This project work titled AVAILABILITY, ACCESSIBILITY AND USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN MANAGEMENT OF STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC. has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 73
1.1 Background of the Study
The world is going through an information and communication technology revolution that has drastically changed many facts of human life. From education, industry, economy, polities to entertainment (Ayeni, 2000). In many countries today, the use of ICTs has become so important, that it is now the most significant indices in national and economic development, hence, Nigeria’s quest for economic growth can not be achieved without a significant contribution of information and communication technology in teaching and learning at all levels and aspects of her educational system. (Adamu, 2001).
According to Ajayi (2003) ICT is any product that will store, retrieve information electronically in a digital form for example personal computers, digital television, e-mail, robots, desktops etc.
Ali, (2004) in his view opined that information and communication technology is the physical structure of network of computers base systems (hardware, software and media) for purposes of organizing, processing, communicating, accessing, presenting, storing, retrieving and simplifying information when needed and in the form it is needed.
Ogiegbuan and Iyamu (2005) in described ICT as the use of digital technology that already exist to help individuals, business and Organizations use information.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has come to be an indispensable part of the contemporary world. Infact, culture and society has been adjusted to meet the challenges of the knowledge age. The pervasiveness of ICTs has brought about rapid technological, social, political and economic transformation. Thus a network if “information society” is organized around ICTs of which educational sector is not left out. (Amakin, 2006: Jagboro, 2005).
One of the aims of higher education is the acquisition, development and inculcation of the proper value orientation for the survival of the individual and society (NPE, 2004).
In higher education institution, the demand of the students involves coming to terms with the content and operations of their discipline area as well as learning how to operate within the culture of the institution and sub-culture of their particular faculty. This can be pursued with the involvement of ICTs in teaching and research (NFE, 2004).
It is widely acknowledged that ICT can be use to improve the quality of teaching and learning in any tertiary institution. The prevalence and rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has transformed the human society from the information technology age to the knowledge age (Galbreath, 200).
It is in these perspectives, that Onasanya (2004) affirmed that ICTs are becoming natural part of man’s daily life; thus their use in education by staff (academic and non-academic) and students is becoming a necessity. Certainly, the present and future academic global community will utilize ICTs to a high degree. This has made it imperative that lectures not only need to use ICTs, but they need to become comfortable with using ICTs. This is to ensure that they participate fully in the life of the contemporary university and to accomplish their everyday task.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) as defined by Milken Exchange on Education Technology, (1999) is computer-based tools used by people to work with the information and communication processing needs of an organization. It encompasses the computer hardware and software, the network and several other devices (video, audio, photography, camera, etc) that convert information (text), images, sound, motion and so on into common digital form.
In conclusion, the effectiveness and efficiency in teaching and learning in the humanities education can be ensured by ICTs potentials.ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies and it can be defined as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information (Tinio, 2003). Examples of ICT include radio, television, video, digital versatile device (DVD), telephone, radio, satellite systems, management information systems, computer and network, hardware and software, as well as the services associated with them, such as videoconferencing and electronic mail. In this research ICT will mean availability, accessibility and use of ICT facilities like computers, computer networks (internet), in management of students‟ academic affairs in Makerere University. Management refers to organizing and managing resources in such a way that the task is completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints (Taylor, 1911). In respect to this study, it will mean organizing and managing students‟ academic affairs like examination records and registration records as a means of achieving efficiency. Management of students‟ academic affairs meant examination management at two levels, that is management by teaching staff (lower level) and academic registrars (top level) and registration. Examination management considered how examination exercises like setting, directing exam /invigilation, assessment, grading, reporting, accessibility of exam results were managed. And registration of students considered how students‟ bio data, financial payments, communication with students and collaboration with other agencies like administrators and parents were carried out electronically.
1.1.4 Contextual Perspective
Academic Records Information System (ARIS) was started in 2004 (from the Systems Administrator ARIS, Makerere University) and was developed to support student and education related administrative and managerial processes, that is, management of student personal records, student academic performance registration and analysis, student admission/ registration, examinations, management of data related to academic programs and courses, allocation of facilities and staff, class scheduling. However despite such innovations, some information is still processed and kept in non electronic form as it used to be before ARIS installation. For example, students‟ data are still kept in folder files, students‟ line up for registration yet registration could be done online. And still in the examination and registration management related activities, there are a number of challenges leading to loss of marks, examination malpractices, statistical problems; where the cumulative grade point averages of students are wrongly calculated, delayed registration, delays in issuing and getting transcripts. In many of the universities‟ departments, students‟ data are still processed manually, making the production of reports, transcripts and degree certificates slow and prone to error, (Nakanyike and Muwanga, 2003). So, regardless of ICT initiative in management issues of exams and registration the challenges have remained persistent. Yet it was assumed that with a computerized system in place, it would lead to effective rapid processing of results and certificates, (Nakanyike and Muwanga, 2003). This therefore called for a thorough investigation of the levels of availability, accessibility and use of ICT for both examination and registration in Makerere University.
1.2 Problem statement
Despite ICT innovations in management related activities of examination and registration of students in Makerere University, still the process faces a number of problems, Byaruhanga, (2002). It was anticipated that with a computerized system in place, it would result into effectiveness and efficiency in the processing of results and certificates and registration, (Nakanyike and Muwanga, 2003). The causes of such problems remain uncertain. One wonders whether it emanates from the way the system was introduced; users‟ attitudes; lack of equipment; inadequate skills of users; complexity of the system; to mention. This therefore necessitated for immediate researcher to establish the reality of the matter. Otherwise, with persistent escalating problems in examination and registration management, Makerere University was bound to loose it reputable image publicly and world over and students were likely to abandon the University in favor of other institutions, where they would be free from such aforementioned problems.
1.3 Purpose
The study intended to establish how ICT affected management of students‟ academic affairs in Makerere University.
1.4 Objectives
1. To find out levels of availability of ICT for exam management in Makerere University.
2. To find out levels of accessibility of ICT for exam management in Makerere University
3. To find out level of use of ICT for registration Management in Makerere University
1.5 Research questions
1. At what levels is ICT available for examination management in Makerere University?
2. At what levels is ICT accessible for examination management in Makerere University?
3. What are the levels of use of ICT for registration management in Makerere University?
1.7 Scope
This study was conducted in Makerere University, Kampala Uganda. The content of the study was confined to establishing the level of accessibility, availability and use of information and communication technology in the management of students‟ academic affairs in Makerere University. The target population was lecturers (teachers) and academic registrars of Makerere University.
1. The study will provide examination administrators and registrars of Makerere University with information about the levels of availability of ICT facilities.
2. It would also benefit Makerere University administrators with data about the levels of accessibility of ICT and its use for exam management.
3. The study would help the future researchers to make future references on this work with the aim of building more knowledge in the field of ICT and education administration.

==== The End ====

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