This project work titled CAUSES AND REMEDIAL MEASURE OF REACTIVATION OF ABANDONED BUILDING IN NIGERIA has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Estate Management Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 67
The growing trend in the construction industry of residential building in Nigeria shows many uncompleted projects in reckless states of abandonment worth billions of naira. Abandoned projects are projects once initiated are stopped due to one reason or the other. Causes of abandonment of project include; death of the client, fraud, lack of cash flow forecast etc. Implication of such projects are; social, economic and physical implications some of the proffered recommendation include regular assessment of work in progress, offending contractors should be blacklisted, the procedure of awarding contracts should be devoid of sentiments of favouritism amongst others. The consequence of abandonment of building projects were highlighted to include: tying down of funds and land spaces, extra cost involved in completion of such projects, continued scarcity of residential accommodation, defacing the landscape and harbouring people of deviant behaviour, reduction in the Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P) and the associated stigma. Suggestion were proffered as to how abandoned of projects could be minimised and how some of the abandoned projects could be revived and completed. Prominent among such suggestion include: adequate planning of projects, proper cost planning/financial appraisal of project, proper site investigations, selection of reputable contractors/manager to oversee project execution. The research therefore seeks to investigate the Causes and remedial measure of reactivation of abandoned building in Nigeria.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The level of increase in abandoned residential buildings in Nigerian has constituted one of the countries woes in recent times.(Ayodele and Alabi, 2011; Kotangora, 1993; Osemenan, 1987). Abandoned residential building is a building in which the  occupant  has deserted due to  poor infrastructure  and maintenance , dilapidation,  lack of security or  natural disaster which has rendered the building  not  habitable. Abandoning residential properties and development projects implies the stoppage of work on such properties with no intention of returning back within the time of the contract agreement. Many of the project are abandoned midway (Spelman, 1993). In view of the capital intensive nature of this project it is pertinent that a feasibility and viability appraisal be conducted before instituting them. The causes and effects of these residential building abandonments are not just peculiar to a particular reason rather cut across several reasons (Ayodele and Alabi, 2011), and as well as creating a total dwindling effects on the values of developed properties located close and within the vicinity. Most of this abandoned residential building usually turned into hideout for criminals. The consequence of abandonment of building projects were highlighted to include: tying down of funds and land spaces, extra cost involved in completion of such projects, continued scarcity of residential accommodation, defacing the landscape and harbouring people of deviant behaviour, reduction in the Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P) and the associated stigma. Suggestion were proffered as to how abandoned of projects could be minimised and how some of the abandoned projects could be revived and completed. Prominent among such suggestion include: adequate planning of projects, proper cost planning/financial appraisal of project, proper site investigations, selection of reputable contractors/manager to oversee project execution. The problem confronting the research is to determine Causes and remedial measure of reactivation of abandoned building in Nigeria.
1.3  Objectives of the Study
To determine the nature and the level of abandoned building in Nigeria
To determine the Causes and remedial measure of reactivation of abandoned building in Nigeria
1.4 Research Questions
What are the causes of abandoned building in Nigeria?
What are the remedial measures of reactivation of abandoned building in Nigeria?
1.5 Significance of the Study
The study shall proffer an appraisal of the Causes and remedial measure of reactivation of abandoned building in Nigeria The level of increase in abandoned residential buildings in Nigerian has constituted one of the countries woes in recent times.(Ayodele and Alabi, 2011; Kotangora, 1993; Osemenan, 1987). Abandoned residential building is a building in which the  occupant  has deserted due to  poor infrastructure  and maintenance , dilapidation,  lack of security or  natural disaster which has rendered the building  not  habitable. Abandoning residential properties and development projects implies the stoppage of work on such properties with no intention of returning back within the time of the contract agreement. Many of the project are abandoned midway (Spelman, 1993). In view of the capital intensive nature of this project it is pertinent that a feasibility and viability appraisal be conducted before instituting them.
1.6 Research Hypothesis
Ho The Causes of abandoned building in Nigeria is low
Hi The Causes of abandoned building in Nigeria is high
Ho The remedial measure of reactivation of abandoned building in Nigeria is not effective
Hi The remedial measure of reactivation of abandoned building in Nigeria is effective
1.7 Scope of the Study
The study focuses on the appraisal of the courses and remedial measure of reactivation of abandoned building in Nigeria 
1.8 Limitations of the Study
The study was confronted by some constraint including logistic and geographical factor.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Abandoned residential building is a building in which the  occupant  has deserted due to  poor infrastructure  and maintenance , dilapidation,  lack of security or  natural disaster which has rendered the building  not  habitable. Abandoning residential properties and development projects implies the stoppage of work on such properties with no intention of returning back within the time of the contract agreement. Many of the project are abandoned midway (Spelman, 1993). I
Ayodele, E.O. and Alabi, O. M. (2011), Abandonment of Construction Projects in Nigeria: Causes and Effects; Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS), Vol. 2, Iss. 2, pp. 142-145.
Kotangora, O. O. (1993); Project Abandonment, Nigerian Tribune.
O’Flaherty, B. (1993) Abandoned Building: A Stochastic Analysis; Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 34, pp. 43-74.
Osemenan, I. (1987); Project Abandonment; New Watch Magazine, Vol. 1, pp. 15.
Schram, J.F. Jr. (2012); Real Estate Appraisal, Sixth Edition, Rockwell Publishing, USA.
Spelman, W. (1998); Abandoned Buildings: Magnets for Crime; Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 21, National Vacant Properties Campaign.

==== The End ====

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