This project work titled CAUSES AND EFFECT OF EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE AMONG YEAR TWO STUDENTS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 75
The issue of examination malpractice has become a rampant phenomenon which has led to problem of educational system, of the in Nigeria today. It has eaten so deep into every aspect of the economy because education is the bedrock upon which any country or society can be developed.
          In fact many educational authorities of Nigeria school are now with the mentally that the best way to make their students to excel is by cheating in examination. Examination can be defined as an illegal or unethical behaviour by somebody in the process as   examination ability or knowledge. It can also be stated as any means which a student device to pass an examination. Oluya and Daramola (1992) defined examination malpractice as any irregular behaviour exhibited by a candidate or any body charged with the conduct of examination before, during or after the examination which contravene the rules and regulation governing the conduct of such examination.
          The incidence of examination malpractice, has witnessed increasing trend and this is invariably due to the candidates’ fear of failure, lack of confidence, inadequate preparation and laziness. The bad habit has eaten very deep into our society. Infact examination malpractice is a cankerworm that portends graver danger for the nation; however, examination plays a very important role in our educational system. It is used for the measurement and evaluation of students. Examination provides the learners with knowledge of his/her achievement in relation to desire objective. Thus acting as reinforcement and enabling him/her to take whatever remedial action may be needed. It is also used to diagnose learner’s difficulties, weakness and deficiencies in learning. It offers the learners a realistic awareness of his intellectual status among his peers. In fact, in Nigeria examination is currently used in predicting students’ future academic behaviour.
          Actually examination can be used in so many other areas, but today this monster (examination malpractice) has destroyed educational system of instructing or training the young people on how to develop and use their mental, and physical power. Examination malpractice has planted the seed of unethical values in the fertile mind of the students. The problematic phenomenon has a free region amount to support and enabling our environment to get destroyed where by our future leaders, such as doctors, civil servants, bankers, politician, accountants, journalists, professor are forced on the fraudulent foundation of examination malpractice. This has serious social political and economical consequences not just for a country but also for the world at large. But educational system must rise above moral decadence since it holds the only hope for the transportation of the youths and for the future of political, social and economic sanity.
          The researcher noticed the rate increase in students’ involvement in examination malpractice in higher institution is alarming. From the background of the study it has also been discovered that examination plays a prominent roles in our educational system. Since it holds the only hope for the transformation of the youths and serves as the medium in which Nigeria used in predicting a student’s future academic behaviour, examination has to be dealt with. The major problem of examination malpractice in College of Education, Warr, Delta State is a case study of this research is that most of their time in worldly pleasure. And thereby planned on they can cheat in examination because they have not really face the deadly consequences of examination malpractice.
          The purpose of this study includes the following;
1.     To examine the causes of examination malpractice.
2.     To find out the method students used in examination hall.
3.     To know the effects of examination malpractice.
4.     To know the result of examination malpractice on the students at present, future and on the society in general.
5.     To suggest positive remedies to combat the problem, of examination malpractice.
          This research work when completed will be of great value to the students and lecturers of College of Education, Warr, Delta State. The students will equally contribute much in creating awareness and educating others about inherent in examination malpractice. Also it will assist them to know how to find possible solutions to examination malpractice.
          Although most schools in Nigeria are involved in one or more terms of examination malpractice, this study is limited to College of Education, Warr, Delta State. The school is a higher institution for learning with large number of students.
          The following research questions are raised.
1.     Does the urge for success promote examination malpractice?
2.     Does involvement in examination malpractice lead to expulsion from school?
3.     What are the effects of examination malpractice?
4.     Is there any difference in the perception of male and female students towards the results of examination malpractice?
5.     Does examination malpractice lead to the fallen standard of educational system in Nigeria?
Malpractice: it is any action which makes it possible to use examination in determining the level of students’ ability or it is any act of wrong doing which contradict the rules and regulation of examination.
Examination: can be defined as the assessment of students to ascertain to what extent they have benefited from the teaching of their teachers in given subject.
Giraffe: this is the involvement of one examiner turning or stretching neck to read or check the script of another examiner with the aim of copying.
ECOMOG: (mass cheating): this is a massive agreement among candidates to assist one another in the examination hall.
IWETIE: this is collusion between candidates and officials, where candidates make advance monetary or material inducement to examiners or officials for undue favour.
Assault and intimidation: these are practices whereby the candidates create confusion and commotion to create conducive atmosphere for their time.
Tattoo: is an act of writing on palm, lap, or any part of the body there after referred to such writing inside the examination hall.

==== The End ====

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