time duties to medical personnel, it also involve the careful allocation other resources like cabour force ad space available. When all these factor are not adequately taken care of, it lead  to classes which hinder the effective Hospital operation.
CHAPTER1:This is the introduction to the overall goal of this project stating the problems, aim and objectives and nature of the project. CHAPTER 2: It is on the review of related literature CHAPTER 3: Describes and analysis the existing system stating it’s mode of operation and identifying the problems facing it and a solution to the inherent problems. CHAPTER 4: Design of the new system, thing in the present system and also the new items or structure that  are needed to enhance the new system. Furthermore designed file stricture  which will append record, update records delete and print output. CHAPTER 5:       Describes the programming phases and its objectives, what the new eccomially and reliantly perform its designed tasks. CHAPTER 6: Describes the overall achievement of the project and other that has to be implemented to enhance the growth of the  medical duties scheduling system. All the work done are documented here. CHAPTER 7: It is where the recommendation and conclusion of the project work are done. 
The problem associated with the old manual system of medical outies scheduling hindered effective table predication. It takes a lot of time to process the volume of data involved menially. This makes analysis and synthesis difficult for man to carry out. The existing system waste a lot of time. This delay the in effect set back of the Hospital operation. The manual medical duties scheduling causes lot of have and clashes. Duties clashes between Doctors also medical duties scheduling unreliable. Due to manual approach toward  medical duties schedule, the there is a problem of time consuming, Repeated process and clash/conflict of fixtures.
this study is carried out with a view of producing a computerized medical duties scheduling during manual medical duties scheduling. The new system will also to produce a comprehensive and authentic medical duties schedule. This study also proves the capabilities of the computer in the area of processing concerning the Hospital sector. By implementing computer, one would be able to obtain information needed at a particular point in time. Finally, the study was also carried out to the rode of medical  duties schedule medical duties preparation in valves a lot of work in area of processing (ie allocation of available resources) to avoid clashes. The major clashes that always occur is the Doctors and nurses clashes. The Doctor clash takes place when two Doctor is assigned to work at the same period of time, like wise nurses clash. To handle this aspect successfully and to produce a reliable result a more sophisticated machine like computer has to e introituses. The computer with it sophisticated features will handle  the time table preparation (processing) in an automatic way. It automatically according to pre-defined program instructions. This will lessen the work involved in the preparation of medical duties scheduling and aid in producing adequate and comprehensive medical duties scheduling.
several department in the University of Nigeria teaching Hospital Enugu have been for the past year eve till date designing their Duties schedule manually. The primary aim of this project work is to relied the burden and obstacle hungering the production of effective medical duties schedule by developing a computer program which will be timely, more accurate more reliable and more comprehensive. This new system also  makes the entire operation very easy.
The overall goal of this work is purely investigative and prescriptive. The university of Nigeria teaching Hospital Enugu have been selected as our case study.    Our work is limited to the study of medical duties scheduling system existing in university of Nigeria teaching Hospital and designing a program for its computerization.

==== The End ====

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