This project work titled CONTRIBUTION OF PURCHASING RESEARCH TO BUSINESS ORGANISATION has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Purchasing & Supply Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 93
This is a research study on the contribution of purchasing research to the business organization. this research project is written to analysis critically the strategies involved in the contribution of purchasing research how it will profit the organization and the basic need to adopt the purchasing research for the profitability of an organization. it will help to gather useful information about the product which is to be purchased and to ensure the quality and the quantity and at a good price. It is also intended to make useful suggestions and recommendation that will help in purchasing materials for the organization. The language used is simple enough to be understood by the headers. This research project has been collected personally by full observation and study. Chapter one of the project is focus on the background of the study, brief history of the company, statement of the problems, objective of the study, significant of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study. Chapter two deals on research review the related literature. Chapter three is based on the presentation of data analysis. chapter four centers on testing of hypothesis, while chapter five is all about the summary, conclusion and recommendation also with bibliography.
The recognition of the contribution of purchasing research in the industrial and technological development in Nigeria has principal accounted for significant economic development in Nigeria. The contribution of purchasing research is important because Nigeria is striving toward industrialization. Purchasing research part of marketing and the main pilot of commercialization plays a vital role for its success by introducing various findings to effective marketing strategies. This brings to focus on the contribution of purchasing research to business organization purchasing research makes available information. A vital tool for decision making which is a function of management. The acquisition of information for decision making is achieved through searching, collection and analysis of data obtained. It involves going through old records as well new ones to making comparisons, and selections based on the finding purchasing research is a discipline approach to problems and prospects of ensuring efficiency, and profitability in marketing of goods and services. Purchasing research enables us to see the basic contribution this study will make towards effective and efficient method of harnessing our resources. This will make way for a speedy economic development of Nigeria. The purpose of this project is to show clearly the contribution of purchasing research in business organization.
Naturally, every business exists to achieve predetermine co-operate objectives. The objectives are normally design to protect the interest of the owners of the business. Therefore, Nigeria breweries plc as the business organisaiton lives to achieve the common interest on the owners. To actualize the goal, the management should be effective and efficient over time, in managing the scare resources of the organization. In as much as management recognize the interest of the owners of the business environment under which the business operates recognizing its social responsibilities to the rural dwellers. Many business springs up and suddenly folds as a result of various problems with out reading their target objectives.
Adequate manpower resources misplacement of priority and mismanagement. These problems have given rise to series of development plan. However, purchasing research is the determination of investigation into the unknown complete market situation, with a view to determining and bringing out facts that can assist in failure planning and decision making processes. It is an investigation into the needs of the people or consumers with respect to goals and services so as to enable the organization attain the noble ideas of the marketing concept. Actually, all business activities is conduct under condition of risks and uncertainly. The success or failure of any business depends on many factors economic force cutting competitive tendencies etc marketing decision are basically decisions about the future. The future is not easily known and that is why Nigeria breweries should be able to slid analysis and interprets available information towards solving any problems that may comments way these problems also enable us to extend in determining, whether Nigeria breweries plc create job opportunities to the people of the areas.
Based on the negative attitude towards the application of the usefulness of purchasing research in the developing economics, the researchers aim in this paper is to show how useful and helpful the contribution of purchasing research could serve as a catalyst of change for better economic development to business organization with particular reference to the Nigeria economy. The following are specific objective of this research work;
1. To determine the contribution of purchasing research in business organization especially in Nigeria breweries plc in Abia State
2. To find out how Nigeria breweries plc has been able to create job opportunities to the people of the area
3. To identify the major problems that affects the operation of the organization
4. To suggest how the company should improve its operation in future
1. Is purchasing research important and useful for the success of an organization
2. Can purchasing research help an organization to over come some of its problems in a distress economy?
The traditional model science uses the deductive and inductive logic 9the two logical systems). We shall try to explain the meanings of deduction and before revisiting the deductive and inductive logic. Deductive refers to the logical model in which specific expressions of hypothesis are developed on the basis of general principles
The geographical coverage of this study is limited to Abia State, out of the numerous communities that make up Aba local government area, four communities were chosen for this study. The essence of this study is to ensure greater efficiency and cost effectiveness of the research.
It is important to critically evaluate the results and the whole study. The present study has certain limitations that need to be taken into account when considering the study and its contributions. The quality of the research has been discussed in the end of chapter four. However, some of those limitations can be seen as fruitful acenves for future research under the same theme. Another limitation of study is the perspective adopted. Instead of trying to understand the market process in general this study has been first and foremost limited to the buyer organization perspective, although the study has also taken into account other views along the theoretical, analysis, the main perspective from which conclusions are drawn is that of the buyer. This can thus also be seen as a limiting factor in this study.
The following terms used in this study should be taken to mean the following
Marketing: Marketing is a set of human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange process.
Purchasing: This is defined as a systematic, gathering recording and analyzing of data about problems relating to the marketing, of goods and services. Analysis Means to get meaning out of the data
Systematic: It is a step by step method of finding solution to a problem.
