This project work titled DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM FOR IMMIGRATION SERVICE. has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Computer Science Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 58
The immigration department of the Federal Government Secretariat Enugu is saddled among other things with the task of regulating the entry and exit of persons or the movement of people into and out of Nigeria. It is also entrusted with the task of issuing international traveling passport to eligible Nigerians. This study focused on the review of the manual mode of operations at some of the sections, namely the control section, the administration and passport section with a view to computerize their activities. A computerized information system has been developed to facilitate storage and retrieval of information. Furthermore the adequate keeping of records of immigrants entering or leaving Nigeria and finally prints of the individuals involve are the provisional offers of the computerized system. All these measures are geared towards improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the immigration department.
The unity and mutual understanding reigning amongst the countries of the world today has encourage the free movement of people all over the world. Such people visits countries of their choice based on their interest many people travel to other countries for business transaction, tourism, education, diplomatic and political purpose and other miscellaneous reasons. Despite the understanding existing amongst countries, intending visitors to any country are expected to have sought the mandate of the government of that country through the embassy or accredited representatives of the country based on his/her own country. The immigration department therefore, is the official government agency responsible for taking care of the interest of intending immigrants or immigrants already residing in the country for monitoring and regulating the entry and exit of immigration into or out of their country.
The immigration Department in Nigeria established after the promulgation of the immigration act in 1963 are responsible for examining and interrogating any person wishing to enter or leave Nigeria through air, sea or land, moreso, the person’s baggage are searched to identify what he/she is travelling with. The control section in the in the immigration department is saddled with the task of approving signed documents for travelling. The administration section deals with the documenting, processing and storage of traveler’s document for future references. The passport in the immigration department is saddled with the task of passport photographs. Filling of the acquired forms and forwarding of the forms to the control section where it will be approved and sign.
The design of an immigration information system involves a situation whereby all the activities and procedures carried out before an immigrant/emigrant will be credited is processed with the aid of the computer it requires a computer statement of immigration program since the computer can do virtually nothing without a workable computer program. The program contains all the immigration form by a particular immigrant/emigrant.
From the inception of organisation, emphasizing on a particular department in the organisation the immigration has been engaging or encountering enormous problem running their daily activities in producing the travelling document for the immigrants/emigrants. The glaring disadvantages of the manual approach of processing immigration document and some of problems it posses and underlets:
1. It takes a long time in accessing record in manual system that is in filling cabinet.
2. Detection of errors and faults on forms.
3. The fact that records are stored on paper makes it easily accessible for vandalization by unauthorized persons.
4. Untimely inefficient and inaccurate processing of data and handling of immigrant record by the immigrant officers.
This project is geared towards eradication of all the deformities and loopholes of the manual method of processing immigration requirement. This developing a new system to handle all the jobs/work involves in immigration electronically. Supplying all the deficiencies of the existing system. Consequent upon the elimination of the deficiencies and edifying of the deformities encountered in the existing system. Over shadowing its operational incapacitation by developing a computer based, solution of storing information and processing of immigrant’s form. Furthermore, since the immigrations department has been manually functioning ever since it was promoted and established in1963, many people are wondering whether the design of a computerized immigration information system has any impact to their mode of operation. The outcome of these study will be useful to immigration department in general. The study will go along way in highlighting the procedures of the immigration information system been computerized thereby minimizing or eliminating any form of disfunctional or unwanted particulars. The eradication of the problem of traditional method and the implementation of the system will encourage the user’s to work for organisation because it reduces stress of work.
The aim of this project is to work towards the elimination of ineffective mode of operation. It centered on the user to having conductive atmosphere for work thereby minimizing stress and further aimed as a means of safe guarding information, which will serve as reference for making management decision, it is also aimed at accurate and timely processing of immigration forms. The objective from the initiator of the proposal is geared towards combating all the aims and the problems being discovered on the existing system. Finding out the requirement needed to build the new system, the type of database  to be produced to suit the comfortability of the user  of the software; would it be based on the sequential or random or index mode of operation.
The scope of this project work covers all the activities of immigration in Nigeria using the Federal Secretariat Enugu as a case study. It will keep adequate records of immigrants entering or leaving Nigeria and hold a data bank of passport holders.

==== The End ====

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