This is a research study on the contribution of purchasing research to the business organization. this research project is written to analysis critically the strategies involved in the contribution of purchasing research how it will profit the organization and the basic need to adopt the purchasing research for the profitability of an organization. it will help to gather useful information about the product which is to be purchased and to ensure the quality and the quantity and at a good price. It is also intended to make useful suggestions and recommendation that will help in purchasing materials for the organization. The language used is simple enough to be understood by the headers. This research project has been collected personally by full observation and study. Chapter one of the project is focus on the background of the study, brief history of the company, statement of the problems, objective of the study, significant of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study. Chapter two deals on research review the related literature. Chapter three is based on the presentation of data analysis. chapter four centers on testing of hypothesis, while chapter five is all about the summary, conclusion and recommendation also with bibliography.
The recognition of the contribution of purchasing research in the industrial and technological development in Nigeria has principal accounted for significant economic development in Nigeria. The contribution of purchasing research is important because Nigeria is striving toward industrialization. Purchasing research part of marketing and the main pilot of commercialization plays a vital role for its success by introducing various findings to effective marketing strategies. This brings to focus on the contribution of purchasing research to business organization purchasing research makes available information. A vital tool for decision making which is a function of management. The acquisition of information for decision making is achieved through searching, collection and analysis of data obtained. It involves going through old records as well new ones to making comparisons, and selections based on the finding purchasing research is a discipline approach to problems and prospects of ensuring efficiency, and profitability in marketing of goods and services. Purchasing research enables us to see the basic contribution this study will make towards effective and efficient method of harnessing our resources. This will make way for a speedy economic development of Nigeria. The purpose of this project is to show clearly the contribution of purchasing research in business organization.
Naturally, every business exists to achieve predetermine co-operate objectives. The objectives are normally design to protect the interest of the owners of the business. Therefore, Nigeria breweries plc as the business organisaiton lives to achieve the common interest on the owners. To actualize the goal, the management should be effective and efficient over time, in managing the scare resources of the organization. In as much as management recognize the interest of the owners of the business environment under which the business operates recognizing its social responsibilities to the rural dwellers. Many business springs up and suddenly folds as a result of various problems with out reading their target objectives.
Adequate manpower resources misplacement of priority and mismanagement. These problems have given rise to series of development plan. However, purchasing research is the determination of investigation into the unknown complete market situation, with a view to determining and bringing out facts that can assist in failure planning and decision making processes. It is an investigation into the needs of the people or consumers with respect to goals and services so as to enable the organization attain the noble ideas of the marketing concept. Actually, all business activities is conduct under condition of risks and uncertainly. The success or failure of any business depends on many factors economic force cutting competitive tendencies etc marketing decision are basically decisions about the future. The future is not easily known and that is why Nigeria breweries should be able to slid analysis and interprets available information towards solving any problems that may comments way these problems also enable us to extend in determining, whether Nigeria breweries plc create job opportunities to the people of the areas.
Based on the negative attitude towards the application of the usefulness of purchasing research in the developing economics, the researchers aim in this paper is to show how useful and helpful the contribution of purchasing research could serve as a catalyst of change for better economic development to business organization with particular reference to the Nigeria economy. The following are specific objective of this research work;
1. To determine the contribution of purchasing research in business organization especially in Nigeria breweries plc in Abia State
2. To find out how Nigeria breweries plc has been able to create job opportunities to the people of the area
3. To identify the major problems that affects the operation of the organization
4. To suggest how the company should improve its operation in future
1. Is purchasing research important and useful for the success of an organization
2. Can purchasing research help an organization to over come some of its problems in a distress economy?
The traditional model science uses the deductive and inductive logic 9the two logical systems). We shall try to explain the meanings of deduction and before revisiting the deductive and inductive logic. Deductive refers to the logical model in which specific expressions of hypothesis are developed on the basis of general principles
The geographical coverage of this study is limited to Abia State, out of the numerous communities that make up Aba local government area, four communities were chosen for this study. The essence of this study is to ensure greater efficiency and cost effectiveness of the research.
It is important to critically evaluate the results and the whole study. The present study has certain limitations that need to be taken into account when considering the study and its contributions. The quality of the research has been discussed in the end of chapter four. However, some of those limitations can be seen as fruitful acenves for future research under the same theme. Another limitation of study is the perspective adopted. Instead of trying to understand the market process in general this study has been first and foremost limited to the buyer organization perspective, although the study has also taken into account other views along the theoretical, analysis, the main perspective from which conclusions are drawn is that of the buyer. This can thus also be seen as a limiting factor in this study.
The following terms used in this study should be taken to mean the following
Marketing: Marketing is a set of human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange process.
Purchasing: This is defined as a systematic, gathering recording and analyzing of data about problems relating to the marketing, of goods and services. Analysis Means to get meaning out of the data
Systematic: It is a step by step method of finding solution to a problem.
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